Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Feeling safe

Feeling safe

by Killjoyforever123 1 review

IT'S FRERARD!!!! Gerard has his first kiss on the steps of the highschool. He was a 9th grader who just had his first kiss with a..... GUY! Gerard always planned to keep the whole gay thing a secr...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2012-04-24 - Updated: 2012-04-25 - 626 words - Complete


My name is gerard way and my best friend is my brother Mikey and my friend ray. Well I'm a former 9th grader at belleville high. I hate it everyone makes me feel guilty for being gay! I mean they stuff like " fag, your a sin, or go to hell!!!!" I never kissed anyone. So how do they know I'm gay? Maybe it was that gay jock Bert. I didn't go out with him
So he spread the word I was gay! Well I am but I want the right boyfriend. Bert would probably protect me from getting hurt but he would turn me into jock, which I would never want to happen.

" flash back "

Today was a good day though a new student was coming to are class! His name was frank iero according to the teacher. When the door open he said " hey I'm frank iero. Just saying I'm gay so go ahead and beat me up so I can switch schools again." I watched every move he made. " um well frank please go sit with Gerard in the back." I was jumping in my seat a really sexy guy who was gay. He sat next to me and then looked at me. I smirked, he smiled. Then his seat was closer I put my hand on his cock. I started to cum. " FUCK! " I was cumming in class by sitting next to this frank dude! Finally the end of the school day. Frank was on the steps Waiting for me. I walked up to him he smiled then......

FRANK KISSED ME FULL ON! no tounge just a long pleasant kiss....

" end of flash back "

My mom picked me, Mikey, ray ( who lives who with half the time ), and my new and first boyfriend frank. When she met frank she started saying things like, " you must be Gerard's boyfriend. Oh call me Donna, I'm so happy Gerard has you as a boyfriend. Your perfect for each othe." I blushed and then a sing I haven't hurn in months came on the radio " like we used to" by rocket to the moon. I looked at the car ceiling for awhile then the car stopped we all got out. Then me and frank went up to my room. The first moved I made was on one knee. Then I said.....

" frank will you marry me?!?"

" 2010 touring in the U.K "

Me and frank sat in the your bus. Years ago I asked if he would marry me, his answer..... " yes." know I was wearing a wedding ring for some jerk girl named Lyn-z! We sat back to back. Last time I had sex with him was a years ago know I had a kid. So did he and he had a wife. I was yelling at him early about how he never kept his promise he lied! I decided to fetup and grab a knife I threw it across the room and screamed " my fucking wife!" at the top of my lungs. Frank looked over at me his eyes are know red from the crying when we were fighting.

I walk up to frank and apologize. He smiles, " well if you mean it this apology then lets have some fun." frank laughed. So we did have fun. We decided to have sex. Hardcore sex with fucking, blow jobs, hand jobs, and lots of cum. After that I couldnt find my wedding ring. I looked over and saw it under the bed when I tried to grab it frank stopped me. " I don't think you need that anymore." he whispered. I looked at him confused he took his of and put it were mine was right next to it. Know I'm not afraid to keep on living.
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