Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Camp Destroya

Chapter 6

by EilzC98 3 reviews

Umm... I'm not gonna say! :)

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-04-27 - Updated: 2012-04-27 - 1035 words

Okay, I told you so! this took way longer than it should of. and i'm sorry about that, but this is quite something, and some of you might not like what happens at the end, but yeah. I hope you enjoy! :)

Gerard’s POV

“No way, no fucking way. You are not seeing him Gerard. There is no way in fucking hell am I gonna let you destroy yourself again. You are staying here.” Me and Mikey had been fighting for nearly an hour, and everyone else was getting alarmed, and annoyed.

“You don’t get to fucking chose who I see Michael. I need to see him. Just to make sure he’s okay. Please just let me go see him.” I knew there was no chance, but it was worth a try. “He was my best friend, and then he got his problems. Please Mikey, please.” He looked at me like I was crazy.

“Fine, but I’m coming with you.” I smiled and hugged him while thanking him. He pushed me off. I really couldn’t wait to see Brendon. It was only gonna be the one time, it’s not like I was going to go back out with him. I had my eye on someone else.

I wasn’t going to become friends with anyone here. Before coming here I had decided, if I didn’t make any friends, I didn’t have to remember my experiences here. But now I’m here, I’ve changed my mind. These guys seemed, honestly, awesome.

So that night, I actually spoke to the guys. I tried not to be shy and I had a really good time. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much. Frank was really funny. It seemed we had a lot in common. We were both obsessed with ‘the misfits’ and well just music in general. I was settling in, I was enjoying myself.

Frank’s POV

Gerard wasn’t homophobic, and he actually ace. But I was a bit concerned about this Brendon guy. Who was he? And why was Mikey so worried about Gerard seeing him? What happened between them? Whatever it was, they weren’t giving anything away. So I decided just to drop it.

Ever since the class, Gerard has been a lot more open to everyone, but he’s been open to me the most. As I said, we get along really well. But there’s something he’s not telling me. And I keep on catching him looking at me. He blushes then looks away. It’s cute actually, but he doesn’t seem to think so.

Gerard and Mikey have just left to see this Brendon guy. I really hope Gerard will be okay. I have to admit, I really cared about him, no matter how much I wish I didn’t. I didn’t want to make him a homophobe, but I couldn’t help it.

Anyway, he’s probably straight. Actually, he’s most defiantly straight. I mean he is far too hot to be gay. Oh well, I just need to get over these weird feelings I’m getting and live to deal with it, and hopefully get rid of them in time.

But there was still one thing bugging me. Why did Mikey lie to me? What was the need? And why did he and Gerard mean when they said Gerard would want to be homophobic? Why would anyone want to be homophobic? I will get my answers, but only when I think Gerard is ready. It’s too soon.

Gerard’s POV

Me and Mikey are going to see Brendon. I’ve been looking forward to this moment ever since Brendon left for LA to fix his ‘problem.’ I really do care for him, and he cares for me. He might have had a strange way of showing it, but he did.

We were getting close to where Brendon was meant to be staying for the summer, but when we got there, it looked like an ambulance had gotten there first. A hospital bed emerged from the hut, lying on it, was Brendon.

From what I could see, he was sweating, vomiting and screaming his fucking head off. Well I didn’t have to see him screaming, I heard him well enough. And so did everyone else.

People started to gather round the scene. I heard some gasps and general mumbles from everyone nearby. But I only cared about two voices, one was Brendon, but you could hear him well enough.

The other was Frank surprisingly, I heard him ask Mikey what was happening after he asked me and got no reply. I didn’t mean to be rude to him, but the scene in front of me was what I wanted answers too. Why was Brendon screaming? Was he hurt? Or worse.

Michael walked up to me. He said I could have a few minutes before Brendon had to go to hospital. As soon as he said that I sprinted over to him. I didn’t even wait to find out why he was going to hospital. All I knew was that he was going there and this might be my only chance to see him.

“Brendon? Brendon! It’s me, Gerard. What happened to you? Look we only have a few minutes before you have to go so please just speak to me and tell me your okay.” Brendon looked up into my eyes, he smiled at me, took my head and kissed it softly. I knew then that he was okay, at least for now.

They speeded Brendon away from me, and it turned out that that really was the last time I would ever see him. He died three days later from an overdose. It has now been a week since his death, and I haven’t stopped crying.

Okay, please don't kill me! I just wanted a bit of drama, that's all. I've read a story were Mikey dies so... Anyway, please R&R and the next cahpter will be up asap! See ya later shitlords! (I might start saying that at the end. Tell me if I shouldn't!)
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