Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
This Watercooler Romance
5 reviewsOne-shot in which Frank and Gee's Algebra EOC studying session goes horribly wrong. And they end up studying each others anatomy. Fredardiness Level: Loads
This Watercooler Romance
(#) TheLittleSinner 2012-05-05
I er. Cough cough. I really fucking love this, alright?!?! >.> How am I supposed to be doing math with this story just haaaanging?!?!Author's response
Augh! Thanks you soooooo much, it will be done by tonight, and fully edited, touched up and done by tommorow. :) Glad your enjoying it!This Watercooler Romance
(#) xXxILoveFrankIeroxXx 2012-06-15
Holy crap I loved this... ahaha and when Frankie's mom walked in.. heh heh heh.. love it! :D lol that was hot and funny. Probable the best one-shot i've ever read. goooooood job!Author's response
Thank you so much!
virtual nutella for youThis Watercooler Romance
(#) bvbrocks 2012-06-15
I loved it, but one thing annoyed me. At points it randomly went from first to third person. It was great aside from that though.Author's response
Thank you, I tend to do that and when I edit, I don't catch that I do that. :)This Watercooler Romance
(#) Bella_Jinxx 2012-06-15
AWESOME!!! I agree with bvbrocks though, at some points it was a little bit hard to understand. But aside from that, brilliantAuthor's response
Thanks, I'll fix it :)
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