Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Dream

Can't sleep

by RAWRsaysRabidMissile 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-05-27 - 951 words - Complete

I walked back to my room, treading lightly and holding the steaming mug carefully. I didn't want to wake Frank, whose bedroom was just down the hall. I'd been quite good at hiding my nightmares from my roommate, fearing what would happen if Frank were to find out.

I fumbled for the door in the dark and entered my messy room, closing the door with my foot. Setting the coffee on the bedside table, I climbed into bed slowly. I downed half the cup before setting it back down and pulling the blanket over my head, lost in thought.

In all honesty, there were two reasons Frank could never find out about the dreams. The fact that he died in all of them was a big reason. I didn't want Frank to feel like he was living with a homicidal maniac. The other reason was a bit more complex.

During the Warped Tour, I realized I had feelings for Frank. Strong ones. It took a while to figure out what was going on in my own brain. But I finally saw what had been there all along. It was difficult being in the same tour bus as him every night. The urge to climb in his bunk was one that never went away. After the Warped Tour, we had all come home to take a much needed break. I was a bit glad to be rid of him, to be honest. It had gotten to the point where I was taking cold showers to... take my mind off things. The concert version of cold showers being a hose, of course.

I screamed as the door opened suddenly. Frank walked in and sat on the foot of my bed, eyes wide.

"Holy shit, Gee. My face can't be that scary."

"I... s-sorry..." Angry at myself for blushing and stuttering, my voice became harsh. "You could have knocked, Iero. I had no way of knowing whether you were a burglar."

Frank chuckled and ruffled my hair, something he always knew annoyed me. "Aw, is the widdle baby Gee worried I'll kill him?"

"I'm not the one who has to be worried..."

"Speak up, you rotten mumbler. No wonder no one knows your lyrics."

I smiled in spite of myself. The jokes that would piss normal people off made me laugh. They calmed me, even though they were most often at my expense. Maybe it was the fact that they came from those perfect lips...

"Oi. You still with me?" Frank snapped his fingers in my face. I blinked and nodded. Frank noticed my coffee and looked at me quizzically. "You been taking little field trips to the kitchen without inviting me? Bad Gee." Before I could protest, he grabbed the mug and downed the rest of my coffee. I rolled my eyes and shoved his shoulder. Frank set the mug down and shivered. It was quite cold.

"Hey, scoot over. I can't sleep and it's freezing in my room," Frank demanded.

"I... do I have to?"

"Fuck yes. And your feet better not be cold," he replied, crawling under the blanket and hugging me tightly.

"Frank, stop..." I mumbled halfheartedly. The warmth of his chest was radiating from under his thin shirt and I found myself unable to push him off.

"You're warm, Gee," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"Y-Yeah... so are you."

"Nah, I'm freezing," as if to prove his point, a violent shiver made its way down his body. He wrapped his legs around mine and held me tighter, a feat I had thought impossible.


"Yeah," he lifted his head slightly to look me in the eyes.

"Y-You... I..."

"C'mon man, speak up."

He didn't realize I couldn't. His eyes are what finally did it. I unwrapped my legs from his and turned on my other side, squeezing my eyes shut. The warmth that was my blushing face was going to be really obvious. and I couldn't let him see.

"Are you mad at me? I didn't mean to... I'm sorry. I'm really pushy." I shook my head.

"So you're not angry with me. What, then?"

"Nothing, Frank..." I closed my eyes and took deep breaths, feeling the blush leave as the frustration started. He seemed to get the hint and wrapped his arms around my waist silently, burying his head in my shoulder once again.

We lied there for a while, sharing warmth. It was nice. Excruciating, but nice. Unfortunately, my mind began to wander. I started imagining the dream. I tried to shake it from my mind, but it wasn't exactly working. After what felt like half an hour of trying (and failing) to sleep, I heard him clear his throat.

"You seem upset with me," Frank said.

"No," I sighed, biting my lip. "I'm not. I'm just... a bit tired and it's difficult falling asleep with you here."

"Oh. Should I leave then?"

"No," I snapped quickly. "I-It's cold and I'm not turning up the heat."

I felt Frank nod and take a deep breath.


"Yes, Frank?"

"You've been saying that for weeks now."

"Saying what?" I turned to look at him, an instant mistake. I couldn't focus on his eyes or lips, so I resigned myself to staring at his neck. That perfect neck...

"'I'm tired.' And you really are. Have you been getting any sleep at all?"

"Uh... no. No, not really." I saw no point in lying to him.

"Why not?"

"Can we just try to sleep, Frank? Please?"

"Of course, Gerard." Frank wrapped his arms around me once again and closed his eyes. I felt myself slipping away as well. I was confident I wouldn't dream tonight. Not with him here.
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