Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Spring Break?!

Am In Love With..?

by xXxILoveFrankIeroxXx 0 reviews

*boy kissing* So this is mostly Rydon!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar - Published: 2012-06-04 - Updated: 2012-06-05 - 1002 words

Well Loves, here is my second update for tonight, I hope it's not too horrid..

Brendon's P.O.V.

"NO! BOB! DON'T!!!!!!!!!!!! PUT ME DOWN!!"


Bob picked me up and swung me into the pool, everyone began to laugh before jumping in too. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, I didn't have to think twice to know it was Ryan.

"Ross, if you know what's good for you, you'll let go."


Next thing I know, he shoves me underwater! I kicked around trying to get away from him, I pushed against his chest "I CAN'T BREATHE!!" I tried to scream; but water filled my mouth. I started to panic, when was he going to let me up? My lungs are starting to burn!

He finally let me up; I took a few gasps of air before shoving him under like he did to me. After a few seconds of him kicking around, I felt him pushing and shoving against my leg, stomach and "OW! OH GOOD GOD THAT HURT!" I screamed.

I let him come up "Did that hurt?" Ryan asked innocently.


"Oops.. Sorry Brenny Bear, I didn't mean to." Ryan said trying to look upset. It almost seemed like he didn't mean to.. almost.

"You knew damn well what you were doing! And don't call me Brenny Bear - It's reserved for the people I actually care about." I said bitterly, giving him a dirty look. Everyone was laughing.. Until they saw the way Ryan's face fell..

"Oh.. Well I'm just going to go back to our room." Ryan said. He looked like he was going to cry. I feel bad now..

"Ryan, I didn't mean it like.." I started, but it was too late, he was already walking out of the pool area.

"Should I go talk to him?" I asked Dallon.

"Yeah, I think you should. He is never like that.. Never that sensitive about anything. I'm not sure why is being so weird about it though.." Dallon said.

"Does he.. Um.. Like me?" my face was burning bright red, these questions are always so awkward..

"I dunno, he would never tell any of us -other than Jon- if he did or not. You'll have to ask Jon.

I got out of the pool and went over to where Jon was talking to Ian.. Ian looked really pissed, by the way.

"Hey Jon, quick question; does Ryan -Er- Like me?" I asked, feeling pretty awkward about asking a question like that.

"Uhm. I'm not supposed to tell you.."

"So tell Ian and Ian can tell me. Nobody has to know.."

Jon leaned over and whispered the answer to my question in Ian's ear. I sighed, could they just hurry up? I need to go talk to Ryan right now.

Ian stood up and whispered into my ear "Only since forever.."

I took off running up to our room, not knowing what it was that I was going to say to him, or what I was going to do.. I guess I'll just have to wing it. When I realized that I left my room card I started bashing on the door, not stopping until it opened; revealing a teary eyed Ryan.

"Brendon, Wha-" I shut him up by jumping on his, causing us both to fall backwards, crashing onto the ground. I smashed my lips onto his, thinking about how good his body felt under mine. I kissed him with every bit of passion in my body and slowly pulled back.

"Uhm h-hi?" ryan said in confusion.

I grinned "Hi Ry!"

"Brendon, would you please get off of me and explain what the hell that was?"

"No to your first demand and to your second: It was a kiss, dummy."

"No, really? But what was it for, exactly?"

"It was for you, because I like you.." I admitted.

"And you show me you like me by violating my mouth?" he questioned.

"Oh! Don't act like you didn't love it!" I said. I could hear snickering from further inside the room; Patrick, William, Gabe and Pete maybe?

Ryan's face turned red. Yup, he liked it all right! "Well can we finish this discussion inside? Where people CAN'T see us?"

"Hmm.. Nope. I think everyone should see. Maybe Pete should set up a video camera and put it on the internet! I want the entire world to know I like you. Actually..." I got off him and ran to the balcony that was connected to our room. I leaned over the edge and cupped my hands around my mouth "I, BRENDON BOYD URIE, AM IN LOVE WITH GEORGE RYAN ROSS!" I screamed it as loud as I could, I looked down and saw some people looking back up at me as if I were crazy. Which a most likely am. I was about to turn around and go back in when I heard someone yelling back up to me.

"That's awesome and all, but what does he think of you?!" the random guy shouted.

"I don't know!" I relied.

"Well, dumb ass, go find out!"

I turned and went back it to see Ryan and the other staring wide eyed at me. I was smiling uncontrollable and my cheeks were beginning to hurt from it.

"Did you really just..?" Gabe questioned.

"Yes, yes I did." I didn't wait for a response, I grabbed Ryan by the wrist and dragged him out of the room.

"Am in love with?" Ryan repeated from my earlier statement. We were now sitting on a bed in the moms' room, finally left alone to talk while the moms were out shopping.

"Yes, Ryro, am in love with." I clarified.

*Hehehe I'm going to leave you to wonder about what will happen next. Well actually I might update AGAIN tonight because I'm feeling like this chapter was crappy. Sorry that it was all dialogue :/ I'm having a not so good day. R&R? XoXo -JoJo

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