Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Headfirst for Halos

Check Into The Hotel Bella Mourte

by SimplexMinded 6 reviews

I growled. “Shut it Gerard.”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2012-06-10 - Updated: 2012-06-10 - 4946 words

ok so, i know its been a while since i've updated so....sorry. to be honest i kinda forgot about the story and now i feel like a douche'. Anywho, once i remembered this thing, i had alot of fun writing the chapter. Especially since i could geek out on my greek mythology. So the whole river of Styx thing and all the people Valon talks about/fights are legit characters that reside in the underworld. Just sayin' Enjoy!

Valon’t Prov

My feet crunched the leaves as I walked through the woods. The trees were tall with black bark covering them. They had no limbs and seemed to be reaching up like skeleton fingers to the blood red sky, begging for someone to save them. The soil was dead beneath me giving no chance for any life to grow. The forest seemed to be endless and I had no idea where I was. My hand was clasped on my gun ready to fire at anything that made the mistake a appearing though I doubted anything would. Hell was not a place people chose to come but clearly I was an acceptation. If Gerard thought he could just leave because he didn’t want me to get hurt, he had another thing coming. I wasn’t sure if I was here to get him back or to simply prove I could take care of my self without his help. I knew I had been in this forest for hours and thanks to my late night trips to the library before the city was destroyed, I knew what to do and what I needed to reach. I was looking for the river Styx and a man named Typhon who guarded the passage of the river. My fear was running into Cerbueros, the 3 headed dog before I had found his father. Cerberos was the guardian that roamed the sides of the river, keeping watch for any souls brave enough to attempt an escape. I walked quickly before a shadow caught my eye making me turn towards it, heart pounding.

“My my, what do we have here?”

I heard the soft voice of female but I had no sight of her as my eyes scanned the trees for any sign of her location. “Show yourself!” My gun was raised, ready for a strike.

Another twig broke, this time behind me making me spin around to catch the sight of a very large snake tail. “Echinda…..” My voice was strong yet filled with fear and she knew it.

“So, an Angel that knows her mythology. Very rare to come across one of those. Tell me, how are the old bastards doing?” She slithered out from behind a tree, her lower half the body of a snake turning human right above her waist. She had gold bracelets on her pale wrists, a bellybutton piercing bejeweled with a ruby, long black hair that fell below the small of her back and a face as beautiful as any angel but her smile, that was what unnerved me. It was wicked and sadistic. Her scaly lower body was black with a tan under belly covered in tribal markings and her chest was covered in a tight leather like bra.

“I’m insulted that you would think I would come here with no knowledge of what I’m up against.” I smirked, challenging the ‘mother of all monsters’ as the Arch Angels would call her.

“Tell me darling.” She slithered behind me, circling me with her large body, so close that I could smell the dead flesh on her breath. “What are you doing here?”

I kept my eyes on her mouth, staring at her fangs. “I’m looking for Gerard Way.”

She scoffed, slithering away from me before turning back to face me again. “Such a fool. What could you possibly want with him?”

“That’s none of your business what I want with him.” This time I stared her down, ready for an attack.

She snarled, raising her arm to strike but I jumped out of the way making her strike the tree instead. “Foolish girl! You think you can taunt me? Get past me? Get away from me?”

I knew I couldn’t out run her and there was no way I could kill her, she was needed to guard the underworld, I just needed to loose her. I jumped up, claws digging into the dead bark and started climbing. “I just have to get over the river.”

I could hear her screaming as I climbed higher, pushing off the tree and spreading my wings, taking flight into the bloody sky. It was risky, so much easier to spot something in the sky than something hidden in the trees but I had no choice. The wind burnt my face, slivers of metal and ash cutting my arms as I flew franticly to get over the river. I looked down to find Echinda right behind me only on the ground. She was slashing everything in her path, screaming and hissing furiously. She couldn’t fly. I was safe in the sky from her at least.

The river was just up ahead and my wings beat faster, trying to just get across. With one final beat, I soared over the river into ‘saftey’ form Echinda and anything else that might be lurking out there however, I knew the dangers had only just begun.

Frank’s Prov

I stood on the side of the road, watching the bus drive away on the broken asphalt. The sky was dark above my head only reminding me that I needed to find a safe place to sleep. “Haha Safe place to sleep on the streets in NJ. Right.”

