Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Don't Hold Your Breath

Chapter 4

by BlueEyedEskimo 1 review

Memories from that moment constantly stir in my head, it’s almost impossible to concentrate.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2012-05-16 - Updated: 2012-05-16 - 1797 words

A/N: Funny, I would have thought with exams, I’d have less time to update. Turns out, I have more :) I hope people are reading this, I’m really enjoying writing it. I kind of feel like this note is to myself… o.O
So basically, instead of writing two fics with the plots I came up with, I decided to merge them together. Hopefully this is working. R & R!!!

Chapter 4

Nothing much happened on the weekend. No more phone calls. Memories from that moment constantly stir in my head, it’s almost impossible to concentrate. Alcohol reduces my ability to think, but there’s only so much I can steal from the liquor cabinet without arousing suspicion from my mom.
When I got back from Gerard’s late on Saturday, I remembered about some history project I’d been set last month. Something about a Kaiser. I wasted most of my time trying to scrape up something half decent from Wikipedia to hand in and avoid any detentions. Any spare time I had between then and now was spent either eating or sleeping. Sometimes both simultaneously.
Eventually I gave up and called Gerard. He offered to come over to help even though it was 8:30 on Sunday. Luckily it wasn’t that dark, the streets of New Jersey are not the best place to be when the only thing you can see is the flickering dirty orange glow emitted by a street lamp 20 meters away. His mom offered to drive him over and stay until we’re done. Which means she’ll be talking to my mom. God help her.


