Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > 30 Caresses

Caress3 Bubbles

by kirayasha 3 reviews

Live Journal Caresses instead of kisses featuring Sesshomaru & an older Rin. In this series I'm going to try & write one fic instead of a series of them. Each new chapter will be a caress. Rated R ...

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: R - Genres: Romance - Characters: Rin, Sesshoumaru - Published: 2006-07-01 - Updated: 2006-07-01 - 4709 words

Bubbles (caress #3)
By kira

For Saffykins..."huggles"

Author's notes: This is a series of thirty plus caresses done for Live Journal's 30 caresses community featuring Sesshomaru and an older Rin...

I have also decided to write one story, using each caress as a chapter title instead of thirty separate ones.

Sesshomaru was having a particularly nice dream about Tsuki, and he really did not want to be woken up. He tried growling softly at the delicately persistent touch that was gently shaking him, hoping against hope that it would go away. When that did not work, as all he got for his trouble was a muted giggling, he reluctantly gave in and cracked open his eyes, fully expecting to see his annoying little brother or Tsuki. The figure before him was naked and most decidedly female, and opening his eyes a little wider, he saw it was not Tsuki but Rin. "Rin...?" he said softly, feeling foolish for not identifying her by her scent. Seconds later he realized as wakefulness chased the last remnants of sleep from his brain that her scent was just as familiar and comforting as Tsuki's had been, hence no need for being fully awake.


"Why are you disturbing this Sesshomaru's sleep?"

"Ummm... you said we could go to the sea this morning." She smiled sweetly at him as she pointed out the obvious, "It's now morning!"

"Hai... but this Sesshomaru wishes to sleep a bit more," he said, closing his eyes, and hoping she would take the hint. He wanted to go back to dreaming about Tsuki again, as she was about to tell him something that Sesshomaru felt was important.

Rin made a little sound of disappointment. "But you said we needed to get up early to go before the sun was too hot. The sun is already up and has been for a while. But if you don't want to go..." she trailed off and pouted, before smiling impishly. "We could stay here and pillow and we can go later or tomorrow." She slipped her hand under the folds of his inner kimono, caressing his manhood until he reached out and grabbed her wrist.

"Iie, if we stay and spend the morning pillowing then we will leave afterwards," he said, giving her a look that brooked no argument.

"Keh!" she said in perfect imitation of him. "Sesshomaru-sama, this Rin is tired of sitting here watching you sleep." She paused as if to see what he would say and when he said nothing, she continued, "You know, you could always sleep by the sea and maybe we could pillow there..."

Sesshomaru sighed. "Fine," he said wearily, "Let's go then."

"Hai!" She leaned over and kissed his cheek, before moving away to get dressed. And that was how Sesshomaru found himself walking down the old familiar path, he had first traveled as a pup, to the beach. Rin, who could barely contain her excitement, bubbled like a pot of water at full boil. She chatted up a storm, asking him endless questions about the beach and what it was like, heedless of his monosyllabic replies. She only fell silent when the came out of the clearing and they walked down the sandy dunes to the shore and she got her first glimpse of the ocean.

Looking up at him, she whispered, "Sugoi..."

"Hai. That it is." Sesshomaru smiled briefly at her as Rin threw her arms around him and hugged him tight.

"Domo arigatou, Sesshomaru-sama! I love it! It smells so good and fresh and I love the sound of the sea as it kisses the sand and the birds and the sun feels so warm and it's just...just...Ummm..." her brow creased as she searched for the right words. "Perfect!"

"Douitashimashite, Rin. Come, let's go swimming." Sesshomaru broke the embrace and stepping back, he tugged on the koshi himo sash that held his inner kimono closed.

"Here, let me help you," Rin said as deftly untied the knot, and helping him out of it; she took his kimono and folded it neatly. She then set it down on the sand where it was quickly joined by her yukata. "Well...?" she asked impishly as he wondered just when he had become so jaded that a trip to the sea held no excitement.

Reaching out, he took her by the hand, looking down at her and snorting with amusement when she gave him a gentle squeeze as they walked towards the ocean. She chatted away, bubbling over with delight, while he softly cocooned himself in a little bubble of contentment. He smiled, listening to her wholeheartedly, nodding in all the right places, as he steadfastly ignored the little voice in his head that sounded annoyingly like his brother's woman. The pesky little thing kept going on and on about bursting his bubble and how sorry he was going to be not to mention he would have no to blame but himself. He sighed softly, wishing it would shut up when it promptly did, leaving Sesshomaru alone in his bubble of denial and self-delusion, as the waves gently lapped at their toes.

