Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just an offer?

Idea 1

by AstroZombies7 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-05-26 - Updated: 2012-05-26 - 598 words

He shuddered as he felt lips brush over first his jaw, then his lips. It couldn't be happening, yet somehow, inexplicably, it was.

"Gee, get the fuck up!" Mikey yelled, right in his ear. Gerard rolled over, too sleepy to think of a sarky comment, or even simply bitch-slap the glasses off his little brother's face.

He squinted at the clock on his bedside table. 08:00. School in 20 minutes. Fuck. He had homework that had to be in first period. Again, fuck. He groaned, trying to sound as sick as possible. "Ugh.. I don't feel so good..." He crossed his fingers under the blanket.

Pleasepleaseplease- "Y'know, Gee, you don't look so good either." Mikey said, concerned. "Sorta pale..." Gerard resisted the temptation to roll his eyes. He was always freaking pale, that was his look! The whole slightly dead, creepy vampire type thing.

Had it really taken his brother 14 years to notice? Gerard mentally rolled his eyes instead. Sometimes these things just had to be done.

He whined about how 'bad' he felt for about five minutes before Mikey agreed to take a note, supposedly from their mother (who'd already left for work,) to school, explaining that he had a bug or something. Gerard waited 'til Mikey had left before jumping out of bed.

He yanked on some clothes, and grabbed his school bag. He went downstairs and did a quick raid. When he sat down in front of the TV 5 minutes later, he had Skittles, cookies, jellybeans and coffee. All to help him concentrate, of course.

The homework was simple enough: draw something representing you. He drew a zombie unicorn. Dead on the inside, pretty on the outside. He stuffed the finished homework back into his bag, and sighed happily. A whole day of watching cartoons. So he was 17, Spongebob would always be funny.

The next day, he'd miraculously recovered from his 'illness' and was listening to The Misfits as he took the bus to school. As usual, the only empty seat was beside him. That was okay. He preferred to be on his own.

He turned to look at Mikey every few minutes, just to check he was okay. Gerard was lucky- He'd been given the gift of invisibility. He was just the weird silent kid in a band shirt and army jacket. Mikey wasn't invisible.

He the smartest kid in his year, and also so... Fragile looking. He was picked on all too frequently, and had the bruises to show for it. He was currently hiding an apple-sized bruise on his stomach.

Gerard was snapped out of his 'I hate people' train of thought as the bus pulled up outside the school. He swung his backpack onto his shoulder, and somehow managed to get off the bus amidst the stampede.

Were they really that desperate to get to school? He kept his eyes fixed on the never-ending stream of students, watching out for the grey beanie and hoodie that he had come to associate with his little brother.

He spotted him, and yanked him away from the crowd. "Thanks Gee." Mikey wheezed as he rummaged around in his bag for his inhaler. Gerard pulled it out of his pocket, saying "You left it on the microwave again."

Mikey's face expressed his gratitude and relief as he got a blast of whatever was in the inhaler. Gerard made a mental note to find out what it was, just so he could say he knew.

It was just fun to know something a whole bunch of other people didn't, and probably never would. It made him feel smart.
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