Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Over Thinker.

The Over Thinker.

by raytorosfro 2 reviews

Frank is an over thinker. For Gerard's classes he doesn't want them to think, he just wants it to flow out. Can he help Frank stop thinking so much, and will something else come out of it?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-14 - Updated: 2012-04-14 - 1146 words

A/N Look I know I have two stories on the go, I know I have Personalized one-shots to do. But The first 200 words just have been troubling me I couldn't stop thinking about it. Then this story just flowed out. I'm really having a good feeling about this. I don't know where it's going yet but I'm sure it's going to flow out. Read, enjoy, rate and review. Do this and I shall love you! Feedback gives me confidence to write more.
~Transmission Exploder

It’s funny how you feel you control everything about you. But in all honesty, you don’t. No one controls themselves, ever. Generally a man, a woman is controlled by their own emotions. Even though emotions control you, your emotions are controlled by someone else. Everyone else has control of your emotions. But then sometimes their actions are controlled by the emotions they feel. Who knows who caused it? Who is controlling them? Then what is controlling those people’s emotions to act like this. It’s like a never ending cycle. No one is really in control of anything. Yet they feel they’re in control of everything.

So what does control everything? Should I start believing in a thing called fate? Is fate what is controlling everything? Or is there something bigger? A bigger force, is there really a God?

I tend to think too much into things like this.
It all started when I woke up this morning, feeling the usual depression that I do. It occurred to me I can’t choose how I feel, because I certainly wouldn’t be feeling like this if I could.

My thoughts are what are leading me to walking down this deserted hallway. I’m late for school again. I was day dreaming whilst at the bus stop leading to me missing my bus. My thoughts constantly lead to this outcome. Yet I always try to make sure I’m on time for the first day, but today my thoughts were too strong to stop them.

I’ve already missed registration; and I am five minutes to Creative Writing in which I have a new teacher, Mr. Way. I also have him for Art last two periods, my two favourite subjects. He better be a teacher I can get along with. There are six periods in a day. I have Creative Writing, Music, Science, Lunch, Free, Double Art. Each an hour long.

I knocked on the door, trying to be polite about being late. A guy who looks about our age, 17/18, was standing at the front of the class talking. Mr. Way must be getting students to introduce themselves.

I walked in and the guy stared at me. I had never seen him before. He was gorgeous so I would’ve noticed him before. So he must be new.

“You must be Mr. Iero. Care to explain why you are late to my class?” My eyes widened. This was Mr. Way? But he looks like a student. How can he be a teacher? I took in his features. He was wearing tight skinny jeans that emphasized the shape of his body. Converse, a Misfits t-shirt with a black blazer over the top. “Well are you going to give me a reason or just stand there with your mouth hanging open?”

I hadn’t even realised. I quickly closed it. I looked at his face, he was smirking at me. “Uhm, I just missed my bus.”

“Oh. Why did you not manage to make it on time?”

“What does it matter to you?” I snap. I hate pushy people. He obviously is one.

His face fell. “Right lunch time detention. I will teach you that you should watch your attitude.” I sighed and made my way to my seat. “Right so I’ve told you a bit about myself. I want to get to know you. Frank seeing as you were late you go first.”

“Uhm, well. I don’t really know what to say.” I honestly didn’t.

“Just say the first thing that comes to your head. It will help you when we get to writing to practice it. Even if it makes no sense it will be more real.” Mr. Way replied with a small smile.

“But what if I say something I regret?” I was starting to panic.

“I want you guys to be able to just get everything out without regret. I don’t want you to think about things and just go for them, yet still have no regret with what you are saying in your writing. This will help you be able to start doing that. I want it to be able to just flow out. I believe that writing is a type of art and in art when you make a mistake, or do something you regret to the picture that you can’t take back. You make it work. I want you to do that whilst writing. No crossing out words unless it is to correct grammar or spelling. I want you to use pen so that you can’t erase anything. I don’t want you to think, I want it to flow.” He lectured.

This scared me. I am an over thinker. How am I meant to let it flow. “But I have to think about everything. Analyse it, I’m not sure if I can just ‘let it flow’” No point in lying to him.

He smirked at me. “Just deal with it.”

“Uhm, Well I gue-” I started.

“No ‘uhm’ that just means you’re thinking about it.” He was still smirking.

“Well, I’m Frank Iero, I was born on October 31st and I always dress up for Halloween.” I closed my eyes. Trying to forget my fear of saying something I regret. “I... I...”

“Stop. I can’t watch this you’re thinking too much. We’re going to have to work on this.” He shook his head at me. “Mikey you go.” My best friend stood up smirking at the teacher.

“Well Geetard. You already know everything there is to know, being my brother and all.” Wait brother? Mikey’s older brother that I had never met, was Mr. Way. Why did it not click before. G. Way. Gerard Way. Mikey told me about him before, said he was training to be a teacher then moving back here.

“Fine Mikes, sit down and shut up.”

We listened to the rest of the people in our class. The lesson flew past as Sir made amusing comments to everyone. But at least they got to speak. They didn’t over think things like me. They were lucky.

The bell went for next class. I was the last to leave, and before I did Mr Way said “See you at lunch Iero, and don’t be late.”
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