Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > And As These Days Watch Over Us Tonight

Chapter 3

by FaithChan 0 reviews

Chapter 3

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Sci-fi - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2012-06-02 - Updated: 2012-06-03 - 1543 words

A/N: I noticed the other chapters where pretty short. They look long in word and these have been hanging around on my flash drive for a long time. Hopefully if I start working on this again, the chapters will be a bit longer.

I let the body of the man I had drunk from drop to the ground. It’s sort of amusing how men will follow a female anywhere thinking they’ll get a quick lay when they get the surprise of their life that their not and they’ll be the next meal for a vampire. I wiped the blood that ran down the corner of my mouth away and sighed, shaking my head. I walked away, leaving the body of the man. This town knew their were vampires among them but could never really trace who was one since of course we looked like people; that is until we change face but rarely do I do that. I only do it when I’m hunting.
I start walking down the street and head towards the local bar just to check out the place and possibly get a drink or two and enjoy the rest of the night before I would have to into hiding from the sunlight. I walk into the bar and even before I was into the place fully I could here some guys laughing loudly and talking. I continue to walk into the bar and sit at the front. I ordered my usual drink I would get when I come here. I heard a loud cheer and laughing again as the bar tender slide over my drink. I took it from him and thanked him then looked over my shoulder slightly to see where all the laughing and cheering was coming from. At first I didn’t notice them but I realized I had seen them earlier that night as one of them, a guy with thick framed glassed walked up to the bar tender.
“Hey, Bill can I get another round of Diet Coke?” He asked with a grin.
The bar tender nodded then turned around and got a pitcher and filled it up with what he guy has requested. The bar tender turned back around and handed it to him.
“Why are you guy not downing beer like usually do when you guys visit Jersey?” Asked Bill.
“Oh, well we’ve all stopped drinking to help Gerard out with his drinking and this is healthier and safer to do then drink until we can stand up.” The guy said.
The bar tender nodded and the guy looked over at me and just stared at me for a few seconds then smiled and went back over to the group he was with. As I sat at the bar, I reached into my pocket and pulled out my pack of cigarettes which I had found on the guy from earlier tonight. I pulled one out and started searching for my lighter. I search around my tattered black jean jacket for my lighter; then to my pants still not finding one. I sighed as I was about to asked the bar tender if he has any matches or lighters I could use but I saw a lighter light up and light my cigarette. I look over and notice it was the same guy who was at the bar that had asked for the Diet Coke. I look up at him and smile then took a long drag of my cigarette.
“Thanks.” I say to him as I let a puff of smoke.
“Sure, it kind of looked like you lost yours. it ok if I sit down?” He asked in a somewhat low, shy voice. I could tell he was one of those guys who were very shy around females. I smiled and said “Sure but aren’t your friends over there going to miss you?”
He sat and next to me and smiled a smile that showed his teeth followed by a small laugh. Then replied “No, they went back to the bus to crash. They were getting pretty tired so they decided to head back. They don’t actually know I stayed behind.”
“Oh? A bus? Don’t they know this place is sort of dangerous at night with you know things that go ‘bump in the night’ and left you alone to walk back by yourself?” I said with a grin trying to imply that this place wasn’t safe at night. There were definitely other vampires around here looking for anyone that was all alone. It would be easy pickings. I dabbed out my cigarette as I listened to him.
“Yeah, a bus. We’re um...sort of on tour. See I’m in” He paused thinking about the ‘bump in the night’ comment and said “‘Bump in the night’? Do you mean like monsters, vampires and stuff like that?” He asked like I had hit an interest.
‘Hum. He seems to know about vampires. Wonder if he’d like to be one?’ I thought.
I grinned as I looked over at him a little more and studied his face a little more. He had shaggy hair that was dark brown. He seemed to have some of his hair pushed off to the side of his face. He of course wore glasses. Those had some white around them. They actually made him look pretty attractive. His face was really thin and he seemed to have a little facial hair, it wasn’t enough to shave off but he would need to soon. He had intense brown-ish eyes. You could get lost in them and I noticed a little bit of eyeliner around his eyes. I really couldn’t get to look at the rest of his body since he was sitting down but from the looks of it, he was pretty thin. Not the sickly thin but he was thin. He cleared his throat and smiled.
“Oh yeah, something like that. So you said you were in a band? What kind of music do you play?” I asked.
I had been around for a while and right before I had went to sleep for a while, I remembered some of the music that was around. I could tell a lot had changed since then and wondered what kind of music was around now.
“Yeah, I am. Eh, it’s punk but a little darker. The lyrics are kind of dark actually. I’ll have to get our CD and let you hear it. We’ve gotten really huge over the last year. We’re on tour, with this tour that goes on every year, Warped Tour. Its awesome even thought it’s almost over. We got like maybe two or three more stops.” He said.
I was oddly starting to find this guy rather interesting. I decided I wanted to know more about him and possibly if I could or would ever see him again.
“I’d like to hear your music. I haven’t been up with all the music out now a days. So, will I actually get to see you again or is this place like a one stop place?” I asked.
“Actually, after the tour is over...we’re coming back here. Four of us are from here and one of our band members is moving here. That’s sort of why were taking a break after Warped to get his stuff over here and into his new place here.” He said.
“Oh so you’re from Jersey? That’s great. We could, ya know, hang out and maybe I get to meet those other guys you were hanging out with.” I said with a smile.
He smiled and said “That would be awesome. So I take it you live around these parts also?” He asked.
I just nodded as he looked down at his watch and let out a sigh.
“Well, I better be getting back before the guys call in a missing persons report.” He said as he stood. I followed him and stood also. I pulled out some money and dropped it down on the counter for the bar tender to pay for my drink that I actually hadn’t finished.
“ never got your name.” He asked.
I smiled and said “I’m Rachel but I usually go by Rain; never got your name either.” I said.
“I’m Mikey. It’s nice to meet you, Rain.” He replied then smiled as a slight blush grew on his face.
“Like wise.” I said.
“Well, I better get going.” He said before handing a small piece of paper to me before he walked away. I looked down at it. It was his number. ‘Wow, glad I knew what this was before I had went to sleep ’ then I realized that he would be walking by his self at night and decided I’d do him a favor and walk him back to his bus.
“Hey, wait up I want to walk you back. Like I said, this place isn’t really safe at night.” I said as I quickly walked up next to him and out of the bar.
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