Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > When Both Our Cars Collide

Chapter Three

by partypoisonlove 6 reviews

That Day

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2012-04-09 - Updated: 2012-04-09 - 2847 words

I woke up with the sun shining bright in my face. I flinched away from the harsh light, forgetting for the moment that I was trapped in Gerard’s arms. Peeling myself off of him and I replaced a pillow where I previously laid. I was the happiest man alive. Gerard and I haven't been on the best note lately. He has been a little distant and staying out late. Secretly, I have been pretty worried, but last night wiped that all out.

Last night Gerard asked me to move in with him. I was beyond excited and besides, he didn’t believe it would make sense for me to buy my own apartment when he had a perfectly good one. It was kind of pathetic for me to wait this long to move out of my mom’s house being twenty, but I was secretly waiting for Gerard to ask me to move in.

I tiptoed out of the bedroom to the living room to gather my clothes before I left. Yes, we had sex last night. It was my ‘thank you’ to Gerard for letting move in. I quickly got dressed and shut of the gaming console we had left on. Walking into the kitchen I looked for a pen and a piece of paper. Once I found them I scribbled a small note and stuck it to the coffee maker. Gerard was sure to find it there. I read it over one more time to make sure I was satisfied with it.


Sorry I couldn’t be here when you woke up this morning. I know you hate that but I can’t sleep in until noon today. I’m heading to my mom’s to feed Stein and then going over to Mikey’s to hang out. I’ll see you tonight at Ray’s for dinner. Love you.

Your new roommate,

Silently confirming that the note was decent, I slipped out of the apartment door and headed down the two flights of stairs to my car.


When I got to my mom’s house I was greeted to a yipping, bouncing puppy.

“Hey, Stein! You hungry? Let’s go get you some food.” The small Toy Fox Terrier bounced in circles and followed me to his bowl. I filled up one dish with fresh water and food into other. While Stein ate, I walked into the kitchen and made a cup of coffee. When he was finished he yipped and jumped at my feet. “Okay, okay. Hold on, yeesh.” I let the small dog out into the small, fenced in backyard.

Finishing my cup of coffee, I set the cup in the sink and walked upstairs to my room, where I ran into my mom. “Uh, mom? What are you doing?” She jumped almost three feet in the air.

“Jesus Frank, you scared me!” She giggled nervously. I looked at her funny.

“What are you doing in my room?” I demanded. I tried to look at what she was hiding behind her back. She said it was nothing but I walked around her and looked at what she had. On my bed was a shoebox, all the contents spilled out. “Mom, that’s private!” My face heated up, glowing red. That box contained notes, pictures and items that I thought were worth keeping. It was the box that contained memories of me and Gerard. I rushed her out of the room, grabbing the note she had in her hand. I sighed, “This is so embarrassing.” I muttered to my now empty room. I quickly changed into clean clothes and went downstairs.

“Mom, I’m going over to Mikey’s. Please don’t go through my shit while I’m gone.” I walked by the living room where she was and waved goodbye.

“Frank, can I talk to you?” I sighed. She would do this now.

“Mom, I love Gerard. Stop trying to break us up.” I pleaded, hoping she wouldn’t go into it further.

“I just want to look out for you, honey. Think about your future, don’t you want kids?” I grimaced. I didn’t particularly care but she had always wanted grandchildren.

“Please, this is not the time. I’m moving in with him, it’s been decided. He asked me yesterday.” I made a move to leave but again her words stopped me. Now they were icy and threatening.

“He raped you, Frank.” I stopped. What was she talking about? “I read those letters you have. You had sex before you were eighteen. I know Gerard is older than you.” Oh, that. I can’t believe she was actually doing this.

“You know damn well I was willing. It was not rape. What are you going to do, tell the cops? You know I was just begging for him to ram his cock up my ass and he did.” I smirked.

“Shut up, Frank. Don’t use that kind of language with me.” I muttered a ‘whatever’ and left. I had once had a great relationship with my mom. But that went out the window when I started dating Gerard. She hadn’t been so keen on my sexuality in the first place but I knew she was hoping I’d go off and marry a nice girl. She didn’t like Gerard- that much was obvious- but even before we dated. I never knew why.


On my way to Mikey’s house I pulled out my cell phone and sent a quick warning message to him, letting him know I was on my way. Then, sent a message to Gerard saying that we shouldn’t pick my stuff up today because of my mom being a bitch again.

