Categories > Original > Romance > Daydream Believer

Chapter 11.3

by Mojo-Risin 0 reviews


Category: Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2012-06-09 - Updated: 2012-06-10 - 179 words

"So you don't feel bad that your friend has your woman?" Anthony asked. "No. We're happier as friends." Mike sighed. "You sure weren't saying that when you were choking on her tongue in the back of your truck during prom night. Or when you were begging our dad to let her stay here in America. If memory serves me correctly you said 'But Mr. Salvador, I love her!'." Anthony said. "I feel better as her friend." Mike repeated bitterly. "Okay." Mike sighed as if he didn't believe Mike. "Well I'd better get on home." Mike said more to himself, "I'll tell Pete you couldn't make it." "No, I wanna come. I wanna meet your boyfriend." Anthony snickered as he pulled me towards the door. Suddenly a lump built in my throat and I wasn't so anxious to see Peter. Anthony being over wasn't so great and being reminded of my high school years wasn't a good thing to remember. Peter didn't know about Mike and me. How could he? After all for a time I didn't even remember...
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