Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden Love

chapter 15

by RedNight 1 review

When I wrote this I didn't know that Frank actually didn't like skittles. Anyway. I'm glad you're enjoying the story I have the full story on Mibba and I've had much better views on this in a few...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Frank Iero - Published: 2012-05-03 - Updated: 2012-05-03 - 705 words - Complete

We have been driving for little over an hour and its been spent in silence. Why the fuck did I let Frank go out alone. It could have been a lot worse I suppose.
"Gerard stop beating yourself up over it. It wasn't your fault." Frank says. I laugh.
"Frank he could have made you kill yourself." I say keeping my eyes on the road.
"I'm not even going to try and argue with you because you'll just keep saying its your fault. And for what its worth I would rather he got me than you." He says turning away. I've annoyed him. Great. I sigh and decide to give him some quiet time. He turns around and looks in his rug sack. He searches for a good 5minutes and doesn't seem to find what he's looking for. I take the packet of skittles from my pocket and open them. Franks head snaps round at the sound of the sweet packet open.
I teasingly take one from the packet and pop it in my mouth. I keep my eyes on the road, one hand on the wheel and the other hand is popping sweets into my mouth.
"H-how did you get the s-skittles?" Frank asks reaching over to get the packet but I move it away.
"Nosey nosey." I reply
"Aww Gee pleeeeaaasse!" He says. I ignore him and eat another sweet. He slops back in his seat and pouts. Then he gets that look on his face. The one that means he's had a great idea. He un buckles his seatbelt and climbs into the back of the car. I can't look to see what he is doing and it is making me nervous.
I feel his lips on my neck. He lightly sucks and kisses, making me want him so bad. I slightly tilt my head to give him more room. I somehow manage to keep driving while I'm so distracted. Frank moves his hands up and down my chest. I give a moan as he nibbles my ear.
" you want me to crash?" I say.
"No but I do want my skittles." He replies and continues caressing my neck. I hold the sweet packet behind me.
"Yay!" He squeals grabbing them and giving me a kiss on the cheek. He stays in the back seat and I can hear him eating his beloved skittles.
"Back to the street where we began..." I sing the words to 'Nine in the Afternoon".
"Cause its nine in the afternoon." I finish. The car is silent. I look in the mirror and see Frank sleeping. He's so adorable.
I don't have a clue where we are or where we are going. I was too busy thinking of myself rather than Franks safety. Its pretty dark now. I look at the clock and see it is 10:00pm. I better find a hotel soon.
Frank is still sleeping in the back and I am so tired. There hasn't been anything for miles. I can hear Frank mumbling in his sleep.
"Gera..." He says trailing off. He's dreaming of me. "No Gerard..." What is he talking about. I look in the mirror to see his terrified face though he is still sleeping. I pull over onto the hard shoulder and climb into the back.
"GERARD NO!" Frank yells. He is kicking his feet and he is sweating.
"Frank baby I'm here. Shhh" I say taking him into my arms. He wakes up. "Shh calm down." I rock us back and forth.
"Gee i- was so scared." He says bursting into tears. I stroke his hair and keep rocking.
"Its ok I'm here now. I won't let anything happen." I say kissing his forehead.
He manages to calm himself down enough to talk.
"I dreamt that Spencer had got you and...and he made you..." He says but doesn't finish. Instead he buries his face into my neck.
"He made me do what." I say trying to sound calm but I'm far from it. I swear I'm going to kill Spencer. He's making our lives hell. Well I guess I have my parents to blame for that.
"He made you kill me." Frank says in a small voice.
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