Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

Liam's Past.

by EilzC98 1 review

In this you get to see Liam's memories. About James, Gerard, Frank, Charlie and how the hell he got involved with all this.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-04-03 - Updated: 2012-04-03 - 1675 words

Liam’s POV
Nicky went off with Charlie, out into the woods I presume. He’s going to tell her about my brothers. She is going to know about James. I really didn’t want her to find out from Charlie but I guess I don’t have a choice know. So I’m just going to sit in the corner of the training and wait. When this topic comes up, about James and Frank, (Liam’s other brother, the one Charlie killed!) I like to think about how it was before Frank started to bully Gerard and Billie-Joe; we used to be so close.
There was this one time when our parents were out and so we put on Scream and Frank was still about 10 so he was absolutely shitting himself. So me and James hugged him and told him we were here to protect him. After the movie ended he was fast asleep. So me and James carried him to his bedroom and went back down stairs. We talked about anything and everything. James and I were completely different on our favourite things. For example he liked n sync and I liked nirvana, he liked Audrey Hepburn movies and I liked James Bond movies. Some people were surprised we were related. But even with these differences, we were as close as you can get with brothers. I told him everything and vice versa. It was really nice to have someone you can talk to.
On James’ 14th birthday, our parents took us to the building I am currently in. That was the day they told us who they really were. They worked for MI6 and they wanted to train us up to work for MI6 when we came of age. This is why our team takes new trainees here. Only James, the team and I know about this place. Anyway, while training, James and I got the whole fighting and lying quite easily, I mean it came to us and we kinda perfected it quite quickly, but Frank found it a lot harder than us. He just didn’t enjoy it the same way James and I did. And that really irritated our dad. Frank was constantly late for training and sometimes he just wouldn’t turn up at all. One time he didn’t turn up for training and when we came home, we found Frank on the couch, passed out from drinking. That was the final straw from our dad. He woke Frank up and he punched, kicked and left him for dead. It was horrific. Frank went to the hospital, alone. He told the police he was assaulted by a hooded figure. Frank went and found his own place to live and we didn’t see him for five months. Then one day while at training, he turned up.
He was at least sober. He told our parents that he was sorry and was prepared to do extra training to catch up. Within three months he was nearly as good as James and I. That’s when our parents decided to send us into school for some ‘practice’. We had to act out as people who had never met before. We all had to change our last names and we had to put on a part. I was a shy guy who was a bit of a geek, but was still good at sports and other shit. James had to be sort of a man whore, and also a jock, it suited him perfectly because there wasn’t much acting involved in the whole man whore thing. Frank’s part was a homophobic emo. He dressed completely differently and listened to music I never thought he would, trust me I tried to make him listen to it. Anyway Frank got into this group of guys who were also homophobes and he was doing great at his part, that was at least true until he met Gerard. Frank never knew it before, but he was gay. No one but me and James knew he was gay, and he had to beat the shit out of the guy he loved. He used to talk about how jealous he was of Billie-Joe. He wished he could openly date a guy like Gerard. He told Gerard about us. That we were in training to join MI6. He even brought him to our base. He was having a secret relationship with Gerard.
The night Billie-Joe died, Frank was there but he didn’t participate. He couldn’t do it to Gerard. No matter how much Frank meant to Gerard , Gerard still loved Billie-Joe. But there was nothing Frank could’ve done without blowing his cover. So he just stood back and forced a smile. Once they were done, he left the group and went back to help Billie-Joe. Frank took him to a hospital and said he found him on the street. Sadly he didn’t know how severe his injuries were and most of all, he didn’t know there was a knife. Billie-Joe died later that night and Frank didn’t know what to do, so he went round to Gerard’s house. Sadly when Frank explained what happened, he didn’t take it as well as Frank had hoped. Gerard chucked him out the house, nearly literally, and told him never to come back. Frank just wanted to die. But he had to carry on, like it didn’t matter to him that he died. Then two weeks after Billie-Joe died, after two weeks of pretending, Gerard hung himself. Frank was completely destroyed. So much that he didn’t care what happened to him anymore. So he went to Charlie and told him that he killed Billie-Joe and that Gerard was right to die, that Gerard didn’t deserve to live, and lots of other things to piss Charlie off. Charlie got so angry that he flipped. He beated Frank to death.
By the time Charlie had killed Frank, I was already working with Zack. Zack had been watching Charlie for a while now and he wanted him in the team. I argued against it but by now I have learned to live with him, that doesn’t mean I particularly like him, but it doesn’t matter what I think or want, Zack’s the boss, I have to live by his rules. Anyway, me and Zack did a mission to release Charlie from prison. He was being tried for murder, and if that didn’t work, manslaughter which would defiantly send him to jail. That’s why Zack and I had to get him out as soon as possible to get him away, get him a new identity and start his training.
Getting into the prison was easy enough, getting out with Charlie, who was still inexperienced, that was difficult. He kept on nearly setting off the alarms, but luckily for him, Zack and I were there to help him out. We finally got him out and back to the base (we decided to call the building that from now on). That was where Zack did his usual speech, and that was when I nearly beat Charlie up. Zack asked Charlie questions about why he killed Frank. We hadn’t told Charlie who I was in relation to Frank, he thought we were just being nosey. That’s why he decided to lie, he said something like,
“He had it coming, he killed my brother and his boyfriend, he was a good for nothing piece of shit.” That’s when I flipped. I punched him, hard. Both Mark and Emma had to pull me out of the room while Zack and Jack helped clean Charlie up and explain to him what the hell happened. Once I had calmed down and Charlie was cleaned up, he came and apologised to me. We talked for a while and we did start to get along, but I did tell him that I will never forget what he did, but that I will forgive him. He was fine with that. But little did we know what was about to happen.
Later that night, we had our first attack from James and his team. He had come to try and join forces to catch Charlie, beat the living shit out of him, and then send him back to jail. So when James saw Charlie standing at the back of the room with only a broken nose, he flipped out, more than me. The only reason Charlie is still alive is because I got in the way. No one actually knew about James yet. No one knew he was my brother. It was scary; I’ve never seen him so mad. That’s why there’s a big conflict between our teams, because James had to act that he hated everyone in the team. Including me. So that’s why everyone on both teams were so surprised that James didn’t beat the shit out of me to get to Charlie. Even now he can’t lay a figure on me that way. We care about each other too much. We’re brothers, but that doesn’t mean he can’t hate me. That’s why he comes to the base every time he hears about any new recruits, to make sure he knows who to hate.
Charlie has just walked back in from that talk with Nicky. That pulls me away from my thoughts. I go up to talk to him.
“What did you tell her?” I wanted to know what to explain and what I can tell her myself.
“I told her that I killed Frank, I told her in more detail about Gerard and Billie-Joe and I told her about James. Have fun explaining that to her.” Charlie walked off and left me to my own thoughts again. I just really hoped Nicky would understand.

Thanks for reading! R&R if you liked it and review to give me any pointers please. Thanks!!
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