They waded out into the ocean, his strong arm around her, helping her push past the waves as they crashed upon the shore. Rin squealed with delight, ignoring the cold water in favor of the warmth of his body as she fought alongside him to get to the relatively calm water. Soon they were past the troublesome spots, gently bobbing in the sea as he taught her to jump up with each passing wave. Rin threw her arms around him, holding him close as they enjoyed a quick cuddle in the low lying trough between waves. It quickly became a game of jump, cuddle, jump and he soon added his own chuckling to her happy giggles as they played in the surf.

"Come, this Sesshomaru is tired of jumping-" he started to say when she interrupted him.

"Only of jumping?" she asked worriedly as a frown creased her brow.

"Hai, only jumping," he quickly reassured her, holding her tightly in the space between waves. Jumping again, he said, "We need to get out so we can dry off. And besides, this Sesshomaru is hungry."

Rin giggled happily as her stomach clenched when he mentioned food. Lately Rin found she really did not want to eat even though she was hungry as whatever she ate refused to sit well in her stomach. Then there were times when anything she ate stayed put like it was supposed to and she found it confusing. She hated spoiling the moment by asking him if he would bring her to Kagome, so she figured she would tough it out until it got really bad. Smiling at him, she asked him sweetly what he wanted to eat, fully expecting him to say "you."

"Food..." he trailed off, puzzled by her brief look of disgust. "Rin, are you alright?"

"'s just that I'm not hungry right now. Honestly, I'm having too much fun to be hungry!" she said with a smile as she hoped he would drop the matter.

Sesshomaru quirked an eyebrow at her, certain he smelled a lie, but he wisely let the matter go, figuring she must have eaten while he slept. "This Sesshomaru wants you to come out or at least come closer to the shore, as the sea can be dangerous if you're not careful," he said as he gently eased them towards the shore with each passing wave.

"Hai," she said, reluctantly agreeing, as she followed him. Much to her disappointment, he left her in water up to her knees before he made his way out to sit in the sand. Not that he minded as he had a very nice view of her bottom and it took all his self control to keep from dragging her back and taking her in the sand. Besides, he knew she would soon tire of playing by herself and it was not long before she came over and sat next to him.

"Eww..." she said softly.

"Hunh...?" he replied, looking over at her, slightly puzzled yet amused by her reaction.

"The sand feels funny on my bottom."

"I see. Would you like this Sesshomaru to assist you?" he said quirking an eyebrow at her as he hid his smirk.

"Hai!" she giggled and taking the hint, she lay across his lap.

Sesshomaru quickly brushed the sand away and leisurely caressing her bottom, he playfully teased her as he thought about how lucky he was to have her. "Come, let us go back now. The sun is rapidly getting higher and it would not do to be out in it like this."

Rin sat up a look of disappointment on her face. "Hai..." she said softly.

"Rin, if we remain out here like this, the sun will redden your skin and that's very painful," he said apologetically, and reaching out he gently cupped her cheek, and leaning in, he kissed her. Pulling away, he said, "Besides, this Sesshomaru is tired of being covered in sand and he's still hungry," he said; pleased when she laughed in reply. "Look, we can bathe first and then we'll worry about finding food."

"Hai..." Rin nodded. She leaned over and grabbing her yukata she slipped into it before standing up. Tying her obi loosely in the front, she stuck her tongue out him when he made a face and uttered a little sound of disapproval. "It's actually much easier for me to wear it this way, Sesshomaru-sama. Besides, no one's around to see me and you know very well this Rin is not that kind of a woman!" she huffed; her eyes welling up with tears.

He stood and stared at her as if she had suddenly sprouted two more heads, and as a puzzled frown settled on his features he bent and retrieved his inner kimono. "Rin?"

She shot him a look that clearly said "do it yourself" and sighing angrily, she took it and helped him into it, neatly tying his sash properly. They stood there at an impasse. Rin angrily rubbed under her eyes in an effort to stop crying before she started, while he was totally and completely dumbfounded by her mood swings. He felt torn by it as he had no idea why she was behaving like that. But you do.../the nagging little voice in his head informed him. /You just don't remember because you never had to bear the brunt of it, but you will soon enough...

"Rin...? Are you alright?" he asked helplessly.

"Hai! Let's go," she finished softly. I'm not really alright... Gomen nasai, Sesshomaru-sama, but, I feel strange and irritable and weepy and very much afraid and I wish I knew why...

