Categories > Celebrities > Whose Line is it Anyway? > It Never Ends.

Ditching school?

by EllenDalyKaulitz 0 reviews

Category: Whose Line is it Anyway? - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-24 - Updated: 2012-04-24 - 388 words

Oli's POV

So yeah, Ellen finally left Bill. I have been waiting for this moment for too long now.
I wanted to make a move on her.. but it's still early days and she is my best friend.
So I took her hand and drove her to my house we needed to talk.

in the car

Ellen: Oli.. where are you taking me?
Oli: Away from that fucking school.
Ellen: But we're going to get in shit!
Oli: Not if we run away..
Ellen: You mean... run away together?
Oli: yes! now I need to go home and pack.. my parents are away..
Ellen: my parent's aren't! Oli we have no money! I have no way of getting my clothes and shit
Oli: I have money!
Ellen: What? how? how much?
Oli: $12,000. I've been saving to move out, so this is probably the time to use it.
Ellen: What the fuck? have you been saving for like yonks?
Oli: yonks?
Ellen: Years..
Oli: Oh.. and yes, I have! You are important to me..
Ellen: I am...?
Oli: Oh like as a friend.. eh y'know?
Ellen: Oh.. I know.

I stopped outside my house
Oli: Be back in a few.

Ellen's POV.

I was shitting myself to be honest!! I didn't know what to expect next to happen.. we get arrested cause' we're only 17 year olds running away looking for a house.. or whatever..

phones calls and my heart skipped a beat, It was only Felicity..

Ellen: Hello?
Felicity: Hey beautiful.. where are you??
Ellen: About to run away with Oli.. Come with me!! please!! we're outside his house...
Felicity: I'll be there in a few!

I saw Oli with a big stack of cash in his hand and 2 suitcases full of Oli shit..

Oli: We all ready ?
Ellen: Wait here.
Oli: for what?!
Ellen: Felicity!!
Oli: What?!
Ellen: She's coming okay. She called, I panicked She's my bestest friend in the world, other than you..
Oli: Oh fine.

I saw Felicity with a pink suitcase and another a stack of cash in her hand

Ellen: What's with everyone with the stack of cash? I only have 20 bucks in my pocket right now.. that was supposed to be for the book in school. HOLD ON! I have 5000 for college in my room.. take me home I wanna pack too...
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