Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > War On Cemetary Drive

Report One

by Apocalyto 0 reviews

Report on the human side...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-08 - Updated: 2012-05-08 - 266 words

“Report.” The pale man ordered as he watched over the crowd of people walking around the city.
“They’re moving in closer to Zone 5, but the Crash Queens are decreasing their soldiers rapidly. As for our section, we’re taking a lot of heat and need to attack their squad and knock out whatever is causing it. The rest of the sections are normal. Or as normal as you can get.” The second in command replied as he skimmed through his communicator.

The pale man sighed and pushed his long raven black hair out of his eyes.
“Send more soldiers out at nightfall. Investigate the situation, get them to report back and we’ll plan our next move.” The other, skinnier man nodded and noted it down on his communicator.

As the second in command went to leave, he stopped.
“Sir…there’s more soldiers saying they’ve been seeing things. Seeing them doing strange things.” The pale man cocked his head, making his raven hair fall over his face.
“Strange things? How can anything be stranger than fighting monsters? It’s just the war getting to the soldiers’ heads.”

The skinny man nodded and went to leave again, but this time the raven haired man stopped him.
“Hey, Mikey…Are you okay?” He asked awkwardly, not even knowing how to talk to his own brother anymore. Mikey smirked.
“Peachy, Gee. Nothing better then being at war with monsters that want to eat our flesh.” Mikey rolled his eyes at his brother’s stupid question. Gerard chuckled.
“That’s good. Now scram and go shoot something.”
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