When I pulled up in Mikey’s driveway, Alicia was just leaving. Alicia was Mikey’s wonderful girlfriend. They were so great together and so obviously in love, even if they didn’t proclaim it as much as Gerard and I did. She waved to me as she hopped into her car and drove off.

“Hey Frankie!” Mikey yelled to me from the front door. I greeted him in an equally friendly manner as he ushered me inside. I got settled down on his ridiculously fluffy couch as he set up the Xbox.

“So how is everything?” Mikey asked with a grin on his face.

“Great, Gerard asked me to- you know don’t you?” He just grinned and turned back around and shrugged. “Well, now it’s no fun to break the news to someone who already knows.” I pouted.

“Come on, did you really think Gerard wouldn’t tell me?” He had a point. Mikey knew pretty much everything about Gerard. I shrugged. Mikey tossed me the white controller. We continued playing various games, which Mikey sucked at most of the time. Somehow, through the whole gaming time, Frank butt-dialed Gerard, who had woken up only minutes earlier.

“Frank, how did you get so good at this?” Mikey groaned out, extremely aggravated at his losing streak.

“I practice all the time, baby.” I purred out to Mikey. He gave me a disgusted face just before he made a horrifying wail.

“GAHHH!” He let out while he lost. Again. “God, when do you even have time to do this?”

“All the time.” I laughed. “ Last night I did.” Mikey snorted.

“Yeah, with Gerard. All night I bet.” He laughed out before making some obscenely loud and high pitched moans. I almost doubled over laughing.

“I do not sound like that! And yes, we did.” I stated rather smug. “Mikeyway, I never knew you could even produce that type of sound.”He threw a pillow at my head, causing me to lose.

“Victory is mine!” Mikey shouted, throwing his arms up in the air.

“No fair, you cheat.”

“Whatever, Frank. You’re a sore loser.” I ‘hmmph’ed in response, knowing it was true most of the time.


“Well, I’ll see you tonight at Ray’s, right?” I asked while putting on my shoes. My visit with Mikey was awesome. After I dominated over him in video games we watched some cheap movie on the SyFy channel.

“Of course, man. I’ll follow you over in a minute. I just have to start a load of laundry.” Mikey said, picking at his nail. I faked a gasp.

“Since when does a Way do laundry?” I slapped my hand over my heart, holding my breath for dramatic effect.

“Oh, shut it. Alicia asked me to do it for her. Man, I don’t even know how to use a washing machine. She had to write down directions on a piece of paper before she left.” Mikey explained, scratching the back of his neck.

“Wrapped around her finger, you are.” I chuckled.

“What are you, Yoda now? You sure are short enough to be.” He laughed at his own joke. I muttered to myself, angered by the short joke. “I’ll see you when I get to Ray’s. Bye, Frank.” He called as I hopped into my car. I sped down the road to Ray’s house. When I arrived it was not too far from sunset.

Tonight Ray invited me, Mikey, Bob, and Gerard all over for dinner and ‘guy time’, whatever that was. We will probably end up watching a movie or videogames and that doesn’t sound manly enough to be called ‘guy time’, but whatever. We were all waiting on Gerard now. Ray was on the phone ordering pizza while Mikey and Bob were flipping channels on TV, obviously bored. Gerard was late and we were all wondering where he could be.

“Maybe I should I call him?” I asked no one in particular. Mikey shrugged and said ‘sure’, eyes still glued to the TV. Big help he was. I grabbed my phone out of my back pocket and dialed Gerard’s number. It rung for what seemed like forever but he picked up right as I was about to hang up.

“Hello.” stated a not so familiar voice.

“Gee? Is that you?” I was confused. Did I dial the wrong number? I heard some shuffling from the other end of the receiver and someone clearing their throat.

“Frank, hey. What’s up?” Now that was Gerard. Who was the other voice? It was most definitely male. I shrugged and passed it off as Gerard’s voice being a little scratchy. That’s why he cleared his throat, reasonable enough.

“Gerard, where are you? We are all waiting for you. Ray just ordered the pizza.” I reminded him, slightly agitated.

“Oh. I just stopped to by some, uh- cigarettes. Be there in a minute.” With that, he hung up. What the hell was that? Gerard never just hangs up on me. He didn’t even say goodbye.

“Everything alright?” Bob asked, studying my face he caught the hints of confusion and annoyance.

“Yeah, he’s on his way. Just stopped to get some cigarettes.” I replied. Ray walked in at the moment announcing pizza would be here within a half an hour.

