Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Seven

by Detonating_Bunny 2 reviews

Bad Brothers?...What Has Mikey's Confusion Caused?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-26 - Updated: 2012-03-27 - 801 words

Chapter Seven
Gerard’s P.O.V

I don’t feel like myself I haven’t this whole week I know that I shouldn’t have pushed my brother the other day but I just can’t stand seeing him with Iero. I’ve lost my brother and all because of my stupidity I could at least talk to him but I don’t in order to fit in and all for what to hang out with dickheads. I swear all they talk about is football, and chicks…If only they knew you were gay… brain shut up I’m not up for that conversation…fine, but you know it’s true.

The only one in our crowd that was okay was Robert well Bob, he’s into the same type of music but of course we both keep it to ourselves and he has this real cool lip ring just like Frankie except on the other side…Why can’t I stop mentioning him?...I’ve always wanted a piercing but I’m too much of a chicken who’s scared of needles.

I continued walking in the park I’ve never bothered to look at the name of it but anyway this is were I first saw him I secretly wanted to see him why I have no idea but there are times when he just pops into my head and won’t leave, like now.

I feel like I should go…why? I don’t know. Something was just telling me to go and then I saw exactly why my gut had told me to leave. Something that hurt me at so many levels. Why exactly? I don’t know. But at this exact moment all I feel is hate.

I shouldn’t hate either one of them I pushed them both away and instead of protecting myself with these walls, I built them up wrong and they came crashing down crushing me, my insides and my heart. I had to get out of here I couldn’t stand it I felt like I’d been standing here for hours but in truth it’s been seconds. I ran. To where I have no idea I just didn’t feel safe, once more I felt lost I felt everything turning into a mist all the times this week I shoved Frankie into a locker or to the floor, all of it till all that was left was the image of him, him and my brother kissing.

Mikey’s P.O.V

I walked with Frankie, in the park I’m still confused I don’t know what to do when I’m with him everything seems perfect like we were meant to have met. And the same with Ray except with him I feel safe, completely.

Now we stood by the tree and I did something idiotic, but something necessary, I kissed him. And I thought I felt him kiss back but seconds later he shoved me off. I felt something but maybe he hadn’t. He just stood there looking confused as ever and then it turned into a mixture of anger and confusion. I expected him to at least yell at me but no he just walked away, leaving me hurt and still confused but after this I don’t think I’m willing to pull a stunt like this with Ray or I’ll just loose him as well. And that’s something I wouldn’t be able to live with I needed both of them, I loved both of them and I’m not willing to find out which I love the most.

Frankie’s P.O.V

I looked to the side and once I turned back. Mikey was leaning closer to me, then I felt his lips against mine I have to admit it felt right but while I was kissing him it wasn’t Mikey I pictured there it was his brother, I felt myself kissing back then pushed him off, remembering Ray. I had just broken the “bro code” just yesterday Ray had confessed he liked Mikey but didn’t want to tell him thinking he felt differently and apparently he did since he was kissing me!

I felt confused wondering what on earth had caused him to kiss me and then I felt angry but at myself I had kissed back. I couldn’t believe myself.

I couldn’t think of anything to say or do so I bolted.

A/N: It felt sad writing this. Even if it’s just a story of my imagination I can’t help feeling messed up hurting Gerard&Mikey ): I’m Seriously sorry you can all hate me but I needed to get the story moving and this is what came out.
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