Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And As These Days Watch Over Us Tonight

Chapter 2

by FaithChan 0 reviews

Chapter 2

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-02 - Updated: 2012-06-03 - 738 words

They walked silently in the woods until the got to the small town. He watch as mostly drunken people left the local saloon. He selected a young man that was too drunk to walk home. He sat on the ground outside of the saloon sleeping.
“Um...what is your name? You never told me and I’d like to know what to call you since you’re my sire.” She said as they stood at the edge of the woods.
“My name is Jonathan. Now may I ask of your name?” He said.
“I’m Rachel.” She smiled a little.
Jonathan nodded his head then took her hand as he led her out onto the dirt path towards the young man passed out. Quickly he changed from his normal face to his vampire face and walked over to the young man. The young man opened his eyes up quickly and screamed and tried to stand up but fell over all because he was too drunk. Jonathan grabbed onto the man and stood him up. He let out a low growl as he bent his head down and sunk his teeth into the young man’s neck. He screamed out in pain but Jonathan covered his mouth and continued to drink. He jerked his head up and dropped the man to the ground.
“See this is how you hunt. There’s different ways to do so but that’s how you feed. Now it’s your turn.” Jonathan said as some blood ran down the corner of his mouth.
Rachel blinked at him then looked around then at the ground. She was still letting all the recent events sink in. This was how she was going to live from now on? Feeding off of others to survive.
“I don’t know if I can do this.” Said Rachel.
“What?” Said Jonathan as he walked over to her.
“Why do you say that? You need to.” He said.
“I know but I just can’t bring myself to kill someone and what if my family finds out what I am? A lot of people have a deep hate of vampires. I know my family would kill me.” She said.
“You are to never see your family again. To them you’re dead now. You also should never let people find out what you are unless you’re going to kill them. Now come I will help you find someone.” He said as he led her off to find more people.


Present day: August 12, 2005

I awoke quickly from that same dream again; the one where Jonathan had made me a vampire so many, many years ago and here I am still alive. Well, actually I decided to sleep for a few years but lost track of time. I wondered what year it was. I climbed out of the casket inside the old mausoleum then walked over to the door and opened it, walking out side. The graveyard hadn’t change at all. Same old broken tombstones, the old rusty gates that always made a screechy sound when you opened them. I walked out of the graveyard to the town that wasn’t far from the old graveyard. I cringed as my stomach growled. I hadn’t fed in centuries and I was now starving. I noticed a group of five guys walking, laughing and yelling. Most of them looked about 20 something. Two of them had black hair, one’s hair was really short and spiky, it was just kind of going everywhere and the others hair was semi shaggy and draped off to the side. Then the other guy next to the guy with the short, spiky hair had glasses and shaggy brown hair. The guy next to him had hair that was incredibly curly and puffy and brown also. Finally the guy next to him was a dirty blonde and had his hair shaved close and spiked up in the middle.
They were pretty pale from what I could tell at first glance you would think they were like me, a vampire but I could tell they weren’t. I stayed in the shadows as they walked around the corner. I slowly began to walk the other way to go hunt, smirking at how they looked some much like a vampire then I began to wonder what they would think if they actually had the chance to become one.
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