Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Camp Destroya

Chapter 5

by EilzC98 3 reviews

Um well it's their first rehab lesson, and Gerard and Mikey get into a fight.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-04-23 - Updated: 2012-04-23 - 1123 words

Heya. I know I said this would be up in a couple of days and it's taken longer. It seems I take a lot longer at this than I think I could. Oh well it's here now, I hope you enjoy!

Gerard’s POV

“Is there any chance I could go with my brother, I just feel more comfortable around him.” I know I said that I would make friends with whoever I was put with, but Frank seemed to hate me. I still need to talk to Mikey and find out what he said to him. It seemed Frank didn’t want to go with me either.

“I don’t mind going with Alicia. She’s nice and I think I could get better around her, but I don’t think me and Gerard would get along that well. If what Mikey said had anything to go by.” When Frank said that, he gave me a look. It was pure hatred. I don’t know what Mikey told him, but I need to find out and soon.

I didn’t want to start some argument so I looked at Mikey then looked down. We tried to convince Michael to let us be with anyone else but each other. But he kept on saying that ‘his decision was final.’ Whole load of shit in my opinion. But there really wasn’t anything we could do, so after about half an hour, we gave up and sat down.

Neither of us really knew what to say to each other. So for the whole time we were there, we didn’t say a thing. That was until Frank decided otherwise.

“So Gerard, what’s going on in that strange little mind of yours?” I heard sarcasm, so I just gave him an evil glare and looked down again. Everyone else seemed to be getting on, but Gerard and I, there was just nothing, I felt weird around him. It took all my will not to look at him. He fascinated me. I wanted to know him, but if I tried, I knew something bad would happen. Just like it did before, so we sat in silence. Not even looking at each other. Just how I liked it.

Frank’s POV

Well, this is awkward. I really don’t get Gerard. I thought if he is homophobic, that he would have at least insulted me somehow. But no. The worst I’ve gotten was an evil look. I’m so confused. Why is this guy being so shy? I have a good feeling Mikey was lying to me. I just need to find out why.

We sat in silence for a little while longer before I decided to try and get him to talk again. I was here anyway, may as well make the most out of it.

“What did you think about when I said I was gay? You gave me a weird look then went into deep thought. Why did you do that and what were you thinking about?” Gerard looked up and stared into my eyes. He had gorgeous hazel eyes, ones that you would just want to melt into. As he kept his head down all the fucking time, I never noticed his eyes. But as I said, they were fucking gorgeous. He stared at me for a little while longer before looking down again. I thought he wasn’t going to answer me so I rolled me eyes in annoyance, I did that before he actually did answer. Which I have to admit, surprised me.

“I was just thinking about how lucky you are to be so comfortable with who you are, and who you like. I’ve got a question now, what did Mikey tell you when you went to collect the supplies for the room?” Gerard had such a strong New Jerseyan accent, it really suited him.

“He said that me and you wouldn’t get along. And when I asked if you were homophobic he said that I could say that. What did he mean by that?” Gerard didn’t even answer me. He just got up and stomped over to Mikey. This could get dirty.

Gerard’s POV

“YOU SAID I WAS HOMOPHOBIC!” I shouted when I got to Mikey. I can’t believe he said that. I was the complete opposite. I was fucking gay.

“Gerard, calm down, I thought it was for the best. You told me not to tell anyone and to lie to anyone that asks, so I did. What’s the problem? You wish you were homophobic, so why not pretend to be?” oh really Mikey, we are really gonna talk about this.

“The problem is that one, I’m not homo-fucking-phobic, even if I wish I was, and two, you told the one fucking gay guy here that was. So the Mikey, that’s the problem.” I was so angry. I don’t even know why I was so fucking angry. Maybe I just wanted Frank to like me and not to think I was a fucking homophobe.

I began to walk out of the building, but of course Mikey had to say too much.

“Brendon destroyed you. I wish you never met that guy. I told you he would hurt you. Maybe not as literal but yeah, I was right and because of that. You have completely detached yourself from mom and me.” Oh my fucking god why?

“You don’t have a fucking clue. How dare you mention Brendon. You didn’t know him like I did. He was my best friend. He cared about me, he just got a little... strange, that’s all. And he likes it in LA and he’s getting better now. So yeah, just shut the fuck up and let me leave without needing to ...” I didn’t get to finish cause Michael interrupted. I didn’t even notice everyone else till then. What if they had figured it out? I look at Frank and he looks really confused, at least that’s something.

“Wait, do you mean Brendon Urie?”

“Yeah do you know him?” I saw worry in my brothers eyes when he asked that. He was thinking exactly the same thing I was, and we were both right.

“Yes I know him. He’s here at the camp if you want to see him.” Shit fucking shit.

Was that good? Please tell me anything. But only if you want to of course. Um I would say that I have a good idea and it should be up soon, but after last times incidence, I think I should just say that it will be up when it's up. see ya soon, maybe. :)
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