Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Illusion

Never Surrender

by BitterLoveBlackHeart 1 review

Now Gerard's at college, the school bullies jump at the chance to torment Frank again.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-04-17 - Updated: 2012-04-17 - 2208 words - Complete

Frank’s POV

“Fuck!” I screeched as Craig slammed my back against the locker “Awh, Poor Frankie, Now Gerard’s gone we can finish what he started.” He spat violently at me, I glanced over to Mikey who as being held back by one of Craig’s many jackass minions Trent. Craig had given me this ‘talk’ ever since we came back to school, I knew it would happen, they all hated me when Gerard left them to be with Mikey and I and now it was payback time. A sudden burst of immense pain ran through my face as Craig’s fist collided with it, successfully bursting my lip, I still didn’t understand why they did this to me, why Gerard chose me to be his ‘victim’ three years ago. It’s fucking bullshit! I’ve never done anything to hurt or offend them. I was drawn from my thought when Craig’s fist crashed into my stomach, I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming in pain, he repeated his brutal action a few more times and then let my weak, limp body slide down the lockers and onto the cold floor. As he walked down the hall I heard him mutter the words “see you tomorrow Frankie” and a burning sensation flooded my body, but I let my head fall to the floor in defeat, when Craig and his posse where out of sight Mikey came running to my aid tears flooding his face like it was his fault but it wasn’t. “I’m so sorry Frank!” he stated quickly he was hyperventilating, I lifted myself up and leant my back against the locker, my legs spread across the floor, I wiped the blood from my face with the sleeve of my shirt, Mikey took a few deep breaths to stop himself having a full blown panic attack and looked at me “We need to tell Gerard…” I glared at him “No! I can deal with it myself; Gerard has enough on his mind.” I spat venomously at him, Mikey hesitated “But frank look at what’s happening to you!” he shouted at me, his echoes filling the empty corridor, I forced myself to stand up, ignoring the pain raging through my body “I can deal with this myself, Gerard doesn’t need to know…” I turned to walk away but Mikey grabbed my wrist “We had a deal, if it got out of hand we’d tell Gerard…” he whispered looking at me concerned, I pulled my arm from his grasp “I can handle this Mikey! He doesn’t need to know!” I started walking away, Mikey then shouted from behind “What are you going to do Frank?” I turned my head slightly to look at him “I’m not going to suffer like this anymore…” I replied bluntly and walked off down the corridor, spitting the blood from my mouth along the way; I walked out of school and went home…

Mikey’s POV

I spent the rest of the day worried about Frank, about where he went and about what he was going to do. The last time I saw him like this was about a week after we first met, He told me about his parents for the first time and he was still getting to grips with the loss, I remember him giving me his spare house key and telling me ‘you can come over whenever you like’ so I did, that day I thought I’d drop by and try and cheer him up, but when I got to his house I found him unconscious on the floor, after I called the ambulance, I went to the hospital with him and stayed with him the whole time, when he regained consciousness he told me ‘I just wanted to see them…’ it took a few minutes for it to sink in that he’d just attempted suicide, I remember looking at him and he was grinning from the hospital bed “I’m so happy I have you as a friend. I really, really am.” And we’ve been best friends ever since.
The bell rang to signal it was the end of school, and after I got my bags I ran out of school and straight passed my house, I refused to slow down, I had to make sure he wasn’t going to do anything stupid.
I got to his house and I opened the door using the key and ran upstairs to Frank’s room which was scarily tidy, I ran through the entire house and he wasn’t there, After all the running I collapsed onto the couch to think about where he might be, and then a piece of paper on the table in front of my caught my eye I stood up and picked it up from the table, I read it quickly and the fell back onto the couch. “Shit…” was the only word I could mutter. This could not be happening…
I stuffed the piece of paper into my pocket and left the house and walked home. It was Friday night so when I got home I ran into my room and I called Gerard. The phone rang about 5 times before he finally answered

“Hey Mikey! What’s up?” he said cheerily down the phone

“Um Nothing, Hey Are you coming back to Jersey this weekend?” I asked shakily

“I wasn’t sure, but if you want me to I can catch the train…”

“Please do I need to talk to you, like now…”

“Dude you are talking to me, what’s going on?” his voice sounding more concerned now

“I’d rather tell you in person; it’s not a phone call kinda thing…” I trailed off

“Okay, I’ll get the train first thing tomorrow. Tell Frank I said Hi”

“Cya Gerard…”

After we hung my heart sank slightly, I can’t believe Frank would do this, I know he wanted to show them he was worth something, but this, this is going to kill Gerard…
I walked downstairs to find mom plating up dinner, she’d made chicken stir fry, which was Franks favourite, well minus the chicken that is. I sat down at the table opposite my mom; the silence between us was heavy, but soon broken. “So how was school sweetie?” mom asked politely I shrugged “Okay I guess…” she nodded and smiled “and how’s Frank?” she asked still smiling, I suddenly lost my appetite, I felt sick to my stomach “I honestly don’t know…” I replied slowly she tilted her head in confusion “oh…why’s that?” she asked less cheer in her tone of voice, I fought back the tears just thinking about it “It doesn’t matter…” I mumbled and left the table and walked slowly up to my room.

