Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > You'll Never See Him Again

Chapter 15

by Ravan-VanSlaughter 0 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Ray Toro - Warnings: [!!] [V] [R] [Y] - Published: 2012-06-09 - Updated: 2012-06-09 - 811 words - Complete

Scarlett's eyes flicked open as the bright sun shone on her face. She looked over to see Ray's strong arms wrapped around her naked body. She smiled to herself and slipped out of his grasp and walked into the bathroom. She switched the shower on allowing the warm water to drizzle down her pale flesh. She closed her eyes feeling soothed by the hot water running down her back. Suddenly, she felt a pair of strong, warm arms wrap around her waist. She gasped and turned around to see Ray standing in front of her wearing nothing but his underwear.
“Morning.” He smiled.
“Morning.” She said wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing his wet lips. Ray ran his fingers across Scarlett's breasts making a pleasurable moan escape her lips, he slowly slid his fingers down to her stomach but stopped when he felt the bumpy line going across her abdomen. He pulled away and stared at the scar. “Oh God no.” Scarlett whispered looking away. She switched the shower off and grabbed hold of the white towel and wrapped it around her before running out of the bathroom.
“Scarlett, wait.” Ray said running after her.
“It was years ago can we leave it there?” She asked sitting on the bed.
“Scarlett, what happened?”
“I tripped and fell on knife okay.” She snapped.
“Don't be ridiculous.” Ray sighed wrapping her arm around her. “Come on, tell me what happened, please. I want to help you.”
“You wanna know what happened?” Scarlett asked. “Fine I’ll tell you. I was fifteen years old. My father came home late, he'd just lost his job and spent our life savings on booze and drugs. He came home pissed, high and full of God knows what else. I tried to help him to get bed but he had no plans on sleeping. He'd brought home a load of his friends who were all piss heads. He handcuffed me to the bed and stripped me of my clothes. He raped me. His friends took their turn on me too. They filmed the whole thing the sick bastards. It went on for hours, I was afraid it was never going to stop. When they had finished my father's friends went home taking the camera with that, sick cunts, but he wasn't finished with yet. He grabbed a knife and stabbed it in my stomach ripping through my uterus making me infertile. I'm unable to have children. Imagine it... fifteen years old and already infertile... no man would ever want me now, who could ever love anyone who is unable to carry their child? You once asked me why I cared if you got Draven back, it's because you have something that I will never have. Anyway, Marco heard me screaming and saved my life. He wasn't always the fuck tard he is today, he pulled my father away from me and stabbed him in the heart. Marco released me and took me to the hospital to get stitched up. Then we both ran away together, I got a new identity, a new name, everything and so I ran away with him. But then Marco met Jacob, a criminal on the run, he let us stay with him and through the years Marco became just like him, and then my cousin Rich joined, and I'm sure your aware of what happened after that. So there... now you know.”
“Jeez...” Ray mumbled. “I'm sorry.”
“Don't be. If anything my past has made me stronger. Come on, we should be going now, my brother only has one hideout here.” She said getting up from the bed.
“Scarlett.” Ray said standing up. “I'm really sorry, I didn't know your life was like that.”
“It's okay. I'm sure it's happened to a lot of people. You shouldn't waste your pity on me. I'm not worth it.”
“No but, what happened to you-”
“Being raped isn't the worst thing that can happen to you. But living with it for the rest of your life is. But the thing that bothers me the most is the fact that as soon as this is all over, when you get your son back, this will be just a memory to you. You'll have Draven back, you'll be a family again, and I’ll be sent back to isolation. And this will mean nothing to you.” Scarlett said leaving the room.
“What's a family without a mother?” Ray mumbled.

Draven groaned flicked his eyes open. He was back in the trunk of the car, his stomach growled and his throat burned. He struggled to keep his eyes open, he'd never felt so weak before. He's not coming for me. He thought. He'll never find me. Why do they want me? Why am I still alive? These questions floated around in his head begging for an answer.
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