Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Forbidden Love

chapter 21

by RedNight 0 reviews

shits going down

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2012-05-03 - Updated: 2012-05-03 - 746 words - Complete

I open my eyes to the morning sun. I don't even remember falling asleep. I sit up in my seat and rub the sleep from my eyes. Its a nice day for mid October. Wait its October?
"Ray what's the date?" I ask looking at him. He thinks for a bit, his eyes on the road.
"October 21st." He says. So my birthday is in 10 days... Normally by this time I would have been bouncing in my seat. I've always loved birthdays. For most people the excitement of birthdays fades as they get older but for me it has never been that way.
I groan at the thought of having a very shitty birthday even if I get Gerard before it. It will be shit because of all the crap we have been through these past few months.
I miss home. I miss seeing my parents. I miss my bed. I miss my guitar. I miss my life... There's no point in dwelling on the past because it is what it is. The past. Where the fuck is my life heading. I don't want to be running away all the time. I need to start taking things head on. Grab the bull by its horns. You get what I mean.
I guess that's what I'm doing right now. Taking the bull by the horns. If I'm honest I'm completely shitting myself. I couldn't kill someone...could I? But I would happily kill Spencer don't get me wrong, its just the thought of the aftermath. Will we be running again or will we be safe?
We drive into a very familiar street. Its Gerards old house. Its for sale. I look away not really wanting to re-live those days. Not long after and we are pulling into Mikeys driveway. Before Ray has even cut off the engine I am out of the car and at the door. I chap the door and seconds later Mikey is there. He moves out of the way to let me in and I head straight too the living room.
"We need to plan." Ray says walking into the room. Mikey sits on my left and Ray sits on the other side and we begin to plan our rescue mission.

Ok so we have made our plan. Mikey will go to Spencers house and keep him busy while Ray and I will sneak in. Ray thinks Gerard will be in the basement so we will check there first. If he is there we will sneak him out and walk round the corner out of sight. Mikey will say he needs to go and he will come and pick us up then Gerard, Ray and I will all go to Rays house again.
"What about killing Spencer?" I ask
"Frank that's a bad idea. It will be hard enough getting Gerard out never mind trying to trap Spencer." Ray says. Mikey nods in agreement.
"...fine" I sigh giving in.

Right Mikey is in with Spencer and Ray and I are trying to sneak in. We go round the back and I look through the very small basement window. I see a flash of red across the room. Gerard! I signal to Ray that he is there.
"Can you fit through the window?" He asks. I look at the window. I'm certainly thin enough. I nod. I push the stiff window open enough for me to squeeze in. I dangle from the ledge for a second then let go. Ray stays up there so he can help us out.
I walk slowly up to Gerard who is sleeping. He is lying in a foetus position. I kneel down and stroke his face.
"Gerard baby! Wake up." I whisper. He stirs a little and opens his eyes. He sits up and looks at me.
"Who are you?" He asks in confusion.
"Baby its me Frank." I say
"I don't know anyone called Frank." He says. My heart breaks. I stand up at the sound of a door opening. I look to see Spencer standing at the door with a smug expression on his face.
"You really think I'm that stupid. I hope you know the kind of magic I work with also involves mind reading." He says. I look at him in rage. I walk towards him pulling the knife from my pocket.
Since when did I ever listen to anyone. I was always planning to kill him. No matter what anyone said.
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