I grabbed the strap of my backpack and started walking, looking for any place that would provide shelter, even if just for tonight. I yawned, my body telling me exactly how tired I really was. The streets were deserted and I had no idea what time it was making me wonder if this was even a good idea. The brick buildings stood tall into the black sky, looking lonely as if they were wishing revenge on all who abandoned them. I sighed, leaning against one of them. “I know how you feel……I know how you feel.”

There was a large crash that brought me out of my thoughts and making me jump. The crash sounded like broken planks of wood followed by a sharp scream of pain. My eyes grew wide as I ran into the abandoned building towards the screams. The building was dark inside and I could only wait for my eyes to adjust to the darkness before being able to walk around due to the amount of broken wood, metal and glass on the floor. My ears picked up whimpers of pain and so I made my way up the stairs to the second floor, being careful not to break the rusted platforms. “Hello? Where are you!?!?” I yelled out, praying that whoever was hurt would hear me.

“I…I’m in….in here!” The voice of what sounded like a girl cried out in the darkness.

“I’m coming!” I yelled back. “Just keep calling to me! I’ll follow your voice!”

I stood on the second floor, eyes wide searching for any signs of where the voice could be coming from but the lack of light wasn’t helping at all. My fingers grasped the railing, rust coming off in the palm of my hand as it ran across the bar. “Hello?! Where are you!”

“I’m in here! Please help me!” the voice came from a room to my left that was closed off.

I made my way over to the door, placing my hand of the wooden blockade afraid to open it. I screamed into the door “Where are you in the room? I’m opening the door!”

“I’m in the back, the door is blocked! It won’t open!”

“Are you hurt?” My heart was pounding, afraid she was dying. My mind jumped to the worst possible outcome before I calmed myself down with the thought that if she was hurt or dying, she wouldn’t have such a calm, steady voice.

“No….i’m…I’m ok just stuck!”

I nodded, then realized she couldn’t see me so I shouted. “Ok! I’m going to try to get the door open. Keep your eyes covered.”


I grabbed the handle, turning it and pushing only to find she was right about it being blocked. “Fuck.” I kept the handle turned and brought my foot up, kicking it as hard as I could happy when it budged slightly. I kicked again and again until a large crash filled the room, the sound of wood and metal tearing before I was blinded by dust. The door hit the floor and what looked like a book shelf fell with it reveling an office looking room with glass windows and a over turned desk and several books on the floor. Covered in the books was a small girl with dark brown hair and a dirty face. Her eyes were wide when she saw me, big green filled with shock and fear. I rushed over to her and helped unbury her from the mass of books and once she was free, she stood up and shot over to the other side of the room holding a small knife in her hand. She glared at me, instantly defensive.
“Who are you?” her voice was low and threatening, trying to seem dangerous but I could see in her eyes that she was scared.

I kept my hands in the air, trying to show her I was no threat, keeping my head low. “My name is Frank Iero. I’m not trying to hurt you.” I nodded to the knife. “That’s really not needed ya know.”

She glanced down at the knife then back up at me. “Uh hu, right. What is a well dressed kid like you doing in an abandoned place like this?” She paused for a second then spoke again before I could answer. “Frank…Iero. Aint that the kid that died several days ago off that bridge?”

I nodded. “Yeah, it’s a long story.”

“Well, I ain’t gonna be walking around with some living dead kid so you better start speaking.”

“So once you decide I’m not a threat, you’re guna stick around?” I smirked, knowing that’s not what she meant by her statement.

She eyed me up and down before speaking. “Depends on your answer. Start talking.”

“I think you’d be better off sticking with living dead boy and I’m better off letting you think that so you can either put that down and relax or let me walk out cause I really don’t think your up to murder.” I laughed a little realizing I was starting to sound like Gerard.

“You sound like your some kinda murder yourself. If that’s the case, what if I do let you go and you come and kill me hu?”

“If I wanted you dead, I wouldn’t have broken down the door and pulled you out of that mess you somehow managed to get yourself into.”

She eyed me for a moment before lowering her knife but not putting it away. “Fine.”

I really couldn’t blame her for being cautious but that didn’t stop me from finding it amusing. “Look, I just need a place to crash tonight. I’ll go downstairs and be out of your hair by morning ok?”

“What’s with you anyways? What did you do, fake your own death?” She had relaxed and was curious.

I sighed. “Not exactly. It wasn’t intentional that’s for sure.” I sat down on the ground, resting my arms on my knees. “Long story short, I was pushed off the bridge by bullies, someone saved me and when everyone thought I was dead, I figured it was easier to start over new than to go back to my old life.”

