Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The road to recovery. (Or so we think...)

Chapter 8

by KobraBlaze 2 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-01 - Updated: 2012-05-01 - 1388 words - Complete

Hello. I hope you enjoy this. I'm not sure how to go about it right now but I hope it will be okay.

Chapter 8
Pete's POV

I watch his eyes frantically searching mine as I wait for him to explain but he does nothing of it. Just sits there, black circles around his eyes, glasses perched, slightly askew on the tip of his nose and dishelved sandy brown hair. He looks wrecked in all honesty. But still as cute as ever.

"What happened?" I ask, in slight fear of his reply.

He looks down at the ground and swallows hard, as if he regretted something.

"I-I had an argument with Gerard. An-d I got mad and shouted at him. And then.." The tears in his eyes finally fall and he squeezes them shut.
I rub his shoulder in a comforting way.

"It's okay, Mikearoni. You can tell me if you want. I won't tell anyone. Promise."

"He to-ld me to... to get out of the apartment and go cry t-to you about it." He finishes with a quiet sob and my heart breaks for him. What kind of an idiot is Gerard? I mean really.

"Oh Mikey, c'mere" I pull him into a hug thinking about what on earth has he been through if it his brother giving orders, not his parents.

"It's okay. I promise it'll be fine."

"And then I heard him yelling at Frank when I was waiting for a lift."

The bell rings finishing class but he just stays still lost in thought.
Until I interrupt him...

"What were you arguing about?"

"Ab- Just... Never mind."
He gives up trying but I don't give up questioning.

"I will mind Mikey because it's affecting you. Making you sad. C'mon, just tell me." I try to convince him and I succeed.

"Just about everything." He looks down in hopelessness and shame. What was going on in his little cute head?

"Like?" I push him on but I won't make him five to say anything. He looks pretty upset.

"Sorry Pete I don't want to talk about it right now." He says timidly, packing up his stuff.

"Okay. How about I meetcha at lunch.
He just nods and quickly walks to his next class.
What's got the kid so down? I really just want to help. Maybe asking him like that was a bit too pushy. But I just want to be able to make him feel better.

Lunch comes around quickly enough and walk outside to find Mikey sitting under a tree with his head buried in his knees. I walk over to him and collapse down beside him.

"Hey Mikes. How are you?" I ask but only receive a mere shrug suggest he feels like nothing.
"Oh Mikey... What's gotcha so upset? How can I help if I don't know what's wrong?" I look at him seriously and his head rises, his eyes fixated on my with worry and guilt clear in them.

"But you don't want to help me. I know you don't. My own brother doesn't even want me around."
His outburst catches me and I try to calm him down.

"Mikes I do-"

"Nobody would want me around because Gee was right, I am just a suicidal freak!" his eyes wide and fearful. Gerard said that?! What the fuck is wrong with him? Can't he tell the kid is shouted at enough?! Mikey really does look up to his brother. Like he's afraid to disappoint him. The way he calls him Gee like a young child would call there brother. Its like Gerard has got complete control of him and Mikey will do and believe whatever he says.

"Mikey. Don't say that. Please, don't. Gerard isn't right from what I can tell. I'm sure he doesn't mean to say those things to you. He just gets frustrated because he isn't as strong as you." I try to explain, hopefully getting through to him but I see him stand up and walk away.

I walk quickly after him, following him into the school.
He goes to his locker and pulls out a few books and continues to walk down the corridor. I ask him 'Whats wrong?' but he doesn't even look at me. Shit! What have I said?!

I step infront of him forcing him to stop. "Mikey. Please, just believe me okay? You're a real nice guy. You're strong to face school each day and I think that you're nothing what your brother seems to think. I want to be friends with Mikey. I wish that doesnt come as a shock to you but I really do. And I want to make you feel better. Please... Just talk to me, yeah?"

Some stray tears begin to cascade down his face and I wipe them away with my thumb.
"B-But Pete, why would Gerard lie?" He asks just wanting an answer that I can't think of.

"I don't know Mikey but what I can tell you is this. Why don't you come to mine after school, okay? And sleep over if you want and then I will drop you home tomorrow evening and maybe we can talk about it with Gerard and Frank. Yeah?" I suggest. I want to hang out with him properly and get to know him because there's a Hell of a lot more to him than just bullying and a broken-home. I can tell.

He stares at the ground for a second thinking about it and then looks up at me again.
"Okay Pete." He's calmed himself down and sighs...
"I'll go to yours. Can I ring Gerard first?"

I think about it and what Gerard could say and since Frank seems a little calmer I advice him to ring Frank.

At the end of the day, Mikey and I met up at the lockers and Mikey rang Frank, putting the phone on loud speaker in case he didn't know what to say.

"Hello?" Franks voice came from the other end.

"H-Hi Frank."

"Hey, Cuteness. You okay?" I see Mikey blush at the nickname. Is there something going on between them? No there can't be. Anyone in there oft mind would know that that is too much for Mikey.

"Yeah. I was wondering if I could stay at Pete's tonight?"

"Uh... Sure I guess. Will I tell Gerard?" I can tell he's a little unhappy with the question but I think he trusts me with him. If he's willing to let Mikey stay at my house well then that's gotta say something!

"...Um... Yes please. I don't want him to get mad, Frank. Can you make him just see that Pete's my friend?" The obvious pleading in Mikey's voice makes my heart hurt from the fact that he has to beg his brother to have a friend. Gerard needs to get over it.

"Sure Mikes. It'll be alright. See ya tomorrow. Bye. Love you"
Okay, that did seem very very friendly but I think they're just like a little family.
I like Frank. He seems trustworthy and always has Mikey's Back.

"Bye. Love you too." Mikey blushes again slightly and stares up at me with the most beautiful smile ever. He's just so cute.

"Ready?" He nods and we head off to my car.

"Pick a CD" I say pointing at the back seat, covered in CDs. He reaches back and pulls a CD at random. Billy Talent II. Red Flag blasts through my poor quality speakers and I speed down the road to my house.

As he gazes out the window, with a small glimpse of a smile on his face, I can't help but look forward to tonight. Just us too. And no, I won't plan on messing anything up with a kiss or something. That's for later!


Okay, I know that was a really crappy chapter. It's just that I had an idea and I had half of it written out and then I went to sleep and I couldn't remember the next thing, so I just came up with this. Anyway, please rate and leave a review of what you thought and how to improve. Thanks for reading!!! I've to go and worry about my Irish test and history homework for tomorrow! :) Yes, I'm a grade-A swot at history but a failure at Irish :/
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