Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden Love

chapter 14

by RedNight 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-02 - Updated: 2012-05-02 - 1211 words - Complete

Gerard POV
I wake with Franks head on my chest. Last night was the best night of my life. We went the full and I mean the full way. Words can't describe how happy I am right now. Granted things aren't perfect but I've decided to look beyond the imperfections.
Frank stirs in his sleep. I can feel him breathing onto my chest. Should we go today? I think we should stay just for today, I know Frank is getting fed up of travelling mostly because I won't let him drive. Oh fuck I need to tell Mikey to pick the guitar. I wonder Frank used to cut himself. Maybe he'll tell me but if he doesn't I won't push him to.
I put one of my hands behind my head and with the other I trace Franks scorpion tattoo. Hayley didn't have any tattoos. Oh Hayley I really fucking messed that one up. What if I didn't go to Mikeys party that night. What if I hadn't invited Frank over. What if I had never even met Hayley in the first place. Yet if everything hadn't happened I wouldn't be so happy right now.
Fuck. No. I don't want to see that. The image of Hayleys lifeless body comes to my mind. No. No. No. No. Go away. I see Hayley rise from the bed. She looks as me with dead eyes.
"See what you made me do." She says though her lips don't move. "You hurt me so I hurt you. Oh karma tastes so sweet." She laughs."Our little baby. Will never grow up. Never find love. Never get its first kiss. Do you remember our first kiss Gerard?" She laughs and walks towards me. She pulls a knife from nowhere. "Do you Gerard?" No. No. No. No.

"GERARD!" Frank shouts snapping me out of my horrible daze. I am sweating and breathing heavily. "Calm down. Calm down." He says wrapping his arms around my neck. I move his arms and get up. I pull on some boxers and head into the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I sit on the cold floor and put my head between my knees. Fuck. That's never happened before. Every other time I just see her lying there.
My breathing slows down. I hear Frank moving around in the room.
"Gerard?" He says with a voice full of concern.
"Just-just give me a minute Frankie." I manage
"Sure take as long as you need." He replies. I get up with shaky legs. I go over to the sink and wash my face. I look at myself in the mirror. My face is as red as my hair. Mind you my hair looks a great colour. The dark circles that have possessed my eyes for over a month have gone and I look so much better. I only need to feel it now.
I unlock the door and walk out. Frank is putting some jeans on. I go into my rug sack look for my own jeans. I pull out grey skinny jeans and a black and white stripped jumper. I get dressed and then sit on the bed and run my hand through my hair. Frank sits beside me and rubs my back.
"It was bad I take it." Frank says. I sniff and lift my head.
"Yeah." is all I say. He realises my discomfort at the subject.
"We have no cigarettes. I'm going to go get some." He says.
"Ok." I reply. He gets up and puts his shoes on then he leaves. I can't get Hayley out of my head. I get up and rummage through my bag for my cell phone. When I find it I text Mikey to pick up the guitar. Then I look again for my sketchbook and pencils. I sit on the bed and begin to draw.
I draw a womans face and body. Her hair goes past her bum and flows out like the wind is blowing it. I make her eyes two crosses and her lips a straight line. I colour her hair ginger and draw blood dripping from it. She wears a long white dress that flows out like her hair. Her hands come out in front of her and she holds a bunch of black roses.
I hold the drawing out in front of me. God can I be any more depressing. Mind you it is a good drawing. I sigh and put the sketchbook and pencils back in the bag. Frank should be here by now. Fuck where is he.
Just as I start to panic he bursts breathlessly through the door he turns and hastily locks it. He looks at me with terrified eyes.
"Frank what's wrong?" I say.
"Aahh!" He screams and doubles over in pain. I pick him up and carry him to the bed.
"Frank. Frank. Tell me where it hurts." I say.
"Heart..." He manages."Spencer got black hair?"
"Yes." I reply
"He did this." He replies. Fuck I know what this is.
"Listen Frank I know what he's done. You have to kiss me to get it to go away. But its easier said than done." I say. He yelps as another pain hits him. I try to kiss him but he pushes me away. Fuck so I was right.
"Gee. Why did I do that." He says confused and scared.
"Its one of Spencers tricks. You have to kiss me but your mind and body will try everything to stop it." I say. Trying to kiss him again but I get a punch in the face instead. I hold my face in my hand.
"Fuck. I'm sorry I didn't want to hurt you." He says tears falling.
"I know Frankie but only you can really fight this. Try with all you've got not to hurt me. Try everything to get to my lips." I say. I sit on top of him and use my knees to keep his arms down. I lean down to kiss him again.
"NO! Gerard stop!" He pleads. I look at him. Its not him pleading Gerard keep going. I try again. "NO! NO!" He screams.
"Fuck Frank this is killing me." I say my own tears falling.
"Gerard please no matter how much I plead and scream don't stop. This- ahh- this pain is worse than the pain of kissing you right now." He says. I nod and lean down again ignoring his sobs and his screams. Our lips touch but he doesn't stop screaming. Fuck I don't know how long I can do this for. He won't part his lips. I stroke his hair trying to comfort him.
I have to forcefully part his lips. I slip my tongue in and wait for his screams. They don't come. Did it work. To test I let one of his arms free. He lifts it to my face. So I let the other one free. He puts that one in my hair. I let out a sigh of relief and pull away. He looks at me. His eyes are bloodshot from crying. I get up from him and begin to put things into our rug sacks.
"We have to get away Frankie. Far far away." I say
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