She nodded. “I guess I can relate to that. Not the whole death thing but……the old life part.”

“You a runaway?”

“Yeah. Few months now. Shit parents, shit school I was just over it. Thought I could get away and live a better life on the streets and I think it was the biggest mistake of my life.”

“So far, I’d have to agree with you. This place smells like shit for real.”

I laughed and so did she, leaning back on her arms looking at the ceiling. “Aint that the truth!”

“So,” I paused, sitting up. “Whats your name anyways?”

She smiled. “Jamia.”

Valon’s Prov

I stood at the gates that guarded the castle. It was odd that no one was guarding the entrance but I figured I was the only one that ever wanted in. Most people were trying to get out so the guards would be on the other side the question was how to get though the other side without being seen. My fingers grasped the bricks, starting my climb over the wall. I crouched down once I was at the top, looking around everything to see where I was. The castle was tall, built with dark bricks and surrounded by trees that looked more like fingers emerging from the ground due to the lack of leaves on their dead branches. The entrance was a large metal door with the pentacle star on it with two large wings on each side engraved into the front. Guards stood on each side of the door encased in metal armor, large swords held in their demonic grasp. My fingers reached up to touch the scar on my neck where Gerard had bit me, reminding me why I was here and what I was here for. I scanned the castle walls before finding a window the held a ledge reaching out over the fiery wasteland. My fingernails clawed at the brick, growing into claws as my back arched, wings turning black and fangs emerging from my mouth. In one leap, I landed on the castle wall digging my claws into the side as I slid down trying to stop myself. My legs were crouched under me, face turned to the side looking down at the guards blow. Once I was properly latched to the side of the castle I began my ascension to the window unsure as to who or what would be in the room.

My fingers gripped the ledge as I peered over the baseboard into the room. From what I could see, it was for the slaves due to the lack of decoration and the concrete block for a bed. There was a door at the end of the room that was locked from the inside but that lock was easily broken. I jumped onto the ledge and crouched down against the wall looking at the room cautiously. There was a girl sitting on the edge of the ‘bed’ with long black hair and a rag for a shirt. She had her back to me and was looking at something in her hand. I quietly made my way behind her, my hand clasped over her mouth before pulling her hear to my face so I could whisper to her “Scream and I’ll break your neck. Nod if you understand”

Her head shook in my hands as I threw her onto the bed before climbing on top of her, hand still over her mouth. “What room is this?”

Slowly I let go of her mouth so she could answer me. “T…The…slaves quarters! Please don’t hurt me!”

I brought my hand down over the side of her face. “Quiet! That wasn’t part of the question!”

She whimpered and nodded. “Now. Since you are clearly a slave, you must know this castle well. Where is Gerard Way’s quarters?”

Her eyes grew wide. “I…I don’t…”

“And don’t you fucking say you don’t know!” My eyes were black as night and I knew she was afraid. I honestly had no intention of hurting her, simply to scare her into telling me what I needed to know.

“Ok! I’m sorry! Please…..its down the hall to the left! 9th door on your right! But he’s not there! He’s with his brother…..Please…don’t hurt him….” Tears shone in her eyes as I tilted my head to the side.

“Why would he be in his brother’s room?” I was still sitting on her but my hand was no longer near her mouth.

“He….Master Way was injured by their father….The Elder Way hasn’t left his side since….Please…”

“I’m not going to hurt him…….much. How badly injured is Mikey?”

She stared at me and I realized she had no idea who Mikey was. She knew him as Master Way. “Master Way.”

“Oh….no one calls him by his real name. He’s hurt badly. The Elder Way has assigned me to take care of him due to my medical knowledge.”

“Take me to him. Are there anyone in the halls?” I asked, getting off of her and making my way to the door.

“No…not at this hour.” She stood up, very clearly still scared as she made her way over to the door, unlocking it and leading me into the halls.

We passed several doors on both sides that contained who knows what and I didn’t have the time to find out. She stopped at a door, knocking and waiting for it to open. I looked to my left and heard talking coming our way. I pushed her forward and forcefully opened the door, ignoring her protests. I grabbed her wrist and pulled her in, turning on my heel to find a very shocked looking Gerard.


I growled. “Shut it Gerard.”

