Categories > Original > Horror > InSane

Chapter 2 and Injection 2

by ElmoChick323 0 reviews

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror - Published: 2012-05-07 - Updated: 2012-05-08 - 881 words

Injection 2: Who is She?

Oh no, Dr. White brought the guards in. He needs to learn how to trust people more often. Oh great, he’s now preparing that awful poison. He’s stuck many needles filled with that poison into me, enough to kill me. But I’m strong, Mary always said I was. What is that? In the corner of my room, who is that girl? She scares me with her long black hair! What is that white thing in her arms? Don’t come closer to me. You seem so familiar, but scary at the same time. Who are you?

Dr. White? Why are you calling those other white men in here? One has a muzzle; Dr. White I have done no harm! I promised I’d be good, did I not? Ah, the locked door is now opening; maybe someone is here to save me. A teenage girl in a nurse uniform? I have seen every nurse and doctor in here, but her. She must be new. “Dr. Holland, I heard a scream do you need help?”

“Great, come and inject him with this at the neck.” She seems more timid now. Is she as afraid of needles as I am? No, she is certainly scared of me. “Put the muzzle on him.” What? “So he doesn’t attempt to bite.” That poor girl, she’s shaking so much. Wait, no! I promise I will not bite her! She is harmless, not like you White people. It is odd; I can’t tell what color she is. No, wait, Miss, please, believe me! Save me, you are the only one who can! Get off of me you morons! This is very uncomfortable, you know? And very hard to breathe in.

Miss? Are you actually fighting for me? You seem like your question what that poison is. “Dr. Holland, I’ve never heard--“ “Shut up. Have you ever studied medicine for the mentally insane?...I thought so.” No, Miss, keep fighting! Please, I beg of you! Don’t let Dr. White take it from you.

Chapter 2: Who is He?

The sharp screaming rang through my ears as I let Dr. Holland take the needle from me. I don’t know why but the name of the medication sounded fishy. Then again, all names of medication sounded fishy. I guessed this patient was known for his screaming because he sure did a lot of it. His thick black hair was long and matted. After getting the muzzle on him, his screaming continued. It only muffled the volume a little. The guards wrestled with the tall man for a while until one of them tackled him onto his bed. All of this was kind of terrifying. This tall, strong (well, he looked the part) man, who I couldn’t even see his eyes wrestling three men at once. I was just waiting for the moment he’d pounce on me.
The giant that was my patient shoved Dr. Holland aside like a ragdoll. Before I knew it the patient towered over me; he was at least a foot taller than me. Slowly, he leaned down to my ear. I tried to back away, but something was keeping me there. I could hear his heavy breathing through the muzzle. “Save me,” is what I think he said his hot heavy breathing was hard to understand. Then I suddenly became deaf from the screaming. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a clear liquid being injected in to his main blood vessel in his neck.

After the medication was taken, breakfast would be served. The cafeteria would package the food for the “crazier” patients, and then their nurse would serve it to them. Just by looking at the food I could tell it was just like school lunches. I’m still in school, a junior, and I hate school lunches. Even though they say they’re healthy, you know they’re not. Dr. Holland walked back to the room with me telling me a little more about this “monstrous” patient.
“His name is Zamion Flhor, twenty, and tall as hell.”
“Does he… Really bite?”
“Yes, occasionally. He doesn’t like his medication. Or do anything really.”
I was still wondering what kind of medication it was. “Oh, and his sister comes to visit every Thursday, so she’ll be here tomorrow. She’s the only one who can calm him down.”
“Well, that’s good…”
“ What’s good?”
“That he has family seeing him.”
“Heh, I’d say she’s able to calm him down is a good thing.”
Dr.Holland was twenty-nine and fresh out of college. I had to admit, he was a handsome man. There were light sprinkles of freckles tanning on his cheeks that I believe just makes him ten times cuter. His personality though, was really appalling. He was blunt, harsh, and very sarcastic at times. Dr. Holland opened the door for me like a gentlemen; then left me there like a disappointed dog owner. “I’ll be right outside the door,” I could tell that was a complete like; he had other patients to take care of. When the heavy metal door slammed behind me I jumped realizing I was alone with a maniac.
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