Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I know you guys are saying not to add any more fuel to the fire but I'm gonna do that anyways because I like how the flames look. Haha jk let's face it I'm tired. TiffanyRose and Datdatdat or whatever her name is are immature, jealous, and just plain stupid. I bet they didn't read any of my stories. Yeah that's about all. Comments? Concerns? Flames? Come at me bruhhh. :) I'm just wondering what their purpose on this site is for. If they even like MCR. . .I have a biology exam tomorrow. shit. Listen to Aces High by Iron Maiden. I used it for my project about airport security. :D It's gooood. Also whenever I get ringing in my ears and heaadbang it sounds like dubstep. Try it, it's funny. I'm 4"9. :3
xx Allie who wants to punch TiffanyRose in the fucking face (It'll actually make her look better trust me!)
xx Allie who wants to punch TiffanyRose in the fucking face (It'll actually make her look better trust me!)
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