Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

What did he do?

by EilzC98 0 reviews

It seems Charlie has been hiding something from Nicky and she is determaned to find out what.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 1176 words

From what I understand, Liam and I are getting away with our ‘friendship’. It’s a bit awkward when me, Charlie and Liam are left in a room but I guess that’s a good thing, cause if Charlie even got the slight bit suspicious, then we would both be in deep shit. I’ve been learning a lot about how Charlie was. Before he met me. And I learned about what he was capable of. I learned the one thing I didn’t expect about Charlie. Charlie was a murderer. He killed someone just because they said something about his brother. I didn’t even know he had a brother. He was meant to have a life sentence, but Zack and Liam got to him first. I was a bit scared to confront Charlie with the questions I wanted to ask, so instead, I went to Liam for more details.
“I’m not sure you want to know about it Nicky.” Liam said after I asked him. We were alone in the room. Everyone else was out doing some kind of mission.
“I want to know what my boyfriend has done. If I don’t know everything about him, how can I trust him?” He looked sad when I referred to Charlie as being my boyfriend. I touched his check and lifted his head so I could kiss him. I pressed my lips onto his soft warm ones. I wanted to kiss him forever, but he pulled away. We looked into each other’s eyes. We both knew we wanted more but it was far too risky. We didn’t know when anyone will be back. With a kiss, we could easily part and pretend to be training, but if we went any further and we weren’t quick enough, that would be a lot harder to explain.
“Fine I’ll tell you. Charlie killed a man and nearly killed three other. The man that died was...” He shut his eyes. He was hesitating. That’s when the tears came from me.
“Please Liam. Tell me who he killed and why.”
“I’ll tell you why first, that’s a lot easier. Has Charlie told you about his brother?” I shook my head. “Okay, well Charlie’s brother was thirteen and he was twelve, his name was Gerard and, well, Gerard was gay. These boys had been bullying him since he came out. Gerard couldn’t deal with it. On his fourteenth birthday, Charlie found him hanging from his ceiling.” The tears really did com out after that. Poor Gerard, nobody should have to live through that and to be pushed to that limit that they think there is nothing left for them but to die, to think it’s the only way out. But I knew that wasn’t the end of it. What else had happened? I wanted to query him more, but before I had the chance, the others came in so I had to pull myself together and leave it... for now.
Every time I and Liam were alone, I tried to query him about the other reasons why Gerard killed himself. But I was getting nowhere. So I chose to go to the only other option, I asked Charlie himself.
I decided if I was to ask him, I should come out straight, so that’s exactly what I did. “Why did your brother kill himself?” Charlie was a bit surprised with the sudden question and gave me a look that was like “how the fuck do you know about that?” Of course I didn’t tell him that Liam told me, I just stayed quiet, wanting him to answer.
“Not here. Follow me.” He took my hand and led me outside. I didn’t notice until I was out that this was the first time I had been out the building since coming. It was nice to have some fresh air. It was a sunny day. From the weather I would say it was mid spring. Outside the building there was a wood, he took me into the woods, and it felt very twilight like. Of course he wasn’t that sad. He only took me there because we needed the privacy. We walked, hand in hand for nearly half an hour, before he stopped and faced me. “Gerard was gay. He was kind, caring and was a fantastic musician, you should have heard him sing.” A smile grew across Charlie’s face at the memory. More tears began to fall from my eyes. The more I hear about Gerard, the more I wished I had known him. “He was one of the best singers I have ever heard in my entire life. Much better than those singers you hear in the charts, if you compared him to Cher Lloyd or Justin Bieber, I know you would have preferred to listen to him. Some boys at his school used to bully him because he was gay. He had enough, so he killed himself. End of story.” He looked at me to see if I understood, but I knew better. There was something missing from this story. People don’t just kill themselves because of some guys. Gerard must have known he would get bullied when he came out, some people will never accept homosexuals. I knew it and so did Charlie, so what was he hiding?
“I don’t believe that’s the end of the story. Please tell me what else made him kill himself, please.” Charlie just looked at me. He was thinking it over, thinking about whether to tell me or not.
“The guys that were bullying him killed his boyfriend. His name was Billie-Joe. They were so happy; they chose to ignore the homophobes. But then they got annoyed. They waited until one of them was alone to strike. They kicked the shit out of him and left him there for dead. His injuries were severe and he died the next day. Gerard couldn’t handle it, so he killed himself. I expect the person who told you about my brother told you what I did.” I just nodded, too shocked to say anything. “And they told you whose brother I killed.” This time I actually said something.
“No they didn’t. They said it was too hard to say. Whose brother did you kill?” I was finally about to get the answer to my final question.
“I killed James’ brother, that’s why he’s been after me and that’s why when he targeted you. But what you don’t know is that the guy I killed was also Liam’s brother. Liam and James are brothers.” My mouth was gaped open. Brothers. James and Liam are brothers. “I bet you weren’t expecting that were you.” Then Charlie just left me to think this over.

Wow, Nicky can really chose them can't she! Lolz R&R if you enjoyed reading this and review to give me any pointers please! Thanks for reading!
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