Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Nine: MakeDamnSure

by Detonating_Bunny 0 reviews

"with the final bit of bravery and wanting to clear things up with Mikey. I knocked on the door"

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2012-04-02 - Updated: 2012-04-03 - 1201 words

A/N: This didn’t come out exactly how I thought it would but I feel I’m taking too long to update so yeah. Hope you like it. Review. Please? :)

Chapter 9: MakeDamnSure
Frankie’s P.O.V

I slept over at Lea’s house, not wanting to be alone with the realization I had. I never thought I’d feel like this, but now that I had accepted the feeling, I loved the sensation and I wasn’t about to give up on it just because of how he acted, I know it’s just a mask to hide it all and I’m willing to look behind it to find the real Gerard Way, whatever the cost.

“I’m gonna make damn sure that you can’t ever leave.” I had the song stuck in my head all this weekend ever since I realized what I felt for him, but still it’s hard to say the word.

I spent Saturday with Lea, most of the time talking, more of plotting of how to make him notice me, and not get hit.

I was heading home now, it’s Sunday around noon, I’m excited but there was still a little voice in my head saying I needed to talk to Mikey and before Monday, we couldn’t talk things out there. So with that in mind I headed towards his house.

I don’t know what to except I’m positive Gerard’s going to be there, what if he thinks wrong and I loose him forever? I knew I had to go and fix things but as I neared their street my stomach was doing flips while my heart wanted to climb out of my chest.

I reached their house and stood outside the door thinking over and over of each of the outcomes this can have, but with the final bit of bravery and wanting to clear things up with Mikey. I knocked on the door.

Gerard’s P.O.V

I spent Friday night, all of Saturday, and half of today in my room not wanting to even look at my brother, I knew if I did I’d cry, even though we were fine now.

I heard a knock on the door, I knew I had to get it because my brother was probably in his room with his headphones all the way up, unable to hear anything, and it was probably my mom who forgot her keys.

I went downstairs and headed for the door, but once I opened it I stood there frozen. I was still mad and to see my brother’s boyfriend stand there didn’t make it better.

“Here to make out with my brother again?” I asked more of scowled. I was so angry I felt the urge to cry, scream, and most of all I felt an ache go through me wanting to take back everything so he wouldn’t be here to see Mikey, but to see me.

“What? I…no!” He stuttered. He was denying the obvious pretending that I didn’t see him and my brother at the park on Friday.

“Lies I know what I saw at the park the other day, I’ll leave you two to it,” I said noticing my brother come downstairs. And with that I ran off letting out a sob, hoping they hadn’t heard it.

Mikey’s P.O.V

I heard voices coming from downstairs and they sounded vaguely familiar I knew for a fact it was Gerard. And Frank? I think.

I practically ran downstairs, because if it was Frank, Gerard would hurt him.

I was reaching where they stood when Gerard abruptly ran past me. And I was almost positive I heard him try to hold back a sob but was unsuccessful.

“Hey,” said a stunned Frank. I assume he had heard Gerard and was pretty confused as me. I was fine now, but when he left me standing there at the park I broke. I fell to the floor crying out the whole Atlantic, I sat there for hours replaying the scene and every time I begged myself not to do it to keep it in, but I always did. And once I felt that I’d ran out of tears I went home, to find Gerard laying on the couch crying. I knew it was time to fix it then and we did, I had my brother back but he still didn’t tell me why he was crying, and I had a feeling the cause was right in front of me. Why? I don’t know.

“Hey, what’s up?” I asked, I really don’t know why he’s here, I mean you’d think he’d never want to talk to me again.

“Um...I’m sorry, for leaving like that,” He said. I hadn’t expected that.

“It wasn’t your fault, I shouldn’t have done it in the first place.” I replied, If only he knew exactly how much I regretted it.

“So can we forget it happened, and um not mention it to Ray or Gerard?” He asked. Of course I wanted to forget it happened but why keep it from my brother or Ray? Scratch that I didn’t want Ray to know either, but there was still something I had to ask before this was forgotten.

“Um…Sure but can I know something before we overlook this?” I asked.

He nodded so I continued, “Did you um kiss back? Because it felt like you did.”

“Um…well yeah…but it wasn’t cause I um like you sorry but I like you as a friend and I was um thinking of someone else umm I’m uh sorry.” He stuttered through it but finally got through his sentence. It wasn’t that it didn’t hurt but, it was a relief he didn’t cause after thinking it through I realized that I didn’t love him like I thought I did, but I loved him because without him I wouldn’t have met Ray, and I would be alone at school and I wouldn’t have him as a best friend.

“Good…You can say I had a realization and I realized I don’t like you like that, you’ve become my best friend, oh and um can I ask who you were thinking of?” I said.

“You’re my best friend too and I would but I don’t think I’m ready to admit that,” He answered.

“Okay then.” I said. I heard someone whisper, a yes? Then soft hurried steps or was I hearing things? I probably was.

We spent the rest of the afternoon laughing about random shit. I was half hoping Gerard would come down but no he stayed in his room.

Frank went home around 9, and I went to bed I was exhausted.

A/N: Concerning my other story if you’ve read it (if not please do and review please.) I think I’ll have the new chapter up tomorrow or the day after tomorrow or if I can in a couple hours.
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