I heard the slave girl behind me gasp at how I talked to her master but I ignored it knowing full well he wouldn’t do anything. “I’ve got a bone to pick with you. If you fucking think that you can just ditch out on me and Frank to come back to whatever fucked up life this is, you are an idiot. I stuck with you this god damned far, why would you think I would ever let you do this alone?” I made my way over to him, pulling him towards me and into a hug. He reeked of sweat and ash, a smell all to common in Hell.

“V….I didn’t….why are you here?” He pushed me away, holding me out at arms length.

“Your all I have Gee…..I don’t have anything else to go to….” Tears stung my eyes as they lost their blackness and drifted back to their golden brown color.

“He’ll kill you if he finds you here.” Gerard looked at me with pleading eyes.

“We have the element of surprise on our side. I’m in the fucking castle and he has no idea! We can do this Gee or god damnit we can die trying!” I pulled him into a kiss, smirking at the second gasp earned by the slave girl who clearly had no idea what was going on. I felt Gerard lean in, kissing back making me smile.

“Ok……but Mikey….”

I turned to the slave girl. “Whats your name?”

She looked up. “Alicia.”

I pushed away from Gerard, walking over to her sticking out my hand. “I think we met of the wrong foot Alicia. I’m Valon.”

Alicia looked down at my hand, unsure what to do. “umm….i don’t…”

Gerard laughed. “You shake her hand silly.”

Alicia’s eyes grew wide and she quickly took my hand before staring at Gerard. “yes, I laugh. Sorry I’m not the hard ass you expected.”

“No…no its just….”

He laughed again. “Its ok Alicia. You can relax. You’re my father’s slave, not mine so there is no need to be formal and all that crap.”

Alicia smiled, looking down at the floor. “Thank you sir……”

“Its Gerard. Not sir. I ain’t that old!” He laughed and she blushed, glancing over at Mikey.

My eyes grew wide realizing something. “You like Mikey!”

She gasped and Gerard’s eyes got wide too. “Wha….no…I..he’s…I…”

I laughed. “Your stuttering, blushing and looking at the ground! You totally like Mikey!”

Alicia just looked at the ground. “Ok…fine….I do.”

Gerard laughed, looking over at the sleeping Mikey. “Well, he’ll be relived to know his feelings aren’t one way.”

I grinned at Alicia. “When we get out of this….i’m hooking yall up for real!”

“We?” Alicia questioned.

Gerard nodded, walking to the door. “Yes, We. Your coming with if you’d like.”

Alicia smiled, nodding. “Oh yes, yes! Thank you so much sir! Thank you!”

I laughed. “Now enough joking around. Gee, whats the POA?”


“Yeah, Plan Of Attack? Someone doesn’t watch alien movies……”

“Your right, I don’t. I’m too busy trying to take over the underworld. Now, Lucifer will be sleeping however there will be guards outside his door. We kill the guards, he wakes up, we be fucked however, if we can get in through the window…..we might have a chance. Alicia, I need you to stay here and watch Mikey and I know this is a big request but protect him with your life. He’s my baby brother and if anything happened to him…..”

“Don’t worry, I’ll never let them hurt him.”

“Thank you….truly and honestly thank you. Should this plan work and we survive this, I promise no harm will ever come to you in the land of the living or the dead. Valon, you will come with me, we need that demon of yours.”

I nodded, walking over to the window that I had previously scaled passed. I closed my eyes and transformed into the ‘demon’ as Gerard called it then looked back at him, tapping my claws on the wall. “Well, lets go.”

Frank’s Prov

I groaned as my whole body felt stiff from sleeping on the concrete floor. I went to sit up when I felt something or someone curled up against me. My first instinct was to push them away however I realized who it was and relaxed, smiling at the sleeping Jamia. Her dirty black hair fell in her face as her chest rose and fell with her breathing. She was this homeless girl from a broken home and I was this homeless boy who had somehow been abandoned by both humans and demons. “There really is no hope for me.”

I hadn’t realized I said it out loud and jumped a little when Jamia stirred before groaning and jumping back at the close proximity of our faces. “What the hell?!?”

I sat up slowly, still stiff from the ground. “I don’t know….when I woke up you were just there…..”

A blush crossed over her cheeks and she ducked her head. “I…um…I got cold. Sorry.”

I smiled. “Its fine. I didn’t mean to wake you.”

We sat there awkwardly for a moment before she stood up and silently made her way to my stuff. “You should go. You said you would be gone by morning and the earlier you start, the farther you can go.”

I frowned. “Right…..” standing up, I grabbed my backpack and threw it over my shoulder. “Will you be ok on your own? I mean….I can stay if you….like…want a friend or something…..”

