Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > I'll Find You When The Sun Goes Black...

Chapter Five

by Detonating_Bunny 4 reviews

What Happened To All The Confidence Gerard Said Mikey Had? o_o

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [!] [V] - Published: 2012-03-19 - Updated: 2012-03-20 - 1407 words

A/N: If you don’t mind I’d like to know one little detail on how you’d like this story to go so if you can please answer the question at the end! Please & Thank You! ♥(:

Chapter Five
Frankie’s P.O.V

We stared at each other for what seemed like forever and the good type of forever not how this class usually went on forever. I can tell you one thing there was certainly something behind what now lay before me and now I’m more determined than anything to figure out what he hides behind those eyes, what he seems to mask. I…my thoughts were interrupted as I heard him snicker and as he did he broke the eye contact leaving me staring at the side of his face I saw the smile he had held turn into the most serious and almost cruel face I’d seen.

He turned to face me once more and said, “What the hell are you staring at, fag.” Jocks turned our away since he had said it quite loudly. I felt my face start to burn and tears waiting to spill out, and I knew why they were laughing, I looked pathetic, truth is I didn’t just look pathetic I felt pathetic. I had learned not to let it show that no matter how many words they threw my way never to let them know how much they hurt me it would only give them satisfaction. And today after so long I let it show and all because of this, this Gerard kid had thrown those cruel words at me. I wanted to hate him but I couldn’t hate is something I can’t do with. I’ve had people hate me for the utter reason of being different, I was not about to do what they all do to me each day, I can’t hurt anyone not even an inch close to how they hurt me, how he hurt me with a word that was spoken by everyone who saw me almost every single day.

I sometimes wish I were a ghost but now as I sat here with him not uttering a single word or even glancing at me the entire hour long period, that wish turned to me wanting to feel alive again because no matter what people say, I’m dead inside they kill me even more each day but no one notices, no one cares that I’m just pretending to live, that every time they call me names, or push me in the halls they just add on to the pain.

The bell rang, directing us to second period and as I walked towards my next class I felt someone behind me and seconds later I was pushed to the wall and the culprit continued on his merry way and not surprisingly it was Gerard Way. How can he go from seeming kind of nice just yesterday to acting just like the others? What had changed?

I continued on my way to Algebra 2 but still held him in my thoughts. I reached my class, took my normal seat, alone as usual. And as I looked up I saw a skinny, nerdy kid standing at the door he came in looking lost as ever and a little green to be honest. At first I thought he was lost and in the wrong class he looked like a freshmen but then again he did look nerdy so maybe he was good at math eh. The one thing that was really odd was the way he wore his glasses, right at the tip of his nose.

He looked around then spotted the seat next to me empty, seriously we’re in high school, and somehow we still have conjoined seats. As he came toward my seat some cruel kid put his foot out sending him to the floor I felt extremely sorry for the kid so got up and gave him my hand to support him up. He looked up at me gave me halfhearted smile and took my hand as he said, “thanks.” I looked at him in the eyes as I pulled him up there was something familiar about his eyes but I couldn’t remember what or who they reminded me of.

“Welcome,” I answered with a smile. We returned to our seats just as the teacher walked in and the class settled. He began to take attendance and I drifted off into my thoughts which kept returning to him, Gerard. And just when I felt I’d finally gotten an idea on what to do about him I heard my name and on instinct raised my hand and said present. He went on with attendance and I tried to go back to what I had just thought of but it was gone. I returned my attention to Mr. Valdez who called out “Michael Way” and the kid next to me raised his hand. What? Great. Another Way just what I needed, but then I took another look at him and realized he seemed nothing like his brother he seemed nice.

After taking attendance he started with his lesson I wasn’t really paying but I hear a small voice come from beside me “hey.” He said

“Hi,” I answered. At least this part of their family was friendly.

“You like Green Day?” he said noticing my shirt.

“Yup, their one of my favorite bands.” I answered.

“Cool. Me too,” he said shyly. We spent the rest of the class talking about music. Until we were disturbed by some idiot that yelled out, “Fags!” For some reason it didn’t get to me this time I just brushed it off. Why had it hurt when he said it? I was going to continue our conversation on Morrissey when I saw his face it was full of hurt. He looked as if he’d never been called this, like he’d never been picked on. And the best I could say was “Don’t let them get to you.” He smiled but still seemed hurt. I was about to say something when the bell rang and he walked off.

I was on my way to meet Ray when I saw Mikey getting shoved into a locker I kept my distance till they were gone. I went to get him out I pulled and pulled until I was able to open it. I found him with tears in his eyes, crouched inside, I was still pretty confused on how he wasn’t used to getting treated badly. He got out and looked at me thankful.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked.

“Um...Sure I guess.” He said.

“Have you like never learned to just ignore their words or try to avoid them?
“Well the truth is that when I woke up this morning I felt like I’d lost all my confidence and I guess now I know how my brother feels he would always get picked on and up until today he seems so different and apart too.” He answered. What? Gerard getting picked on that can’t be right from how he treated me earlier I’d say he’d be the offender not the victim.

“And I never got picked on at my old school they all kind of had to accept me as different,” he continued.

“Well from now on I want you to know that this world sucks especially if your different in their eyes and you have to learn to not give a mad fuck about what they say or call you.” I told him trying to cheer him up.

“I guess your right,” he said

“Well come on then, your with us now, well if you want.” I said I wasn’t about to leave such a good kid alone.

“I’d like that, um who’s us though?” he asked.

“Just Ray and me most of the time” I said

“Oh,” he answered.

“You’ll meet him soon enough.” And with that we were off to find Ray.

A/N: Should I turn this into a Frikey vs Frerard type of thing or just plain Frerard and keep Mikey as a close/best friend? Or Maybe Ray and Mikey?

P.S: I will include Bob in this too so take him in mind too for the couples too ^_^
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