Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > New kid on the block

Leave it all behind

by coffeekid 4 reviews

Gerard has always been a victim of abuse. Not from other kids but from his mother. When a dark secret gets out around the town, Gerard is forced to move, along with his mother, where he meets an in...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2012-06-09 - Updated: 2012-06-11 - 555 words

Chapter One... Leave it all behind

Gerard has never been someone to fit in.
'I'm a loner.. A total and utter loner' he thinks to himself whilst pouring the remains of coffee in his old cracked mug.
See, all through his childhood he was bullied, thrown around, told he was never good enough and now at the age of 17 there's nothing left but self hatred which is slowly spiralling into destruction and mutilation.
He sits at the old kitchen room table, slowly sloshing the coffee around whilst thinking about 'The big move' as his mother would call it.
"Do we really have to move, mum?" he asks, an expression of thought entering his face, " I mean, i'm 17 years old. I'm practically old enough to live alone".
Carol, his mother, puts down the dish she was clearing and turns away from Gerard towards the medicine cupboard.
"Yes Gee, we have to move... you know why so there's no need for me to remind you"
He sits there for a moment, carefully examining the coffee cup whilst pretending not to remember what happened only two days ago...
... two days ago. Thursday the 3rd of June...
To any normal person, and even any person atall, this date would have no significance what so ever.. but no, unfortunately Gerard was not so fortunate.
He sits there, eyes burning through the fabric of his sleeved sweater, imagining all the carefully cut scars, each with their own twisted meaning and memory.
"Look, we're going to get away from here... just me and you, no one will miss you anyway" she bluntly says.
His glare shifts to her, as if trying to burn though her very flesh; into the mind that has caused him so much pain during his childhood.
Gerard's thoughts skip back to two days ago- the day when his mother tried to suffocate him in his sleep, and well, she almost succeeded.
See, the reason Gerard and his mother are moving is because word spread around the locals of the incident.
'I should just run away' he thinks to himself, considering what life's going to be like in a new town, new people... the 'normal, happy family' act being set into place again.
His thoughts flicker back to the past...

Gerards childhood has consisted of being the personal punch-bag of his mother. Infront of people, for 17 whole years he's been forced to act happy in fear that if otherwise more harm will be inflicted. In the small town, he's only had two real friends he can trust- Jake and Mikey; well now he's being dragged away from them by his vindictive mother into a world of strangers and yet more pretending.

A whole set of plates crash to the floor, followed by the raging screams of his mother.
Suddenly he's being dragged towards the hallway by his hair.
"Get your stuff, we're leaving! Now!" she screams down his ear, forcefully pushing him towards the stairs.
Gerard obediently makes his way up the stairs, stroking the raw area of which some of his hair was torn out by his cruel mother.
'I should just die' he thinks to himself, whilst considering his chances. But truth is, Gerards too scared to try anything atall. He grabs his already packed rucksack of the little belongings he owns and starts towards the stairs...
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