Categories > Celebrities > Whose Line is it Anyway? > It Never Ends.

Monday morning, 2 nights after the party.

by EllenDalyKaulitz 0 reviews

Category: Whose Line is it Anyway? - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-24 - Updated: 2012-04-24 - 326 words

Ellen's POV.

So yeah, I walked into the school gates, Saw Bill, ran over and jumped into his arms as usual. He hugged&kissed me and all that " shizzel ". Oliver was sitting by his locker, finishing homework he obviously didn't do the night before. I let go of Bill...

Ellen: Bill, um I need to talk to Oli.
Bill: Oh. Again? You're spending too much time with Oli. It's seriously fucking annoying me now. You don't love me any more.
Ellen: What the fuck are you on about? Oli is my best friend! we had a fight so I want to apologise to him, is that so fucking bad?

Bill walked away from me and went over to his friends and shouted across to me. " Do what you fucking like, Ellen cause you know you will any way! " I walked over to Oli. " K " I shouted back at him, I could see the anger in his eyes.. Oli looked up at me and got so confused...

Oli: What did I do?
Ellen: Nothing, I'm sorry for over reacting..
Oli: It's okay.. looks like you could really use a hug right now. Everything alright?
Ellen: Not really.

I opened my arms out, offering him a hug, we both hugged and I could see the anger in Bill's face. Bill shouted across the hall " YOU HAVE FEELINGS FOR THIS SCRAWNY GUY? ?? " Everyone went silent. I bursted into tears, Oli shouted back over " EVEN IF SHE DID, AT LEAST I CAN SAY I WOULD GIVE HER MORE THEN YOU EVER DID. I WOULD TREAT HER WITH RESPECT UNLIKE YOU DID. " Bill glared at Oli, Oli glared back at Bill.. Bill walked off with his possy.

Oli: sorry Ellen.. had to be said.. he's a right asshole.

I nodded agreeing with Oli.

Ellen: that's me and him finished now. He's actually a complete dick.
Oli went pale..

Oli: I hope I didn't ruin your relationship.
Ellen: you didn't, don't worry..
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