Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Save me from myself

Complicated Call

by EverMore 2 reviews

After running into some familier faces at the mall, Gerard decides to take matters into his own hands to try and keep Frank safe.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-05-26 - Updated: 2012-05-26 - 730 words

Well, hello again. It really has been awhile since I've made any sort of attempt to post on here, but fuck it. Even though, it has been a whole school year since I've posted, I'm starting this story again. Please R&R because I really love feedback on how I can improve in any way. Cheers, ladies and gentlemen.

Surprisingly, the way back home from the mall had been a piece of cake. I just kept my hood up and my mouth shut. Mom didn't notice a thing was ary. As soon as I got home, I took a hot shower to try and rid myself of the pink blob, but ended up just cutting it out as a last resort. Lucky for me, it wasn't that noticeable. As for Mikey, I've still kept him in the dark about my "great idea." He was quite confused as to why I wanted to use the old sling, but, thankfully, he coughed it up. I just have to get ahold of Frank and hope to fuckin' God my plan works.

I was nervous. I hadn't really called anyone before expect for a boy named William in the 7th grade. Granted he didn't like me very much, he made that quite clear when he threw his shoe at me as my name was drawn from the popsicle stick cup, but I needed to make sure he had gotten the supplies to present to the class. When Will finally picked up on the 5th ring, I heard an exasperated "hello....?" on the other end of the line. After I told him it was me, he told me to "hold on a sec." The next thing I knew there was an airhorn screaming through the speaker followed by a heavy click when he slammed the phone back on it's reciver.

Obviously, Frankie would never do such a cruel thing to me, but that still didn't ease my worries. My palms were moist and I must have worn a hole in the hallway from constantly pacing. I finally decided my nerves were as calm as they were going to get. Reciting what I was going to say for the billionth time, I shakily reach for the black phone resting on the lowboy. Forcing my fingers to cooperate with pressing the magic button of his phone number, I held my breath as the rings droned in my ear.

First ring....

Instantly, my fingers find their way to my chattering teeth.

Second ring....

My foot taps crazily against the hard wood floor.

Third ring....

I don't dare drawing a single breath.

Fourth ring....

He's not going to pick up.

Fifth ring....

I should just hang up.

Sixth ring...


My heart nearly exploded. Relief washes over me and I let out a shaky sigh.

"Hello?!" an annoyed voice echoed in my ear. Relief turned into discomfort when I realized it wasn't Frank's tender, silky smooth voice at all. It was a worn scratchy voice that was clearly not in any mood to be talking to some dumb kid looking for his friend. "Look, I ain't got all damn day. Who the fuck is this?" The sharp edge in the stranger's tone slices into my thoughts and hurls me back into reality.

"Uh..." I fought for words, but my mind was a complete blank.

"Speak!" it hissed.

"Sorry, uh, hi.... Is Frank, um, Iero there?" I managed, but wanted to beat my own head in for how stupid and pathetic I must sound.

"Who wants to know?" the voice said without missing a beat. The person on the other end was certainly not trying to hide their lack of interest in the conversation, but as soon as I let Frank's name slip past my teeth, a tint of hostillity rang in every syllable of their response.
"Ger- er- Gee... My name's Gee." I mumble. I decided not to give them my real name just in case. Plus, Frank would know exactly who I was if the creature asked. "Um, could I please talk to him... It's kinda important."

The creature pauses for a good five seconds before I hear it screech Frank's name at the top of it's lungs followed by a strong smoker's cough. A few fumbling sounds later someone picks up the phone and exhales into the receiver. Instantly, I knew it was Frankie.
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