“Wait, you spelt Wilhelm wrong. It’s one ‘l’ not two.” Gerard said, jabbing a stubby fingernail at the computer screen where the mistake was in the title.
“Actually, no I didn’t,” he frowned and nodded at the screen again, as if I hadn’t noticed. “Wikipedia spelt it wrong.”
“Frank, that’s plagiarism. Did you write any of this yourself?”
“Sure, what do you take me for?” I scrolled down and pointed with the cursor to where I’d typed ‘Frank Iero’ at the end.
“Just because you write your name on it, doesn’t make it yours.” He was attempting to scold me, but his smile ruined it. He rolled his eyes at my pouty face and smirked.
“Well there isn’t much I can do about it now. If you get in trouble, it’s on your head, mister.”
I tore my eyes away from Gerard’s just long enough to click a few buttons on the computer, causing the printer to buzz into life in the corner of the room. When I glanced back, Gerard was watching me.
“Can I…maybe…draw you sometime?” his voice was quiet and shy, and his cheeks coloured a pale pink with embarrassment.
“Sure, why not. I don’t see why you’d want to, but okay.” I shrugged, trying to make it seem like it wasn’t a big deal to calm Gerard down. Inside, my organs was jittering out of sync, an ominous buzz humming through my head as I tried to block out mental images that flashed into my brain. Despite the rational half of my brain fighting for dominance, I hung on to the irrational part that currently featured Gerard and I in a memorable scene from Titanic.
Gerard sighed in relief in response to my acceptance. It was only when I noticed I was getting slightly lightheaded that I had forgotten to breathe. Trying to seem casual, I relaxed from my stiff posture and allowed air back into my lungs, slowly as not to arouse suspicion. An awkward silence had floated into the room and draped itself over us. I gave him a goofy grin before getting out of my seat and leaving the room, grabbing my papers off the printer on the way out. I heard Gerard shuffle along behind me.
Walking into the living room, I found my mom and Gerard’s mom, Donna, deep in conversation. Oh shit, that isn’t usually a good sign. I only picked up a few words because Donna stopped mid sentence when she noticed us enter the room. They didn’t make much sense, so I took that as a positive sign that they weren’t talking about me.
“All done, boys?” my mom smiled at us as we sat on the couch furthest from the women.
“Yup.” I replied, waving my papers in the air.
Donna smiled at me and started to get up out of her seat, reaching down to grab her handbag off the floor before straightening her jacket and tapping her pockets, probably checking for her keys. “Good. Well, we best get off now. Mikey’s at home on his own, so we can’t leave him too long-”
“Yeah, last time we did that he put a fork in the toaster.” Gerard interrupted, grinning at me. I coughed back a laugh when I saw the dirty look Donna was giving her son. Gerard, however, seemed oblivious to this. “I’ll see you at the bus stop tomorrow then?”
“Yeah, bright eyed and bushy tailed like always” I joked. He smirked and walked back to the hallway to grab his converse. As we left the room, I heard the two women say their goodbyes, and was soon joined by them both in the hallway. My mom opened the door and smiled as Donna walked out towards her car. Gerard was just about the follow her before he stopped.
“Oh, Frank, did you ask about the ski trip yet?”
SHIT. I thought he’d forgotten. I don’t want to go skiing! Hell, my mom knows I don’t have any interest in skiing. I can tell by the way her eyebrows are joining in the middle that she’s confused.
“Oh. Yeah. I forgot. I’ll talk to her when you’ve gone.” I passed this off with a smile.
“Okay, cool. I’ll ask tonight too. Text you later!” he shouted as he sprinted out the door and into the already running car where his mother was sat, impatiently glaring at him as he got in the passenger side.
My mom closed the door and turned to me. “Ski trip?”
I smiled at her. There was no way I was getting out of this now. It’s either ask about the ski trip or explain why Gerard thinks I want to go. If I do that, I’d have to tell her about the phone call.
“Ahah, yeah,” I laughed nervously. “In February. I thought I’d mentioned it before.”
“Only that you thought it was a shitty idea and a waste of money you’d rather spend on band tee’s and Cheerios.”
Oh. That does sound like something I’d say.
“Yeah, but I changed my mind. I think it would be a great opportunity.” I sighed. There was no way I was putting on a convincing act. Time to up thrust the performance and play on the heart strings. “I’ve finally made a friend, mom. It’ll be great for me, and Gerard really wants to go. Please, can I go too?”
I gave her my most convincing smile, nibbling lightly on my lip ring and making my eyes a little wider. She cracked sooner than I expected. Her features softened and her eyes fixed on mine with a look of pure happiness.
“Of course you can, Frankie. If that’s what you want, then why not? Besides,” she caught me in a hug before I could squirm away. “it’s not like I don’t owe you, you didn’t ask for anything for your birthday last month, and it’s almost Christmas.”
A surprise bubble of excitement rose from the pit of my stomach, but I popped it almost as soon as I acknowledged it’s presence. Why am I excited about the idea of skiing? I’ll most likely injure myself beyond repair. Plus, it’s a week without internet connection or my iPod dock. Then I realize why.
It’s the thought of spending a week away with Gerard.
As soon as I understand this, I try to brush the thought off. He’s my friend, don’t ruin that.
I pull free of my mom’s embrace and smile genuinely at her, teeth and all.
“Oh, but I’m going to need some kind of letter about this, Frank. I need to know the details first.” She smiles and walks into the other room, leaving me alone in the hallway. I dart to the stairs and run up them two at a time and grab my phone off my bedroom floor. I clear a small patch amongst the junk on the floor big enough to sit in, close my door and collapse in the spot, crossing my legs. There are no messages from Gerard, so I figure he hasn’t asked yet. I text him to let him know the outcome before grabbing my iPod and plugging it into my dock, turning up the volume and blaring out the Misfits. It seems appropriate to air guitar along with the music, so I do. But head banging at the same time makes it hard to see, and I accidently step on a CD case I had on the floor. I hear it crack, but don’t bother to see what CD it is. I hear my phone go off, so I turn the music down and grab my phone, laying back on my bed and holding it above my face. Its from Gerard. I smile as I open the message.
FRANKIE!!! Mom said I can go too!! On one condition – I have to raise some of the money myself. Any ideas how? G xo
The butterflies from earlier reinvade my stomach and I have to wait a minute to compose myself before replying.
Hell yes. I’ll tell you tomorrow, it’s easier than texting them. Frnk x
You lazy sod:) Excited then? G xo
Thanks:) YES. It gives me an incentive to survive school until then. Frnk x
Me too. Anyways, night. See you tomorrow Frankie:) G xo
Night Gee, see ya xo
I plug my phone into it’s charger and quickly slip on some baggy black pyjama bottoms and a vest top before launching myself under the comforting covers of my duvet, a smile on my face. The quiet sound of music playing lulls me into unconsciousness where my imagination runs into overdrive, causing vivid dreams of impossible circumstances and, as always, of Gerard.

Sorry if this is disappointing, but I'm already working on the next chapter. Do not fear, my friends!!
Llamas. R xo
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