She shook her head, not looking at me. Speaking coldly. “I’ll be fine on my own. I can take care of myself Frank.”

“Well yeah I just…..its hard being alone.” Truthfully I was hoping she would let me stay not because she needed me but because I needed her. I knew my history of depression and I was afraid of what my mind and body were capable of.

She looked up at me, eyeing me. “Your not talking about me are you?”

I frowned, shaking my head. “I just……I’ve been alone all my life. I finally make friends and they…..ditch me. That feeling of being happy, being accepted then it being ripped from you…..i don’t know if I can go back to being alone again. I’m afraid I’ll do something stupid.”

Jamia sighed, walking away before sitting down on some stairs putting her head in her hands. “No passengers, no friends, no heroes, only you. No passengers, no friends, no heroes, only you, No passengers, no friends, no heroes, only you.”

She kept repeating that phrase over and over again and for a moment, I thought she had gone insane. “Frank…I can’t. I can’t…I won’t….trust…I just….Frank I can’t.”

“What are you afraid of Jamia? Please…..I need you.”

“I’m afraid of friends, passengers in my life! I don’t want to be broken again…..i cant….you’ll just leave!”

“Jamia! I won’t leave! I begging for you to let me stay! Why would I leave if I need you to survive….at least…show me the ropes.” I grinned. “I’m new at this whole homeless thing.”

She chuckled. “yeah, I see that.” She waived her hand in the air. “Alright fine, you can stay just…..leave me alone! haha”

“Deal.” I smiled, happy to not be alone and even happier to have a girl that doesn’t have wings or a demon in her by my side.

Jamia stood up and grabbed her back pack, throwing it over her shoulder. “Lets get moving. We can’t stay in one place too long. Grab your stuff and lets go.”

I nodded. “Ok.”

We left the building and the sun was so bright my eyes shut and my hand came over them in an attempt to block the rays. “Damn…” I muttered and heard Jamia chuckle but say nothing. The ground was wet, mud covering my already dirty converse.

As if reading my mind Jamia spoke. “I didn’t know it rained last night.”

“I didn’t either. Must have started while we were asleep and stopped before we woke up.” I kept my hands on the straps of my backpack and I walked with my head down, following behind a silent Jamia for what felt like hours.

The sky was cloudy and it was about mid-day by the time we made it out of that piece of shit part of town and into a nice part. I wasn’t sure if I was happy about being out of the rough part or worried when we entered the richer part. The streets were clean and new lined with even newer looking houses. The driveways held nice black cars, shiny and glimmering on in the sunlight as old men in suits left their houses, kissing their trophy wives goodbye. I watched as Jamia glared up at the houses and snarled at the men. I knew we looked out of place, wearing torn jeans and dirty shirts with mud covered converse. The trophy wives stared at us, some glared, some scoffed but none asked if we were ok. None of them wanted anything to do with us. We were lower than them because they had money. They wanted us out of their part of town.

“Come on Frankie, walk faster before they call the police.” Jamia picked up her pace, looking back at me not watching were she was walking for 3 seconds. My eyes grew wide and it was in that 3 seconds that tires screeched, the trophy wives gasped and a bone crushing smack filled my ears. Jamia’s body collided with one of the nice shiny cars that were flying down the road, her back rolling and smashing into the windshield shattering it. The car came to a stop and his eyes were wide with horror at the bloody mess that was crumpled under his car.

“JAMIA!” I dropped to my knees, trying to get her off the concrete road. Her eyes were wide, her pale dirty face covered in road rash and blood, her mouth closed trying to open to speak. I held her in my arms as she gasped, chest heaving up and down causing her pain. “Jamia, oh fuck Jamia…..please be ok….fuck fuck fuck! Call 911!!!” I shouted at the man who was standing behind me, petrified. He brought a phone to his ear but I couldn’t hear the words being said. All I could focus on was the girl I had just met who was possibly dying in my arms.

Ok! finally another chapter us up! I was having serious writers block and to be honest, i kinda forgot about the story. sorry guys! I tried to make this one really interesting and i only got 2 reviews on my last chapter. I try to aim for at least 4 or 5 so if your reading it, please review it. The more reviews i get, the faster it gets updated cause i know people are reading and liking!!!

and any suggestions on plot ideas/fight scenes or crap you would like to see happen in the story, let me know and i will try to make this story for my readers!!!! thanks guys!
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