Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar


by EilzC98 1 review

Nicky is going to get her explanation, and Liam has yet another secret, but not his own.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-04-12 - Updated: 2012-04-12 - 1173 words

I know this took forever to do but I've been busy. My nephews were up and it was my birthday and I've had extream writers block. I hate writers block, it's really depressing. Anyway I hope you enjoy this even though I don't think it's very good.

Nicky’s POV
I walked up to Liam. Not sure what to expect. I just kept walking. I just needed answers. When I got to him he just looked at me, it was different. He was looking at me funny, like he was about to lose me. He must know that I know about James. Why the fuck did he hide this from me? Didn’t he trust me? Was I just some passing fast? Was that the kind of person he was? Was he some kind of player? So many questions were flying through my head and they just wouldn’t stop. The main question going through my head was, Why? Why was he doing this to me? Why did he lie? Why was he with me? I don’t even know anymore. I just needed to walk up to him and talk to him. That’s all, that can’t be too hard. Can it?
Liam’s POV
How am I going to explain to her? This is all so messed up. She’s going to hate me. She probably already does. She’s coming up to me and she looks puzzled. She must have so many thoughts going through her head. I shouldn’t have agreed to secretly date her. I wouldn’t have been so distressed. Why did I agree to date her? Only one answer comes to mind when I ask myself that.
I love her.
I know it might seem too soon. And we are just fooling around. So I shouldn’t fall for someone when there’s nothing serious going on, but no. My mind and heart have a different idea. Why does this have to happen to me? What have I done to deserve this?
‘You harboured a fugitive who killed your brother. Idiot.’
‘Shut up brain, when did you decide to talk?’
‘When you asked why you’re going out with Nicky and what you’ve done to deserve this.’
‘That’s true. Just shut up please. I’m trying to think about what I’m going to say to Nicky. So just go away.’
‘Fine but she’s right in front of you. Dipshit.’
‘ Shit what to say, what to say.’
Nicky POV
“Hello Liam.” I couldn’t think of what else to say. Even though I had so many questions. Liam looked a bit startled. He was obviously in deep thought. Maybe he was thinking about how much of a motherfucker he was by lying to me, but that’s unlikely because as I said, he’s a motherfucker. God I didn’t even realise how angry I was at him until I was in front of him, confronting him.
“Hi Nicky. Um can we go somewhere private? I think I need to explain a few things to you. I mean only if you want some answers cause if you don’t want to that’s fine but if we want to stay ‘friends’ I think I should explain myself.” He was right about that. I needed answers, and soon. Liam led me to a separate room and started looking around for something.
“I found this when I was younger. It’s nothing really, just a place to escape. Only I, James and Charlie know about it. James knows because he was here when I found it , and Charlie... well that’s a long story.” Liam said when he found what he was looking for. There was a brick in the wall which Liam pushed and a small doorway opened. I will query him about why Charlie knew about this place later. But know I just wanted answers about James.
“So what do you want to know?” Liam asked, he must not want to tell me something I didn’t want to know, or maybe he didn’t want to tell me something I already knew.
“Why did you not tell me about James?” he looked at me, and smiled. I wanted to scream at him and tell him that this was not a funny or happy time. But I stayed quiet and waited.
“To be perfectly honest, I don’t have a clue. It’s not that I didn’t trust you, I just never tell anyone. James barged into the base one time and found Charlie, that’s how the rest of them know. I didn’t tell them. He works for that stupid cult and... I just didn’t want to you to think of me any differently than you did. That’s why. I'm surprised I had a reason, I’ve never thought about it before but, yeah. Was that a good enough answer?” I just stood there. Unsure what to say, mostly because he had just answered most of the questions I was going to ask, but I was just speechless. He had just told me so much and it took me a couple of minutes to process it all. When I was finally ready to continue, I asked him something that I wasn’t even sure I wanted to know.
“Why did your brother come after me? At the club, why was he so persistent on you know, dancing with me?” Liam obviously knew, but it was also obvious he didn’t want to tell me. What did he know? And why wasn’t he telling me.
Liam’s POV
How was I going to tell her? I mean I had kept it a secret ever since finding it out. She was going to take it the wrong way. Oh god, no one knew that I go meet my brother every week and just talk to him. We never talk about work or about this rival thing going on. We would normally talk about music, movies and other stuff. But the week Nicky and Natalie joined the team, I spoke to him about her. He wasn’t happy about it but I ensured him that it was a one off. With this reassurance, he told me exactly why. It wasn’t what I expected. Thought he did it to get back at Charlie, that he did it for a part of his revenge. But it turned out that wasn’t the case. It turns out that he just needed a rebound. He had been with his girlfriend for a while now and just for one night, he didn’t use protection. He was going to be a dad.

Wow! James, the guy that is in an evil cult and is trying to kill Charlie, is going to be a dad! R&R if you liked and just review to give any pointers you think is needed, cause I really need all the help i can get. Thanks for reading!
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