"Hai..." He surprised her by wrapping his arm around her. Calling on his youki, they rose silently into the air and quickly made their way back to the remains of his old home. Once there, they set down and walked quietly towards the bathhouse. Sesshomaru had hung back and he could see by the set of her shoulders that whatever it was that was bothering her, it was still clearly an issue for her. Rin hurried ahead, stiff backed with her hands clenched tightly into fists. She kept muttering "baka, baka, baka!" under her breath, although she was not sure if she meant him or herself as she realized they were both being equally silly. Sighing softly, Rin paused in the doorway and turned to face him. She smiled sadly at him and it was all Sesshomaru could do not to go running over to her. Closing his eyes briefly, he nodded at her as he took his time getting there, pleased that her smile now seemed happier than before.

"Baka," she said softly as he approached her, punctuating it with a giggle.

"Bakahashinanakyanaoranai, ne?" he chuckled as he reached up to cup her cheek.

"Hai! It's true! Once a fool, always a fool," She leaned into his hand, rubbing her face lightly against his palm. "We're a fine pair of fools, ne?"

"Hai..." Sesshomaru murmured softly and leaning towards her, he kissed her.

Breaking the kiss, she said breathlessly, "Let's go wash the sand off first and then we can pillow."

"Iie, we'll bathe, but this Sesshomaru feels like taking a nap," he teased.

Rin frowned. "Hai..." she said softly

"Rin, not every kiss leads to pillowing," he said softly, gently rubbing his thumb across her lips in a simple caress, and closing his eyes when she kissed it in return. "Gomen nasai, Rin-chan, but the sea tends to make this Sesshomaru very sleepy. Trust me, this Sesshomaru does love pillowing with you every chance he gets, but there are times when he just needs to sleep, or eat." He grinned wickedly at her. "And while you are a tasty treat," he flirted, gently cupping her cheek. "You're not very filling."

Rin laughed. "Fine, then let's stop standing here like a couple of idiots with nothing better to do and go bathe." She smiled impishly at him. "Then you can go get us something to eat," she said imperiously.

Seeing her mood lift, Sesshomaru chuckled. "Fine, then this Sesshomaru will see to it you're fed. Although, he could have sworn you had told him you weren't hungry," he teased back

"I wasn't earlier, but now I am. Come, let's go bathe," Rin said as she reached out, and taking his hand, Rin turned and led him inside.

He was pleased when she let him be and as he watched her bathe, Sesshomaru was hard put not to get aroused. She had acquiesced rather easily and he found it had the usual effect of making him want to give her what she wanted. But when he thought about it, their relationship had always been like that; she quietly doing what he demanded and he later on wanting to give her what she most desired. And when she looked over at him, quirking an eyebrow at him, a tiny smirk gracing her lips, he knew he was going to pillow with her. Judging by the tingling in his lions it was going to be sooner rather than later.

Rin looked over at him and smiled briefly, shaking her head. She stood, and silently walked away towards the area where they had left their clothes. She returned minutes later, and ignoring his presence, she washed the soft cotton garments. Even though Sesshomaru never dirtied his clothes, despite the fact he wore white, they still smelled of him from constant wear. Since silk was hard to launder, he gave in to one of her simple demands and wore a soft cotton inner kimono. At first it had been a struggle for him to get used to, as the cotton garment was not as smooth or cool against his skin as silk, but the benefits of always having something clean to wear won out in the end. It was also a simple matter to ward it so that it would become a part of him and now he would not have things any other way, which pleased her. As Rin shook the loose sand from the kimono, Sesshomaru got up and looked for a larger bucket for her to use as a wash tub. Finding nothing suitable, he briefly watched her make due with what she had, before letting her know he was leaving to find food.

"Rin, where did you put that other kimono?"

"It's in the bundle with my other ones."

Sesshomaru nodded. "Rin? Make sure you dress when you leave here. This Sesshomaru would not like to see you get burned. And while our room is somewhat shady now, it won't be later."

"Hai..." she grumbled.


"Don't worry; I'll be dressed when you get back. I promise! Sayonara, Sesshomaru-sama." Rin smiled impishly at him as she went back to her washing.

Rin briefly paused, and watching him leave, she hoped he would bring her some more rabbit. What she really wanted was some venison, but a whole deer for just the two of them was just too much food. Besides, Rin was not sure how much longer they would remain there, so drying the meat was out of the question. Rin bent and picked up their wet kimono and slowly padded back to the room. The sun felt good on her bare skin and she was loathed to get dressed but she nevertheless acquiesced to his wishes. Feeling bored during his absence, she laid down for a quick nap and that was how Sesshomaru found her upon his return.

He had killed a couple of sand martins, having grown tired of eating rabbit. While he could have simply gone without eating, Sesshomaru found he liked dining with her. Leaving her to sleep, he tried gutting a bird by himself, only to find it required two hands to do the job. Sighing, he looked over at her. "Rin," he said softly. "Rin," he tried again, whispering her name a bit louder that time. Still she slept on and it was several long frustrating minutes before he was able to wake her. "Rin...?"

