Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Fix Your Eyes And Get Out

Ch, 4

by TheBrightestStar 3 reviews

"Something wasn't right."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-04-21 - Updated: 2012-04-21 - 408 words


I called the doctor, like Gerard has asked me too. The secretary girl who answered the phone was hopelessly dumb and kept making me repeat what I was saying. But we got there eventually. I went through to the bunks when I was done. Gerard was sitting with Mikey, stroking his hair. Frank was opposite them, just watching. "The um... the doctor's on the way," I said, quietly. They all looked at me.

"Thanks, man," Gerard smiled.

"What exactly happened?" I asked, just trying to break the tense silence.

"I don't know," Mikey sighed. "Someone hit me."

"Clearly," I said. "Did you see who?"

"Yeah," he cleared his throat. "I'm pretty sure it was the guy I saw outside the window last night."

"What?" I was more than shocked.

"I just... it's what I saw," Mikey sniffed.

"Fuck... should we call the police or something, then?" I said. Mikey was about to reply, but Gerard beat him too it.

"No. There's no point in wasting the police's time over some asshole who wants to make life hard for us," he said. "It doesn't matter. We're going home tomorrow anyway"

"Right," I said, though I didn't think he was right. Still, it was best not to argue with Gerard when he was in this kind of mood.


The doctor got to us in about twenty minutes. I let him in and took him through to where Mikey was. He poked and prodded and peered at Mikey's head, before coming to the conclusion that Mikey would be absolutely fine with just some peace and bed rest. I showed him out.

"Listen, I'm sorry if we wasted your time," I said. "Gerard just worries, that's all."

"It's alright," the doctor chuckled. "It's always best to check, isn't it?"

"I guess," I said. The doctor didn't really look like your convential doctor. He was a big guy - tall as well as stocky, with straw coloured hair and a scar on his cheek. But he seemed to know what he was talking about. "Do I owe you anything?"

"Oh, God, no," he shook his head. "For you, it's on the house. Just make sure you tell Mikey not to go wandering up any alleyways on his own again, alright?"

"Yeah," I agreed. "Well. Goodnight."

"Goodnight," he said, cheerfully, before walking back to his car. I didn't realise until I shut the door.

Nobody had mentioned an alleyway.


Something wasn't right.
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