Categories > Celebrities > Whose Line is it Anyway? > It Never Ends.


by EllenDalyKaulitz 0 reviews

Category: Whose Line is it Anyway? - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-04-24 - Updated: 2012-04-24 - 211 words

Felicity's POV.

So I got in the car.. Ellen was screaming We're millionaires! We're millionaires! I looked at Oli in confusion...

Felicity: Why are we millionaires?
Ellen: You have a stack of cash right?
Felicity: Yeah like $1,200 .
Ellen: And I have $5,000 in my room and Oli has 12,000.
Ellen's POV
*We pulled outside my house, no cars were there.. Mom and Dad were obviously in Jona's house to look after the cats, I ran to my room, got the money, packed all my favourite CD's, clothes and my teddy-bears. I love teddy-bears, laptop, charger for phone and laptop etc. Then soon I was ready to go. I cried at first, thinking of my parents, but then I was okay again.

Oli: This'll be a long journey. So sit back and enjoy the ride girls.

Oli's POV.
Wow.. Felicity is here. I haven't seen her in a while. She's like my sister to be honest. Could tell her anything! I remember kissing her last year in front of her ex.. I admit, I kinda like her too..

Felicity: I forgot to tell my boyfriend I'm leaving town..

me and ellen bursted out laughing

Felicity: What? I'm serious!
she started laughing
Felicity: Ah I'm sure he'll notice me when I'm gone, and then panic!
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