Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance
Honest Reviews?
6 reviewsI would like you to send me the link to your story, for some honest advice.
Honest Reviews?
(#) missfunghoul57 2012-06-07
Would you mind checking out any of my work? Thanks, -EHonest Reviews?
(#) Jacks_Demons 2012-06-07
Feel free to look at my stuff :D Just, it kind of got a bit... euphoric... and capitalized... recently because of the whole trolling thing. Also, my sister, KilljoyKid, says check hers out :)
Thankies, Jack (and Megan-KilljoyKid)Honest Reviews?
(#) ColorfulShadow 2012-06-07
Can you check out my story Little Trouble Makers? That would be nice.Honest Reviews?
(#) AgentKilljoy 2012-06-07
Can you please read
"Live Your Life"
We Are The Kids From Yesturday Reviews?
(#) AgentKilljoy 2012-06-07
Can you please read
"Live Your Life"
We Are The Kids From Yesturday Reviews?
(#) XxSearchAndDestroyxX 2012-07-08
If you want, then:
xoxo RitilanRevenge
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