Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Eight: L.O.V.E Is Just Another Word I’ll Never Learn To Pronounce

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

There’s a thin line between love and hate.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-30 - Updated: 2012-03-31 - 1117 words

Chapter Eight: L.O.V.E Is Just Another Word I’ll Never Learn To Pronounce

Frankie’s P.O.V

I don’t know where I was going, I had no direction. I hated myself, and had no where to go, home wasn’t an option I had no interest on seeing my mom put on a fake smile to “protect” me. I would go to Ray’s but that would be awkward and I don’t think I’d be able to look him in the eye. So I walked with no direction I walked up and down streets, passed by schools, churches, parks I’d never seen.

I should be tired since I’ve been walking for some time now, it was getting dark but the anger kept me going, I wasn’t mad at myself now, I realize I’m mad at my feelings. When he kissed me I wanted his brother there, how could you possible like someone who acts like they hate you with all their guts? He shoves you to the floor calls you names, practically brings bullets to the equation and you respond with love. Wait a sec. who said something about love, I said I liked him I mean who wouldn’t he’s one of the hottest men alive everyone can see that, but love I’ve never said it, I mean yeah I’ve had boyfriends and girlfriends but I just LIKED them, not once have I pronounced that word and meant it.

Great so first I was perplexed on the fact that I might like him and now my brain or heart? (I don’t know) is telling me I don’t just like him but I uhh…love? him

And that’s when I remembered who’d help me get my mind straight and as if on queue I got a text from Lea.

Lea: You haven’t replied all week, so now I’m worried, what’s wrong, you okay? And answer this or I’ll send Ivan after you. lol… but in all seriousness answer me!

Frankie: oh yes your little taco bell doggy is going to hurt me. And no I’m not okay, can I go to your house?

Lea: Yeah sure, my mom loves you for some reason, probably more than me hehe.

Frankie: Don’t mention ‘Love’ to me!

Lea: Okay, but once you get here you’ll have to spill! >_<

Frankie: I know, text you in a bit when I’m almost there.

Lea: Okay then. C U in a bit.

It turns out I was practically walking in circles I was near the school meaning Lea’s house was only a few blocks away, I just hope she has a proper explanation to whatever I’m feeling cause I sure as hell don’t.

I texted Lea when I was at the front door saying I was almost there waited for like 30 seconds then rang the door bell. I was greeted by Mrs. Santos, whose face illuminated at the sight of me.

“Come on in Frank, Lea’s upstairs.” She informed me.

“Thanks.” I answered politely.

I went upstairs and knocked on her door it looked the same as always; purple, with caution tape outlining it and a sign that read, “Humans Out, Monsters Welcome.” It always made me smile. She opened the door and hugged me, I hadn’t seen her for a week or so and she had already dyed her hair a different color. It was naturally brown but that has been gone for years it was currently black with the tips a metallic white.

“Frankie! You actually worried me this time come in, tell me what’s wrong!” she said more of scram haste fully.

“So much my head feels like it’s going to explode from confusion!” I answered.

“Why are you confused?” She asked.

“Long story,” I mumbled I really didn’t know if I could tell her.

“We’ve got time.” She pushed, trying to get it out of me.

“Well there’s these new kids at school, Gerard and Mikey Way.” I’m still trying to figure out how to put it.

“Go on” she said desperate for me to continue.

“Okay well Mikey’s younger and well he was new and me and Ray took him in you can say, and he became a real good friend. But his brother there’s something behind him there’s something he hides, and you know me I’m very curious, but he’s never let me get close and he seems to hate me. Whenever he sees me he rams me to a wall or shoves me to the floor, or calls me a name, and I know I should hate him but his actions just seem to make me more and more interested in him. And just hours ago Mikey kissed me and I kissed back but um I uhh…” I stuttered with the last part not knowing if I should really admit something I had trouble admitting to myself to someone else.

“You what?” she asked.

“I um…pictured…um Gee I mean Gerard. And its driving me crazy, one because I don’t know what the hell is going on with me and cause Ray likes Mikey and I feel awful for letting it happen, and I really like Mikey but as a friend and I have no idea what I um feel for Gerard..” I trailed off not know what to say after that.

“I know you know what you feel for him Frankie you can see it every time you say his name.” she said.

“What? How can you know if I seriously don’t?” I asked.

“Come on Frankie, I know you, you know but you just don’t want to admit it,” she said, and she sounded so confident on what she presumed I felt for him.

“You know they say there’s a thin line between love and hate,” she continued.

“What you can’t be serious, you’re agreeing with that stupid voice in my head! That I’m in LOVE you know I have never actually said it to anyone or felt it!” I said pretty outraged I Frank Iero has never been in “love” all it causes is pain.

“Yeah well that “stupid voice” is probably you heart!” she exclaimed. Could I really be in “Love” with Gerard Way? I wanted to say, “Hell no,” but something inside me was telling me I did that for once I had to let someone help, that I NEEDED someone to help me feel strong and that person was Gerard Way.
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