Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The glory days are gone

Thank You For The Venom

by Confusedlots 0 reviews

The ending! Yes, its the final chapter! After all this time! Sorry I had mayjor writing block! Hope you guys like it!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-04 - Updated: 2012-04-04 - 1002 words - Complete

[rard's P.O.V/]

1 Year Later

Days had past slowly at first, up until the funeral. Then they slipped away, as I gradually became more antisocial, spending hours in my room, writing. I was full of self hate and that showed in the way I wrote and also in the way I dressed. I refused to eat and was drinking heavier. I grew paler and weaker, until something happened. Something that kickstarted a mayjor change. Until today.

I only saw Mikey at the rare moments we met on the way to the bathroom. I quit school 3 months after grandpa died to focus on my drawing, so me and Mikey didnt even see each other in the mornings. I had become a selfish man. Mum gave up on me. Dad was worried. Mikey was lost. Even Sam had betrayed me. He had called me one morning, out of the blue,in early June to tell me that he had a girlfriend and was joining the football team. And that was that.

The morning came cold and fresh. I had been in my room all through the summer and was left the colour of the sheets. I got up at about 3 in the afternoon as a result of drawing through the night. The house was occupied. Mikey had got back from school. He had a friend over by the sounds of it. For some reason, my stomach fluttered. I thought nothing of it and lay looking at the celing. Muffled voices came down the stairs to the basement.
"No, I wouldn't bother." That was Mikey.
"Well its my heart. And if it ends up empty, so be it." I reconised the voice as if from a dream. Sub conciously, my hand felt for the scar at the back of my head, which had began hurting.
"Look, Mikey," The voice said defiantly "I can't wait any longer. Ill just be forgotten even more. A year. A whole fucking year. Your okay! Youve got Katie! Im not okay, i am not o-fucking-kay Mikey. Ive been lost. I dont even know why. Until today. When I realised what was missing." I felt like that too! Mr Shouty had pinned it down perfectly. I kept still, eyes closed waiting for the next comment, but there was nothing. Nothing but footsteps and a faint rustle.

It wasnt until an hour later when, needing the loo, I rose and found a note shoved under my door. The handwriting was slightly scruffy and the page looked like it was from a school book.
For many people it is easy to fall in love. I dont struggle with this. But I struggle with one thing, falling out of love. When there is nothing they did wrong, they didnt hurt you, all they did was forget you, its hard to find a reason to unlove them. They say out of sight, out of mind. But they're wrong. Out of sight, there are more whats if?s and fantasys. Chances and hopes. They never get it right. Or maybe its me thats wrong. I know we will never be the stereotypical couple but you have infected me.
Thank you for your venom
FI xxx

I stared at the letter, hoping it would reveal some sort of secret. But it didnt. I rose from my bed and found my shoes. The only ones I could find were a size small, but I wore them any way. I needed a walk for the first time in months, a breath of fresh air. Time to think. Setting off down to the park, I blinked in the new light.

Franks P.O.V

Cobain waddled, panting next to my heels. My mind was far off, thinking back to a year ago. It had happened on this park. My heart had been shattered. I looked over towards the pond, and saw a figure looking over the railing. I blinked, because the man I saw couldnt possibally be here. But as he casually turned his head to watch a duck, I saw the unmistakable eyes. I didnt pass out. I didnt have a heart attack. I didnt run home like a pussy. I didnt do any of the things I wanted to do, I did the one thing I really didnt. And as I did I was filled with a sense of deja vu.

Gerards P.O.V

The fat little duck waddled past almost cheerfully and I watched him go. Before he was completely out of my eyeline I saw something that caught my attention. Deja vu hit me as fast as the british bull dog. I flew threw the air, streching my hands out ready for the fall and thankfully this time I didnt crack my head open. The dog came over,apologetic and I scratched his ear as the owner came up.
"Im sorry. Hes a strong dog. The lead flew out of my hand." There it was again. The dream voice. My brain put the pieces together and I looked up smiling into his eyes, knowing who it was that had left the note.
"Its okay, Frankie." His face seemed to glow just because I had remembered his name.
"Hi Gee. Look at least let me give you a cheque for the dry cleaners." And before I could object he was writing one out and handing it to me. I looked at the familiar hand writing. Then my eyes fixed on the signature. F. Iero. He was already walking away.
"Hey Frank. I just wanted to say. I saw you. But I didnt forget. And I sure wanna hear some of those what ifs." He looked shocked.
And then he smiled
And I smiled back
He ran and kissed my lips slowly.
And I kissed him back

Franks P.O.V

This is the end! I hope you enjoyed it! I am a massive fan of MCR and this story was so fun to write! Please Review/Vote/Fan! Much appericated! Love you guys
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