Categories > Cartoons > Futurama

Have a pure newborn heart

by Desire24 1 review

The delivery team helps the newest pharaoh at Osiris 4 with his toothache problem. (slash fic, Fry-A & Fry-1 + author)

Category: Futurama - Rating: PG - Genres: Humor - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2012-05-29 - Updated: 2012-05-30 - 303 words - Complete


The Planet Express crew is at the headquarters. A request is received. The 6-member delivery team goes to the conference room.

Farnsworth: Your mission is to deliver these vitamins to Osiris 4.
Leela: Let’s hope they don’t try anything funny again.


The crew is tied to poles with rope around their legs & their wrists shackled.

Leela: I should’ve known.

They’re taken to the pharaoh’s room.

Pharaoh: I got a toothache & it’s painful. If any of you can cure this, you’re all free to go.

Fry-A, Bender-A, & Zoidberg get an idea & step forward.

Bender: We can help you.
Zoidberg: We’ll get rid of that pain.
Fry: I can help get the stuff we need.

Shunsuke points to the right. Garlic, garlic press, & gauze pads appear in the room.

Zoidberg crushes, minces, & mashes a large clove of garlic through a little garlic press. He drips garlic juice onto a gauze pad. He rolls up the garlic saturated gauze to make a pad & shoves it to the sore area.

The Pharaoh screams from burning pain. The pad is left for a few seconds & the pain is killed instantly.

Pharaoh: Thank You! As a reward, 1 of you may have my daughter’s hand in marriage.
Fry-A: I’m already married.
Bender: I got a girlfriend.
Zoidberg: That means me!

A girl with cat ears walks into the room. She removes the drape concealing her mouth to show she has whiskers & a goatee.

Zoidberg: No Thank You!

The delivery team goes home.

The crew is having a pool party. Shunsuke, Fry-A, & Fry-1 are wearing their brilliant amaranth swim trunks with pale light grayish gold flowers traced in grayish emerald green. They’re having fun being romantic in the pool.

Sweep Me! Gape Me! Touch Me!
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