A few minutes later, I heard a car roll up and the unmistakable slamming of car doors. Doors? Was Gerard not alone? The front door opened and Gerard came prancing into the room. His hair was messier than usual and looked like he just threw his clothes on. His face was plastered with a goofy grin that reached the bottom of his big sunglasses he wore, despite the fact the sun was about to go down.

“Frankie-babe, can I talk to you real quick?” Gerard requested as he slowly took off his sunglasses. My stomach started knotting. Something was off but I was the only one to notice. All three guys were still watching TV like Gerard wasn’t acting strange. Maybe he wasn’t. Maybe I’m just paranoid.

“Sure thing, Gee.” I slowly got up and followed him out the front door. What was he doing? And there he was, Bert. The man my loving boyfriend cheated on me with. Gerard strode over to where Bert leaned up against Gerard’s car and stood next to him, slightly closer than I would’ve liked.

“What is he doing here, Gerard?” I asked in a monotonous voice. Quiet alarms were going off in my head, telling me something was not right.

“Soooo, I was just thinking that maybe I’m done with you.” My heart stopped. Done with me? What did that even mean? Bert reached over and linked arms with Gerard, my- or what I thought was mine- Gerard. That’s when everything clicked. The other voice on the phone, the messed up hair, clothes disarrayed. Gerard cheated. Again. But now was different. He wasn’t asking for forgiveness, he was dumping me. I was staring at their linked arms like I could will them apart with my brain.

“Gee.. What are you talking about?” I asked, eyes still locked on their arms.

“I fucked Bert.” He laid it out there like it was nothing. I winced, not being able to stop it. Bert smirked, obviously enjoying my pain. I stayed quiet.

“What lil’ Gee is trying to say is that he likes me better than you.” Bert said, already bored with the conversation. My line of vision snapped up to Bert.

“You, shut your fucking mouth.” I seethed, pointing at Bert. “Gerard, what’s wrong? I mean, we were fine.” I said in a considerably softer tone, turning to him. He just rolled his eyes. Bert unhooked their arms and went into the house. What the hell? “Gerard, baby, what’s going on? I thought you were done with Bert..”

“Frank, are you blind?” He snorted. I frowned. “I haven’t stopped fucking Bert. But now, we decided to get together.” He smiled. Fucking smiled.

“And where does that leave me?” my voice had gotten a little scratchy, trying to hold back tears as realization smacked me in the face. Gerard was breaking up with me the day after he asked me to move in. I felt like an idiot. I felt used and worthless.

“How should I know? Fuck, I don’t care. Just get fuck out of my life," and with a little more thought he added, "My little slut.” So that’s what I did. I went inside the house and grabbed my hoodie, not bothering to answer any of the guys’ questions or in Bob’s case, questioning looks. Bert plopped down on the couch next to Mikey who, in return, scooted a ways away from the greasy man.

“Umm, what are you doing here?” Bob asked Bert with a confused tone.

“He’s with me!” Gerard called in a sing-song voice, purposely ramming his shoulder against me as I walked by.

I walked out the door and didn’t look back. I just got into my car and drove home. To my mom’s house and tears slowly slid down my cheeks. I would never be able to call Gerard’s apartment my home. Never get to grow old with him. Never be able to lie in his arms when I had a bad dream. Never again, will I hear him tell me he loves me.

We were over. I’d have to start facing the facts that my other half was gone.


There were those words again.. He knew they got to me. He knew what they meant to me. I didn’t understand where this was coming from. I didn’t understand why Gerard would do this and the fact that he would say that to me..

‘My little slut’ kept ringing through my ears. He did that on purpose. My high school sweetheart, the love of my life. The only one who I told about my past, my father. Everyone besides Gerard thought it was the typically case of the dad dumping the kid with the mom and leaving. I wasn’t that fortunate.

My dad, Anthony, was the best dad anyone could ever wish for. He bought me presents and took me to the park. All the kids loved him at our old neighborhood. The model father figure. Well, that’s what everyone else saw. Anthony was not the man who hosted barbeques and played catch behind closed doors. No one knew what a monster this man was. A creep that attack his own child, raped to be exact.

Anthony was one sneaky son of a bitch. He knew what he was doing; it was like he had done it before. It was only me. He never touched Linda. She didn’t even know what he was doing to me. It went on longer than it should have. I was so young.

But he always called me his little slut. I will never forget that..

a/n: so if you didn't catch it, this whole chapter was a flashback to That Day where Gerard and Frank broke up.. so r&r please and tell me what ya think!
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