Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Over Thinker.

Music helps me forget.

by raytorosfro 1 review

The rest of the school day.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-04-16 - Updated: 2012-04-16 - 1229 words

A/N OK I personally think this chapter is a pile of dog dodo. I may re-write it a little. But I probably won't cause it just needs to flow out. No regrets ;D
Anyway. Read, enjoy, rate, review and feel my love.
~Transmission Exploder xoxo

I made my way to music. I have the same teacher that I have always had whilst taking this subject. Mr Wentz. This was the only class I didn’t feel the need to think in, because the music just flowed out of me, it writes its own meanings. When I play guitar it’s like I can forget everything, about how much of a deep thinker I am, about the people making my life hard, how I can’t remember the last time I felt properly happy and it lasted. It’s like someone else takes over my body. Yes I think about the feeling I get when playing a lot. It’s like I’m numb, but everyone says I make the most beautiful melodies. Through music classes I tend to sit by myself, let this being possess me and just record what I play. Then I play the recording, it sounds new to me, I don’t even remember it. I then analyse the feelings of it, they tend to be sad. Occasionally there are happy ones, but that is a very rare occurrence.

Music flew past, as did Science and I found myself rushing to my Creative Writing classroom as I didn’t want to be late again. As I walked in after quietly knocking Mr Way looked up at me surprised.

“I didn’t actually think you would turn up.”

That confused me. “Why not?”

“You just seemed like the type who wouldn’t when I first met you. Mikey said you would. I guess he was right.” He leaned back in his chair looking at me thoughtfully for a few minutes. “You’re an over thinker aren’t you?” I just nodded at him. “Well we’re going to have to change that.”

“What?” He smirked at my outcome. “But there is only one time I don’t think. It’s not easy for my brain to just forget everything.”

“When’s that?”

“When playing guitar it’s odd. Like really strange. It’s like I’m not even me.” I looked into his eyes. I got a slight fluttering in my stomach and I could feel a slight blush graze my cheeks. Then I opened my mouth and immediately regretted it. “You know no one has control of themselves or over anything really. It’s all emotions.” He looked confused. “Sorry I didn’t mean to say that.”

“No, no go on. What do you mean?”

So I explained about my thoughts this morning. I told him everything. “So that’s kind of why I missed the bus, I was so deep in thought I didn’t notice it come. I think too much, I always have. I ask too many questions and find the answers to them myself. It’s strange when I think about it though. As an over thinker it makes people think you are in control of your actions because you think before you do, but really your emotions control your thoughts as well. No one is in control”

He looked thoughtful. “What you said is rather interesting, you’re right, I think any way. Alas you can’t always think too deeply into things. Sometimes questions are better left unanswered.”

“But then doesn’t it annoy you just not knowing? I know sometimes the answers affect you in a bad way. Yet I just hate not knowing.”

“Right, you remember where Mikey lives?” I nodded. “After school go home, get changed and come over. I’m going to help you try to stop thinking so much.” I looked confused. “Yes I know students and teachers aren’t meant to meet up outside of school, but you’re a friend of Mikey so whatever right?”

“Uhm, sure?”

“We could also work on it before Art if you want? I also have a free.” Wait how does he know that? “Yeah, I kind of looked at your time table earlier.” A slight blush appeared on his cheeks.

“I would be happy to.” I grinned at him. Then realised what I said. I just agreed to spend more time with a teacher. A lot more time. From this little time I have realised if anyone is going to stop me thinking so much, it is the man in front of me.

“Right we won’t work on it in this free but after school we will.” I nodded.

“Can I still spend the free here? I mean I have nothing better to do.” He gave me a look as to say ‘Sure’ then continued with reading a book. I sat down at a desk and reached into my bag and brought out a comic book. I tried to read it but I was so distracted my mind kept wandering. I looked at Mr Way. He is so focused on the book. His black hair is slightly hanging in front of his eyes. He brushed it away for it to only fall back in place. I felt a small smile grow on my face. His eyes are the most beautiful colour I have seen. From what I saw earlier he was hot as well.

Yes if you haven’t guessed I’m gay, I haven’t told anyone, not a soul. I just can’t bring myself to do it, I feel because of the way they treat me for thinking I’m gay. If I actually come out, it will get worse. I mean there is only one person in our year that has come out; no one really talks to him though. Mainly because he is as scary as anything. That’s not the point though.

“Uhm Frank?”

I snapped out of my thoughts. “Hmm?”

“You were kind of just staring.”

“Oh sorry, I was thinking, about stuff.” He looked amused at that and I could feel my cheeks burning. He had caught me staring at him. “Yeah, when I think, I tend to stare at a random point.” I squeaked out. Well I wasn’t exactly lying, but the fact I was thinking about him makes me a bit nervous.

I looked at the clock and realised that the art class would be coming in any minute. So I moved to the far back corner of the room. Mr Way gave me a confused look and I just shrugged at him.

The class poured in and someone plonked down next to me. I turned to see a girl from my science. I think her name is Jamia. She gave me a small smile and reached to get stuff out of her bag.

The class went rather quickly, we were lectured not to think, just to do. He smirked at me as he said this and I just glared back. Then whilst we were working Jamia and I talked about music and stuff. I don’t know why she was talking to me, but she was.

When the bell rang she smiled “See you tomorrow Frank.” I smiled and waved at her. I gathered up my stuff and went home to get changed.
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