Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Six: Call me a name, Kill me with words, Forget about me, It's what I deserve.

by Detonating_Bunny 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-25 - Updated: 2012-03-26 - 676 words

A/N: I Know This Was Practically A Filler Sorry. Promise I’ll Start Writing All The “Good Stuff” That Have Been Floating Up In My Head All This Time, Soon.  (And Regarding The Topic On Where This Story Shall Go You Shall Soon See But There Is A Couple of BIG Hints In This One.

Chapter Six: Call me a name, Kill me with words, Forget about me, It's what I deserve.
[*Mikey’s P.O.V

I walked with Frankie, I haven’t asked if it’s okay to call him that but it just kind of an instinct. I still feel scared. I have no idea what changed or happened it’s as if my brother and I had swapped characters. I had no idea what my brother went through all this, the truth is I often wondered what life was like for him and now that a got a simple and small portion of what he experienced everyday I took back all the times I turned him down to go with my friends.

Now I just felt lucky I wasn’t going to go through all the name-calling and bullying alone I had Frank and whoever this Ray kid was I just hope he’s cool and didn’t mind having an annoyingly awkward little 9th grader around.

We continued walking, when I spotted Gerard I felt like saying at least a hi or for him to nod but no he just walked straight through us pushing me to the side and knocking Frankie off his feet. I hadn’t seen it coming. All I heard were idiots laughing and a blonde guy calling my brother over and surprisingly he went.

Frankie got up and kept walking then stopped realizing I hadn’t followed. I caught up to him and he just stared looking skeptical, “What?” I asked.

“It’s just that I don’t get why he’d push you even the slightly.” He answered. The truth is I didn’t even know why he pushed me he was always okay with me not talking to him at school. But we would always acknowledge each other at least with a nod or smile but now he seemed to not even care. He seemed cruel even.

“I don’t either,” I confessed.

We continued walking till we reached a tall, skinny kid with a big, puffy afro. He noticed Frank and waved, with a big smile on his face. He looked pretty much adorable and I instantly knew I was going to like this guy.

Frank introduced us and like I thought, Raymond Toro, is fucking awesome. We’re pretty much into the same bands; Metallica, Iron Maiden etc. He was practically the opposite of Frank.

You like them, both, admit it.
You do.
And what if I do?
You ready to loose all your friends.
No, But…
At least choose one.
I Can’t.
Cause they’re both so awesome, nice, cute, adorable…
Here we go again with the gay girly stuff.
I can’t help it.
I Know.

Why do I have to talk to myself so much, but this time my conscience was right I had to respect the fact I had just made friends I couldn’t go and ruin it, and that I had to choose but I can’t even if I just met them I feel something for them, Both.

I convinced myself to just enjoy they’re company at least for the day, I learned I shared 3rd and 5th period with Ray and 4th with Frankie, besides 2nd.

The day went by fast except for 6th since I had neither one of them in my class only my brother who continued to ignore me and pretend not to know me.

P.S: I Find It Adorable When Ray Smiles Real Big And Waves. Like in the MOD episode, when he’s holding the tarantula. :D (That’s What I Meant By how he smiled if you wanted an image of that.)
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