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Basket Case ~この地球の平和を本気で願ってるんだよ~

by Desire24 1 review

Zoidberg suffers from hallucinations & needs help from his friends. (slash fic, Fry + author)

Category: Futurama - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-05-29 - Updated: 2012-05-30 - 321 words - Complete

Let's Go! Hey, Ho!

Zoidberg is released from an asylum. The Planet Express crew travels by tube transport system to the recording studio. Shunsuke is wearing a sparkling dress, headband, light sapphire bluish gray socks, & black level boots.

Shunsuke plays part of a Xmas rockabilly song on his drum kit.

Zoidberg: That sounds cool. Let's make a song like that!
Shunsuke: OK but we need a piano player.
Zoidberg: I can do that.

The piano teacher arrives at the recording studio.

Sensei: Are you ready for your lessons?
Zoidberg: Yep.

Zoidberg thinks the piano is playing itself with extra fingers.

Zoidberg: The piano is alive!
Sensei: What? No it’s not.
Zoidberg: Really?
Sensei: Yes!

After the lesson, Zoidberg asks his friends for help.

Zoidberg: I need help! I’m having hallucinations.

His hallucinations begin to act up again.

Zoidberg: Who threw acid at my girlfriend?!
Bender: No-one, Zoidberg.
Hermes: We’ll see what we can do for you.
Zoidberg: Just as scathing as always, aren’t you...
Hermes: Eh ~ ?!
Leela: Zoidberg, I can tell you’re emulating Kamei but I don’t think THAT will ever come out of your shadow...
Zoidberg: Your whole existence is just too much!

Vivid red "cross-popping" veins traced in white appear on the right side of Leela’s head.

Farnsworth: I’m sure that I’ll definitely be over there at some point.
Zoidberg: But Farnsworth is... ahahaha.


Zoidberg: Where did that gumball machine come from?
Amy: I’m Amy.
Zoidberg: What about the white butterflies?
Scruffy: I’m Scruffy.
Fry: What were you doing at the asylum, Zoidberg?
Zoidberg: I made art showing freedom. I just wanted to get out of there. I didn't get much sleep.
Shunsuke: That’s why you’re hallucinating. Lack of sleep is the problem. You need some good rest.

Zoidberg goes home, takes a sleeping aid, & falls asleep.

The next day, he’s all better again.
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