Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Ten

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

A little Insight Into Gerard's Mind, and Softer Side.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2012-04-21 - Updated: 2012-04-22 - 810 words

A/N: I feel like it’s been so long since I updated this, sorry for those who actually read this, I just kind of lost the plot line and now trying to get it back on its tack.

Chapter Ten
Gerard’s P.O.V

I was done pretending to be someone I wasn’t but every time an opportunity came to leave the dimwits I was “friends” with I chickened out. It had taken so long to build these walls to block out everything to let go and pretend to live in a world where I actually fit in even if I truly don’t, its still felt good. And truthfully I can’t say I’ve ever felt that way I have always been the odd one out. And possibly always will.

I also didn’t know if it was worth it, the kid hated me I have always been such a dick to him why on earth would he return the feelings. And I had nothing to offer, I was an idiot, a loser, you name it, I’m worthless. He on the other hand is perfect, beautiful, talented, and most of all not afraid to be himself. Something I’ll never be able to do. He doesn’t need or try to hide, I do I need to hide the ugliness behind my long hair and what’s left of my heart and soul, behind the charade I use. I feel stuck.

For once I wish someone could decide for me I don’t know the outcome of this but I was a little more for ditching these losers, listen to my heart and probably get my ass kicked. Even though my mind and heart were fighting over being alone, and Frankie hating me, I was with my heart on this one. I need to go back to who I should’ve never stopped being, and win him over.

Next time I saw an exit out of the “friendship” with these guys I’d take it, I just felt sorry for Bob and hoped he’d realize he needed to get away from them as well.

As soon as that thought passed the exit came. Tom, Mike, and Matt, were telling Bob and I to hurry and help be the shit out of some “nerds.” It was time I was walking away. I reached were they were and stopped staring down at the two they had cornered.

It was Mikey, my brother, and Frank. I thought it’d be easy to say no but now they were both waiting for an answer. Was I sincerely ready to be myself to show them all wrong, to not fail my brother after so many times of doing so? I was conflicted, but when I looked straight at Frankie, and he looked right back at me straight in the eyes, I knew my answer.

And with that stepped in front of Tom, defending my brother, and (hopefully) my future boyfriend. I expected a punch in the face, and I was right but just as he picked up his balled up palm to my face Bob blocked it.

“So this is how it’s gonna be Way?” Mike asked.

“If by that you mean, ditching your sorry asses for my brother? Then yes.” I stated, with a matter of fact tone.

“Fine we’ll just beat all your asses then.” Matt said. It was time for us to go more of time to run, I looked at Mikey and he nodded.

We ran. Ran for what was left to save of our lives. We sprinted till we were sure we’d lost them we, were now by the cafeteria.

“Why’d you do that?” Frank asked.

“Because I couldn’t take those jerks anymore, and because I wasn’t going to let my little brother and his boyfriend get hurt.” I answered.

“He’s Not My BOYFRIEND!” Mikey yelled, probably loud enough for the whole school to hear.

“Okay. Okay. God take a joke.” I said.

“I’m just glad you did, because I don’t think I’d be able to get away from the jerks without a little push” said Bob.

“Yeah, but you know we won’t get away that easily they’ll come after us.” I said.

“That’s my boyfriend,” Mikey yelled, pointing at a tall, skinny, brown-haired afro kid coming our way.

He smiled as well as Frank, Bob looked shocked and a little hurt while I was standing there like an idiot, I was his brother and always thought he was straight. Wow shows, how close we are now.

A/N: many of you would be interested on reading a spin-off of this, Ray/Mikey/Bob... After I’m done with this...just an idea...well anyway...Review. Pretty Please?
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