Categories > Original > Drama > The perfect liar

The new problem.

by EilzC98 0 reviews

Nicky and Charlie are back together finally.But Nicky has one problem, Liam.

Category: Drama - Rating: G - Genres: Romance - Published: 2012-03-31 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 1018 words

I was really starting to enjoy my new life. A life with Charlie. I enjoyed my training. I just enjoyed everything. But here was one thing that stopped me from enjoying my life completely. Liam was still stuck in my mind. He was there when Charlie wasn’t and he had taken a real beating when James and his mouldy crew came. He had a cut lip, a black eye and a fractured wrist. I helped look after him, but he didn’t want my help when he found out that I and Charlie had got back together. After that he began to treat me like Charlie did when I first got here. Not talking to me or anyone else for that matter, giving Charlie the stink eye and just being a complete bastard. I don’t get why he cared so much. The most we shared was a kiss on the cheek, nothing more. There was something in his eye though. I know it’s weird that I can tell what he’s thinking from the way he looks at me or anyone else. When he looks at me I can tell he’s thinking,” why him why not me?” And I have to admit, I miss him.
I miss the way he made me laugh, I miss the way he let me nearly beat him up, and most of all, I miss him going bright red. He still does but he doesn’t go as bright. I decided that he wasn’t like Charlie and if Charlie and I could work out our differences after all we did to each other, I should at least try to at least talk to Liam. So when everyone went out for a little while and Natalie and Zack went on their first official date, so proud, I had to stay and Liam had to keep an eye on me, I would take this opportunity to talk to him.
“Hey. I was just wondering...” But before I had a chance to finish, Liam butted in,
“Don’t even try Nicky. Just sit over there and do whatever you want to do, just don’t talk to me.” He was in such a mood. It was weird.
“What the hell happened? Why are you in such a bad mood with me? You’re acting just like Charlie did when I first came here, which for your information, is like a five year old who got his toys taken away for being naughty. Sorry it’s just annoying that you and Charlie have swapped places in the moods. You’re now moody and he is being really kind. Why can’t you both be happy?”It was a point. I just hoped he would answer. He looked up, got up and walked towards me. He looked into my eyes, in his eyes there was nothing but sadness.
“You want to know what the problem is, you really want to know?” I nodded. There must have been a good reason. I mean Charlie was angry at me for cheating on him, even though I wouldn’t count what I did as cheating, I’d say that I lost track of my emotions. Anyway, back to the subject, Liam had no real reason to be angry with me. At least that’s what I thought, that was before he kissed me.
He stared into my eyes and leaned in towards me. His soft lips pressed against mine. I was so surprised. I just didn’t understand what was happening. Once I realised what was happening I pulled away. I was speechless. Partly because I had just cheated on Charlie again, but mostly because I really enjoyed it. I looked at him again for a little while. He looked at the ground all embarrassed, but then I lifted his head and I kissed him this time.
Before I knew it, we both had our tongues down each other’s throat. His soft lips pressed against mine. My heart thumped at a million miles an hour. We fell to the ground. I felt him body above mine. I felt relaxed. More so than I had in a while. But before we got anywhere further, Liam pulled away. We both got the same thought. I was with Charlie, this counted as cheating. And I had only just got him back. What the hell was I playing at?
I couldn’t believe I did it again. I had cheated on Charlie again, at least it was with a good guy but still, I cheated.
“Charlie can’t know about this. We can’t tell him.” I was so guilty already. It might be selfish, but he didn’t need to know, it might actually be better for him not to know.
“I agree. I mean if he found out, he would defiantly kill me. And I mean literally kill me.” Liam told me about how Charlie was before. How aggressive he was before meeting me. I didn’t want to stop him from being a kind person. It’s the least he deserves.
“We won’t tell him. But what about us. It’s obvious you care about me, and no matter how much I would like to be able to hide it, I care about you.” I say his face light up when I said that, but then darkened when he understood what I was suggesting.
“You want a secret relationship with me don’t you? You want to cheat on Charlie with me.”
“Sadly, yes. What do you think about that? I’ll completely understand if you don’t want to. I mean you and Charlie are friends and I don’t want to get in the middle of that. So it’s up to you, what do you want to do?” Liam didn’t say anything. He just walked up to me and kissed me. I knew my answer, so I kissed him back.

Oh dear oh dear Nicky, Why? R&R if you liked it and review to give me any pointers please! Thanks!
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