Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We Found Something like Love Under A Sink

Bradley and Ivy Part One

by GerardAllTheWay 3 reviews

Gerard's heart and brain have a conversation.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-04-07 - 247 words

Gerard's Perspective
I. Fucking. Kissed. Frank.
I. Liked. Kissing. Frank.
I. Wanted. To. Kiss. Frank. Again.

Oh fuck. Fuckity fuckity fuckity fuck. But I thought I was straight? Crap. Crap. No.. Damn it, why is life so confusing? In a moment of absentminded-ness, I unlocked my iPhone and put Dig Up Her Bones on. The music soothed me, and my insane brain decided to have a conversation with my heart.

I snogged Frankieeee!! Yay!!
Shut up before I die of boredom.
You're just a brain, you don't have EMOTIONS. pokes tongue out
I'm the brain, fuckface, I create the emotions.
I create looooove!! sings happily
No you don't, you pump blood.
Way to be a killjoy, Bradley.
Bradley? What the fuck?
Yeah, Bradley. It's what I'm gonna call you now.
Alright. As long as I can call you Mr. Peanut Butter.
I'm a girl, genius.
What? We're in a male body and you're female?
Yes. Wrap your brain- hehe- around that.
Well, I'll call you Ivy then.
Ivy. That's nice.
Yes. Yes it is.
Bradley and Ivy.

This is where I stopped listening. So far, my brain was named Bradley and my female heart was called Ivy. Kill me now.
Time for school. I was wearing a black hoodie, spattered with white blobs with song lyrics inside them. My friend Hope did it for me, but she's gone. Literally. She.. she committed suicide. Not even going to talk about it, it makes me cry. I miss her.
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