I sat on my bed listening to music for about 3 hours just to drown out the thoughts of Frank and what he was doing. Then there was a knock at the door, I sat up on my bed and paused the music blaring from my stereo. “Sweetheart can you get that?” mom shouted from the shower, I left the room and went to open the door, I was cautious at first but when I was who it was I was slightly relieved. “Hi…” Gerard smiled with a small wave, I took a sigh of relief knowing I didn’t have to wait to get this off my chest “So yeah, your phone call sounded urgent, I didn’t want to leave you waiting…” he trailed off slightly, he walked in and hung his jacket up on the coat rack and walked into the main room and sat on the couch. I ran into the kitchen and made us both a coffee, I made mine extra strong because I’d be needing it for the conversation we were about to have. I handed Gerard his coffee and we sat in silence for a few minutes…”So what’s this important information?” he questioned taking a sip from his coffee, I sighed “Frank got beat the shit out of today, like worse than I’ve ever seen, I told him we should tell you but he didn’t want me too, he said he could deal with it himself. He left school 2 hours early, and when school finished I went to his house to find him and make sure he was alright…” Gerard’s eyes were fixated on me waiting for me to finish this story nicely, but he had no idea I took a deep sigh “…I got to his house and he wasn’t there, all his stuff was gone and he left this…” I trailed off rummaging through my jean pocket and pulling up the now crumpled piece of paper I had found at Frank’s house, I handed it to Gerard but I read it over again myself in more depth:


I know you’re probably here after school looking for me,
you know I’m forever grateful for having someone like you as a friend
But I can’t take it anymore, all this shit, the constant abuse and being
told I’m worthless and pathetic, because I’m not, and I’m going to show them that
so I’ve left to join the army, I know me in the army HA!,
but I want to prove to them and myself that I am worth something,
I’m sorry and I hope you understand.
I want you to tell Gerard that I love him,
but not knowing how long I’ll be gone for
I want him to move on with his life,
carry on with college and meet someone new.
I just wanted to say I’ll miss you both
and maybe see you in another life

Frank xo

A tear fell onto the paper smudging the ink slightly, I looked up at Gerard who was staring at nothing, tears rolling down his face and breathing uneasily, he let the piece of paper fall softly onto the floor. “Mikey, tell me this is a joke…” he hardly even asked it was more a plea, he was begging me to tell him it wasn’t happening, but the brutal truth was just that, it was happening, and I couldn’t tell him any different, I prayed just as much as Gerard did that Frank would walk through that door and scream “BAZINGA PUNK!” like he does when he’s watched too much Big Bang Theory. I really did, I looked at Gerard again and shook my head “I’m sorry Gerard…” he placed his head in his hands and he cried, I wrapped him in my arms to comfort him. Then mom came down stairs “Gerard? Sweetie what’s wrong?”
After telling our mom the same story I’d just told Gerard, she grabbed us some blankets and wrapped us both up together on the couch and comforted us both, but mainly Gerard all night, and when she finally went to work Gerard and I were left in the house alone “I…I just can’t believe he’d do this to me…” Gerard stammered I shrugged “I guess he thought you’d understand, I mean he did let you go to New York and that hurt him.” I stated, Gerard sat up “But this is completely different Mikey, he could die!” he sat back down “oh my god he could die…” I placed my arm on Gerard’s back “I’m not going to say he won’t, because it’s always a possibility, but I know, he’d fight to the death for you. And that’s exactly what he’ll be doing.” Gerard smiled weakly and rested his head on my shoulder,

It was about 3:00am when we finally fell asleep, although watching Gerard cry himself to sleep was utter torture, I soon drifted off myself. My dreams were plagued of thoughts of Frank dying and Gerard’s reaction, Gerard reacted differently every time, sometimes it having no effect on him at all and not caring, and others he’d be so hurt he’d kill himself, just like Frank’s parents. I woke up with the small of coffee running through the house, Gerard walked through the kitchen door and smiled at me, he placed a cup of coffee on the table in front of me and took a sip of his own, I took a sip of my coffee and looked at him in confusion “why are you so happy?” I asked, Gerard’s smile dropped slightly “I’m not happy Mikey, I’m just doing what frank would have wanted me to do, which is fight through it and move on, like he said none of us know how long he’s going to be gone for, and as much as it pains me to say it, I might not see him again in this life.” By the end of the sentence Gerard’s smile had completely gone and he was now staring into his coffee, his eyes full of pain. It killed me to see him like this.
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