Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) dancingdragon 2012-06-05
I'll take your fucks with open arms extends arms && the only thing tiffany rose is good for is a laugh to our little community, because she is just SUCH a great author with all her stories and origional ideas, amiright? I HAVE AN EXAM TOMMOROW TOO, TWINNERS !
XoxoDragonAuthor's response
hands out fucks Thanks my arms we're getting heavy. TWINSIES. :D Glad I studied. :)
xx AllieI'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) ColorfulShadow 2012-06-05
If there is more shit by them, I am gonna go all Joker on them!Author's response
I applaud you. ;) Especially cos the Joker's a badass.I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) Bella_Jinxx 2012-06-05
Honey, everyone wants to punch her in the face. And I will agree, it'd probably make her look better. Using the words of BVB-
"If we stand together we will be unbroken." -Unbroken.
xox Bella AshlieAuthor's response
Maybe we should do a group punch!!! :3 By the way, your name is very PURDY. Geddit? Sorry had to put that out there.
xx AllieI'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) CrimsonRevenge 2012-06-05
ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhshahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I'll take all your fucks too!!!! I just wish she would go away. I'm glad you are "fucking her" Did you use the sanitizer? I sure hope so lol!!!Author's response
Yes I did. It was horrible. Good thing I'm bisexual! :D hands fucks thank youuu.I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) CrimsonRevenge 2012-06-05
lol! you are hilarious!!!Author's response
awwh thank you!!! I guess that's what happens after you've had three packs of Twizzlers. five Cokes,a Monster, various chocolates, pixie sticks, and whip cream. :p I fell like an escaped squirrel convict just wanting to get more forbidden nuts. Ya know, I'm a big fan of your stories. If ever you decide to have auditions I'd be more than happy to be in it.I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) ColorfulShadow 2012-06-05
I can get Phil the duck to bite every single troll in the nose. Then we can find mini MCR and tell them to tie the trolls up, and lock them in a closet (hehe...LTM)
Or, we can make them go to sleep (sorry. Jeff the Killer reference.)
I'm a dork...Author's response
PHILLL!!! looks around excitedly Mus. have. le. duck. But not Jeff. O_o His face still gives me nightmares!!!I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) CrimsonRevenge 2012-06-05
oh my gosh thank you for that. I really appreciate the support. I don't have many readers and I have writers block at the moment, but yea I can always use another Killjoy or A person in Awake and Unafraid. Let me know which you would like to be in.Author's response
I'm sorry. I hate writer's block. It gives me headaches and then when I'm at school and obviously not paying attention in class the teacher's like "Miss O'Connor care to join us in the discussion or lounge around in your chair?" And I'm all like "F-to-the-R-to-the-A- whaaa?" Thus starts the awkward moment when all the kids in class are whispering about how much of a freak I am. At least I get a whole lunch table to myself!! Either one would be great! I'd rather be a killjoy but wherever you need me to be, I'm there. Except the ocean. That scares the shit outta me.I'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) CrimsonRevenge 2012-06-06
Just send me your character information on both. Awake and Unafraid is going to go on into the band years and then there is the killjoy story. my email is paigeaps1313@yahoo.comI'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) dancingdragon 2012-06-06
&& email me sometime, you make me laugh with your reviews soo much hahah :)
xoxodragonI'm giving you all my fucks.
(#) KilljoyKid 2012-06-07
Hello. Just an idea I had... to help improve this page of course...
Now, before I say anything, keep in mind I am a fellow MCRmy member and so I can't be all that bad, can I? Can I? :L Also, I'm not a hater or a troll. Like Trolly McTrolololerson, aka TiffanyRose. Such a pretentious name :L
But, down to business :) So, we're all getting a bit defensive to the trolls- as we should! They need to piss off back under there bridges, and then the bridges need to be set on fire! But, while all that is fine and dandy, it means that the MCR page is kind of being filled with messages to and from the trolls.
While there is not much we can do about the messages from the trolls except rate them down and ignore them, we can try clear up the rest of the messages floating around.
For example, we can delete any irrelevant stuff from our pages, such as author notes that we have as a story of there own that are no longer of importance, like... like say if I had one telling my readers that it would be a while until the next chapter of my fic was going to be up, except the story is now finished, so I don't need it on this any more, so I would delete that because, there's no need for it anymore. Am I explaining this okay, or...?
So, not to be a bitch, but maybe after a couple of weeks when some of this troll war has settled a bit, and this is kind of no longer so relevant, maybe you would delete it? Only after the war is ended and this is no longer needed of course. Hell, I'm with you! Down with the Trolls!
But anyways, maybe when this is all a thing from the past you'll delete it. That way readers in the future won't be all confused and won't have to swim through hundreds of pages of hate messages for the troll army :)
Just, keep in mind I'm No way all all a troll... rhyming is great :P
So, yeah, just my tuppence worth on the matter really :) Kind regards,
XoxoxoDetonaterGirlxoxoxO, Aka Megan :)
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