"Hunh...?" Rin said sleepily.

"Dinner is here, but you need to do most of the work. This Sesshomaru wishes he could do it as he wanted to surprise you, but he's shy a hand..." he trailed off softly, looking away as he handed her the birds.

Rin took the proffered birds and looked at them with disgust. She could feel the bile rising in her empty stomach and it took all of her self control to set to the task at hand.

"Daijoubu?" Sesshomaru asked. He had watched the play of emotions flit across her face and he wondered if she was sicker than she had let on. Frowning, he softly called her name,

"Hai..." She looked up at him and smiled weakly.

"Daijoubu? Are you alright? You look as though you're about to be ill."

Her smile grew stronger. "Daijoubu, Sesshomaru-sama. I'm fine, really I am." She took a deep breath and went back to gutting the birds.

"Hontoni? Are you sure?" he said, quirking an eyebrow at her. He could smell the lie, but he chose to ignore it.

"Hai." She looked down at the birds and then at him. Smiling brightly she said, "All I need to do is pluck them and they'll be ready for spitting. Do we have a stick I can use?"

"Iie, but this Sesshomaru will look for one," he said as he rose in one fluid motion. He had started to leave when he called out to her over his shoulder, "Rin, if there is something else you wish to eat instead, this Sesshomaru will get it for you." He paused as he waited for her reply.

"Don't trouble yourself, Sesshomaru-sama, this Rin feels like eating bird for lunch. Still, she appreciates the gesture."

Sesshomaru nodded and walked away, leaving Rin alone to finish her task. Sighing softly, she looked down at the birds again before taking a deep breath and staring off in the direction he had left in, she started plucking the little sand martins that made up their dinner. Just as she finished the last bird, he appeared with a large stick. Rin quickly made a fire and she silently spitted the birds before setting them to roast. Since they smelled rather good as they cooked, Rin was able to quell the nausea in her stomach and she was surprised that she actually looked forward to lunch.

When they looked to be finished cooking, Sesshomaru carefully grabbed the spit. Holding it out to her, Rin reached up and pulled the tiny leg off one bird and tasted it. "They're ready, Sesshomaru-sama," she said and she took them inside their room, leaving him to douse the fire.

He chuckled quietly to himself when he entered the room. "Tadaima! Where's my dinner?" Sesshomaru said in perfect imitation of his younger brother.

Rin laughed as she held out a bowl for him. "Here."

Sesshomaru eyed it suspiciously, for it appeared she had given him most of her share of the food. "Rin...?"

"Hunh? Is something wrong?"

"Iie..." He shook his head and took the proffered bowl. After settling down, he watched her pick at her food, while he ate his own and he found he did not like the way she had grown paler the more she ate. He reluctantly let the matter go as he was rather pleased with how stoic she was. Besides, he was sure she would eventually tell him if she really was sick and how badly too.

They ate in companionable silence and as soon as she had finished her merger meal, Rin set her empty bowl down next to her. Folding her hands neatly in her lap, she feigned an interest in watching him eat, although Sesshomaru could see it was distressing to her. "Are you still hungry, Rin? This Sesshomaru is getting full and he was wondering if perhaps you would enjoy the rest." He picked up his bowl and held it out to her.

Eyes widening at the thought of eating, Rin paled and waved a hand at him, "No thank you, Sesshomaru-sama. This Rin is full as well."

Quirking an eyebrow at her, Sesshomaru nodded and scooping up the remaining bits of meat, he quickly ate them. As he licked his hand and fingers clean, he looked over at her.

Rin closed her eyes and held her hand over her mouth as her stomach rebelled. It took all of her self control to keep herself from not only getting sick, but remaining where she sat and it was not lost on the taiyoukai.

"Rin...?" he said softly as her eyes flew open and she struggled to her feet. "Daijoubu?"

Rin made a little mewling sound as she clamped her hand over her mouth. She looked at him apologetically before she ran out of their room. She made it as far the broken veranda before she lost the battle with her stomach.

Sesshomaru was quickly at her side, gently rubbing her back as she heaved up her lunch, while they both pretended nothing was wrong.

When the waves of nausea subsided, Rin wiped her mouth and turned towards him. Her eyes welling up with tears, she silently mouthed, "gomen nasai" over and over again as he pulled her close.

Sesshomaru held her and murmured soft little words of comfort into the top of her head as she cried herself out. As he stood there comforting her, the little voice in his head started nagging him again. It made a strange sound followed by laughter before it spoke.

