Categories > Original > Drama > What Is and What Should Never Be

Chapter 2

by Mojo-Risin 1 review

Mending relationships

Category: Drama - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor - Published: 2012-05-04 - Updated: 2012-05-04 - 197 words

Robert helped me gather all of my things and followed me up to my room. Once inside we sat everything on my bed, "So why exactly can't you do this assignment?" Robert asked as he sat down at the foot of my bed. The assignment was to pair up with a classmate of the opposite sex and be "married" for a month. "Because there's nine girls in my class and only eight boys. I'm the one nobody chose. So my teacher said that I have to find someone else to do this with." I explained bitterly. "Well why didn't you ask me?" He asked dumbly. "Because I hate you!" I yelled. "Well then it can work! We can prove that not all marriages are peachy." He said with a smile. "You're right." I said slowly nodding. "I know." He said coolly. I chuckled and looked down at the paper. "I'll even buy you a fake engagment ring and we can wear wedding bands!" He cheered. "You don't have to do that." I said with a smile. "Yeah we don't but it'd be more convincing." He replied, "Get your things we're going ring shopping!" He wasn't so bad.
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