Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > My heart, will you ask for it?

Giving up

by Juulez 0 reviews


Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-05-26 - Updated: 2012-05-26 - 1087 words

 Frank's pov;;

How can I be so stupid! He didn't want me, he didn't even care if I would come to that stupid trip or not! He said it himself! Why would I believe the so called feelings he had for me! I should of known! He's sucha whore! He dated 7 girls, I wasn't jealous that much.. I just took off from time to time with Bob and Ray. I did have a few girlfriends too, and I admit.. I did date this boy before. He didn't compare to Gerard..he wasn't Gerard. That's why I broke up with him, I spent so much time with Gee the last few years. All he wanted from me was to get in my pants! Stupid perfect, beautiful Gerard! He doesn't care who he hurts. He thinks the whole world revolves around him! Ugh, makes me so mad!
I'm the vunerable one! Even though i used to feel the strongest! I feel at the weakest!! Especially walking to my house in these boxers! They aren't even mine! They're his! 

I was arguing with myself in my head, but I made it to my house safely, I knew no one was here so I threw off the boxers and walked to my room, I grabbed some clean clothes. And got dressed, playing with my hair in the mirror I fixed my makeup. All I saw was the ugliness this stress was making me, I shouldn't hate him. The one I should hate, is the one I love. That i've fallen for, the one i'm desperate to be with. Getting to attached wouldn't help either! The feelings are there for me, they are real. For him? I don't know. I don't know what it's like to be in Gerard Way's head. If I got to attached it would only be harder to let go. We started off as friends, bestfriends. To something more. Now I'm constanly thinking of what I want, need, and what I think of him.

If I lost him, I would be torn to part. But if he wants to leave for 5 days without me, he could. I just don't wanna be here when he gets back. To be honest, If Ican leave without him knowing. It would be easier for him. Maybe I would get over this guy, meet someone in the near future and settle down. My mom always wanted me to have a big family. I can do that, not just for her, for myself. I mean 17 will be a new start, 4 more months and my birthday will be coming up.
I can't do this in New Jersey! I need a new place.

Deciding stuff, with messed thoughts are the worst;;

I grabbed the phone and called my mother. She spent all her time outta town anyways, we might as well move. She only stayed here because I grew so close to the Way's. I needed to end this. Before I drive myself mad! It would be better off this way.


" Frankie's just over exaggerating again! He likes to do stuff so dramatic! Little drama queen you got there !" Ray said, trying to cheer me up. I wanted to leave Frankie to think for a bit, he wouldn't wanna talk when he's mad. It's just the way he was. " Yup my little princess.." I tried to joke along, inside I was dying.
I swear Mikey can be a mind reader! Seperated at birth a few years apart. He eyed me down like a hawk. I noticed his stare, I didn't wanna have this stare down. I retreated to my room. 

My room was nice and cool. Looking at the mess, i've felt so comfortable with Frank here. It's so quiet, and it feels odd in the bed where he use to lay!
To hopeless? Just a bit. I mean he's been gone 10 mins! Ugh, I called him, but it was busy. Who can he possibly be on the phone with!


I phoned my mom, she was worried and tried to assure me about everything. I was being stubborn. I begged her, it's not that I don't want to be with Gerard. I just don't wanna fall apart if he ever left. Or one day he opens his eyes and realises that I'm not good enough for him. Or that he possibly is not the best for me. We've been nothing but bickering and we're both obviously unsure of what we want. So it's the best for both of us.

" Well, Frank. You can pack your stuff. I'll send your cousin to come pick you up. You can stay with him for now in New York. I'll find us a place closer to where I work. " my mom said with a sad tone in her voice. 
" New York? " I asked.
" Yes, luckily your cousin is visiting outside of Jersey. He talked to me the other day, he was asking if we still stayed at the same place."
My mom was talking about my cousin Benjamin. He was my uncles son, he works in his own store and he also does tattoos on the side. He travels quite a bit though. I always admired him though, we have the same taste in music. I didn't see him since last christmas. Benjamin was 22, his parents won the lottery and were loaded. I spent a few nights at his old place when I was younger. Despite our age gap, we still were close.

Excited as fuck, I packed my clothes, realizing I left a lot at the Way's! Oh well, I guess i'll get a new wardrobe. I mean it's New york! 
I packed my posters and Pansy. I had it all ready by the door. My plan was going perfectly. He will be outta my mind and life. It will be easier for him to get along.
I wasn't just leaving a boyfriend I was leaving my bestfriend. I haven't been away from him more than 8 days ever! I was devasted. He went to a family trip, I spent all my time at home. When they got back, we built a tree house in the trees in the back of my house!

Trying my hardest to wash away the memories that seemed to be rushing back constanly. I fell to my knees. How on Earth am I gonna have enough strength to leave him?
Spending so much time fighting with my emotions, feelings and heart. I heard a familiar knock at the door, the knock was like a melody!
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