Hear that, Sesshomaru? That was sound of your bubble bursting! It laughed again and he frowned. /Baka! You couldn't leave things well enough alone, could you? You just had to pillow her. I know, you only wanted to satisfy your curiosity about Chichi-ue's nasty habits, but how many times must you pillow with her before you have your answer? Well? I'm waiting... /the little voice smirked.

Shut the hell up! Sesshomaru growled softly.

Temper, temper! I don't see why you're so mad at me! I'm not the one who got her with child! Congratulations on keeping your vow of not following in your father's footsteps. Not only that, you've upset the poor thing. She thinks you're going to leave her, because she thinks you don't want a child, let alone a hanyou one! It laughed again.

"Shut up, damn it!" Sesshomaru said unaware he had spoken out loud.


"Hunh?" He looked down at her. Her heartbroken expression tore at his heart and Sesshomaru closed his eyes, shifting slightly so that he could hold her close again.

"Gomen nasai, Sesshomaru-sama. It's all my fault." Rin sobbed. "Gomen nasai..." She had a feeling she knew why she was sick and it left her panic stricken and afraid of what he would say when she told him her fears.


"Please don't be angry with this Rin, please, Sesshomaru-sama... This Rin never intended for it to happen...Gomen nasai..." Rin whispered over and over again how sorry she was.

"Sssh... Rin?"

"Hai..." she said hesitantly as she got her tears under control.

"This Sesshomaru knows why you're sick and he's very happy." He kissed the top of her head as he gently caressed the small of her back.

"You're happy? And you're really not angry with me...? Hontoni? You're not lying...?"

Sesshomaru laughed. "Iie, this Sesshomaru assures you he is not in the least bit angry. Besides, he never lies." Sesshomaru sighed. "He admits to being a little surprised, but then again this Sesshomaru has a fair idea of how to make a pup so it shouldn't be all that surprising, ne?" He smiled when he she giggled and he tightened his grip on her. "Actually surprise is not the word for it as this Sesshomaru had a feeling you might be carrying a pup but he refused to believe it. Could you find it in your heart to forgive him?"

"Hai!" she said through her tears.

"Arigatou..." he whispered softly as he nuzzled the top of head with his cheek.

"Douitashimashite! And I want to thank you for not being angry with me..." Rin hiccupped as she struggled to get her crying under control. But the relief of him finally finding out she was pregnant as well as being pleased with it, made her want to cry again.

"Rin, please, no more tears. This Sesshomaru can't bear the thought of you being so upset about something that gives him such great joy."

Rin sniffed back her tears and nodded wordlessly as she hugged him.

"This Sesshomaru is very tired and he thinks you are tired as well from too much sun. Come, let's go lie down and nap." He pulled away from her and gently led her back inside. "Now what's wrong?" he asked as she made a little face.

"I need a drink of water..." she said softly.

"Hai." He nodded. "Stay here and this Sesshomaru will get you some."

Rin wiped the tears from her face as she waited patiently for him. She watched him hurry across the remains of the courtyard garden towards the little fountain that amazingly still worked. Minutes later he was back, and handing her a broken bamboo cup, he watched her drink just as intently as she had watched him go get it for her. "Arigatou," she said softly.

"Douitashimashite," he said just as softly in reply. Taking the cup from her hand, he dropped it before cupping her cheek. Leaning in, he kissed her as she threw her arms around his neck and pulled him close. He reluctantly pulled away from her. "Come, let's go inside. We have things to discuss." He placed a finger on her lips. "Rin, this is going to be the hardest thing you've ever done. You know full well our people frown on relationships like ours."

Kissing his finger, she reached up and gently pulled his hand away. "Hai..." she said softly. "This Rin knows that."

"And even more importantly, few hanyou live long enough to grow up and not many are lucky like my brother to find a mate who'll love them and care for them and not see them as an abomination."

She looked up at him sharply. "An abomination?! How can you say that?!"

"This Sesshomaru can, because it's true. Rin-chan, my brother was lucky to look as he does. Most hanyou look like Jinenji."

"Oh..." Rin looked away sadly, afraid that would start crying again, she quietly walked inside.

Sesshomaru followed her. Once there, he moved past her and over to where they slept. Sitting down on the soft moss, he motioned for her to join him and she meekly complied. "Rin, please don't be sad. Our pup is going to grow up big and strong and he'll be just as beautiful as you are." Sesshomaru held out his arm and welcomed her into his warm embrace. They wordless settled back and Sesshomaru cuddled his beloved close as they drifted off to sleep in the late afternoon sunshine.
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