Categories > Games > Resident Evil > Raccoon City High

Chapter Two O_o

by ZombieSlayer333 0 reviews

No ._.

Category: Resident Evil - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2012-06-01 - Updated: 2012-06-01 - 1159 words

Chapter 2

Claire walked down the sidewalk, tears building up in her crystal blue eyes. Thoughts of Leon still running through her mind. As she reached her house on Birkin Ave, she wiped her red puffy eyes. Chris ended up being right. He told her it wouldn't be safe. The door nob turned slowly as she opened the door. Chris and Jill weren't in the Living room anymore. "Claire! Is that you!?" Chris yelled from the kitchen. "Y-yeah. W-who else would i-it be?" She answered him. You could tell in her voice that something was wrong. "You ok? You don't sound like your self." Chris and Jill walked out into the Living room were Claire was. "Yeah, i-I'm fine." Claire brushed past them heading for her room. "Jill, maybe you should go check on her..." Chris suggested turning toward his girlfriend. "Give her a little time. Plus, i already know what happened." Jill was really good at telling what happened. She knew through facial and body expressions. "Wait. How do you know?" Chris's eyes widened in hearing this. "What, you couldn't tell? Leon broke up with her." Jill shot her hand over her mouth. She wasn't going to tell Chris, because he would want revenge because someone hurt his "baby sister". Chris cracked his knuckles. "Oh really now." Chris smirked an evil smirk. "Chris, promise me you wont do anything until we find out for sure."  He turned towards her. "Oh, i promise." 
"Claire... You have to eat something." Jill said standing outside her room. "I don't want too." Jill sighed. "I made your favorite chicken soup. Please Claire." Claire became sick after her break-up with Leon. Her body wasn't functioning right. "Can i come in at least?" Claire gave a noise meaning Jill could enter. She walked in and set the bowl of soup on Claire's night stand. "Honey" Jill started taking a seat on the edge of the bed. "I know you liked him, but you gotta get over it." Jill pet Claire's hair. "No, i didn't like him. I loved him." Tears started to build up in Claire's eyes. "Oh honey, everything's gonna be alright." She gave Claire a little hug and left. 
"Thanks." Claire said taking her latte the counter. She wasn't sick anymore. It was cool outside and she breathed in the cool air, as she exited RCCS. She walked down the concrete in her thin, cotton sweater. "Hey Claire." She turned surprised to see Steve. "Hi Steve." They stood in the middle of the sidewalk talking about basically everything. "Claire, do you wanna see a movie sometime? The new Resident Evil movies out i think." He smiled. "Sure... I guess. When a good time for you?" This might actually help her get over Leon. "How bout we say around eight tonight. Is that ok?" Claire took a sip of her latte. "Yeah, thats great. Make sure to call before you pick me up." Steve nodded. "Ok, see ya later." Steve walked off. Claire smiled. She was actually going to the movies for a date. Not to a fast food restaurant or something. 
"Jill, Im getting worried about Claire. Its almost five. She left to get a latte at three-thirty." Chris sighed and slouched down in his seat. "Im sure shes fine Chris. She's a big girl." Jill said taking a bite of steak. Just then, Claire walked through the door, happier than ever. "Hey Guys." She walked into the kitchen and chucked her empty cup in the garbage. "Told you..." Jill glared at Chris. "I wanna see that movie so bad!" Chris yelled from the living room. There was a commercial of the new resident evil on. "What movie?" Claire said walking to where Chris was. "The new Resident Evil movie..." Claire laughed. "Im going to see that tonight." Claire blushed. "With who?" Chris lifted his head looking toward his sister. "Um.. This kid from school." Claire's cheeks turned red. "Do i know him?" Chris said snottily. She shook her head. " Then you cant go." He turned to Jill. "And you can NOT talk me out of it." Jill sighed. Her boyfriend was just to stubborn at times. Claire walked up to her room with a face full of tears. She didn't want to let Steve down. She entered the room and slammed her door obnoxiously shut. The lock clicked as she turned it. "Im going to that movie wither Chris likes it or not."
Around 7:50, she started preparing. Claire tossed her purse out the second story window. After, she hurled a rope out of the glass figure and began to climb. Good thing she can climb the ropes in gym class. When Claire reached the bottom, she slowly looked for any signs of Chris or Jill. The coast was clear. She picked up the gold, shiny bag and made her way to the end of the street. Just as she reached the corner, Steve came walking by. "Hey, aren't we going to the movies?" Claire was confused. "Of course, i was just coming to pick you up." Claire raised an eyebrow. "By walking?" Steve nodded and switched to put his weight on his left leg. "Yeah, i don't have a car. And i don't know how to drive." Steve blushed in embarrassment. "Why didn't you tell me this before? The movie theaters like, 8 miles away. The movie will be over by the time we get there." Claire crossed her arms. "Well, we can always go get a latte and take a stroll in the park. " Steve suggested. Claire nodded. "Alright, lets go then." She told his hand in hers and they walked silently all the way to RCCS. 
"Thanks Steve. That was really fun." Claire leaned in and kissed Steve's cheek. He blushed. Claire smiled and walked toward her window. Well, under her window. She reached up and grabbed the rope that was tucked between a pipe. The rope gave Claire rope burn as she climbed. She tried to open the window. Claire gave it a harder tug and fell backwards off the rope. Why was her window closed anyway? "Chris!" He must of figured out she left. Her grip tightened to her bags as she traveled around to the front of the house. The door opened slowly as she stepped inside. Claire peeked around the corner to check if anyone was there. Crap! Jill was sitting awake on the couch, watching Nancy Grace. Claire sighed. "Claire, is that you?" Oh no. Jill walked into the kitchen and found Claire making a sandwich. "Claire, We're have you been!? Chris has been worried sick!" Claire turned to face Jill. "So, how'd he figure out I was gone anyway?"  Jill raised an eyebrow. "He's not as stupid as ya think.. But I covered for you. Just never do that again!" Claire shook her head to respond. "I won't Jill. Trust me." They hugged to swear Claire promised, but behind her back was two little-fingers crossed.
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